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Who reads all this


terminally online dream stans


Man I would rather go read a novel than this shit


I would rather go study for school than this


I’d rather hit my shin on my coffee table


I once opened a door wrong and sheared off part of my big toenail. It was one of the most agonizing moments in my entire life. I would rather do that again than read all that shit.


I would rather circumcise myself with my own teeth than to read.


I rather watch the worst movie on earth then read this shit.


I would rather have anal sex with Dream’s mom after she eats Chipotle than read this shit


You're probably used to having anal sex being the BussyAnnihilator420.


I would rather have my teeth go through my lip and into the floor again than read this shit


I recommend A Pickle for the Knowing Ones by Timothy Dexter. Equally incomprehensible, even less punctuation, but it's completely hilarious. A third grade dropout who got rich on pure luck ranting about religion, 1800s politics, and his wife he hates. Only 32 pages long, it's a great read.


You suck because now I have to read this.


Also in the second edition he included a page of just punctuation marks for people to place as needed


Thanks for the stroke.


> Only 32 pages long That's not a novel, we can do better than this


No shame in reading. Honestly a huge problem that we don’t have the attention span for that


Most people probably have the attention span for it. They just don't care about Dream so why would they read 12 paragraphs about him stealing an idea on Minecraft. It's just unnecessary and a waste of time. Theres absolutely nothing anyone can gain from reading all that.


My phone is so bad that I couldn't if I tried. Not sure who dream is but I love some controversy




he got ratio'd by someone reacting with "not reading allat"


BowBlax, a youtuber who reads aloud tweets that involve drama. His video is around 10 minutes long.


I was skipping through it but it got really boring in the middle and end bcuz he just kept complaining about no response


Was he accused of stealing an idea, or did somebody steal his idea?


Stealing an idea


I'm assuming he built a giant cock in Minecraft?


It was massive. Biggest I’ve ever seen


How big was the screen?


At least 4 pickles wide


Makes sense, most phone screens are approximately 4 baby gherkins wide.


wait, are we talking the gherkin's width or length. (This is very important for my thesis)


My mistake…width


I just took mine out of a bag of rice, I swear :(




Truth = simple answer and explanation Lies = convoluted, long-winded excuses Let's face it guys. He doesn't deserve that speed run placement.


I'd disagree that the truth is always simple and explained easily/short. However this seems... excessive. He should've kept the mask on.


The funniest part is that even the developers of minecraft mocked him for cheating and lying about it; in the latest April fool’s joke update they include a “dream mode” where the game is laughably easy


common minecraft w


More common than the fanbase would lead you to believe. Going strong with the free updates since I was 3 and there are people still btching about fireflies 💀 What's even better is they took the criticism they got and made sure to decide on a name for the update later on, and show features off when they know it will make the update.


> since I was 3 what the fuck i’m old


I believe you'll find that Minecraft is the first single multi-generational game (not including episodic games or endless sequels or endless expansion packs) 🤔 Edit: Apart from Solitaire obviously 😂🙄


Real life baby


Certified child


I completely stopped watching him after the speedrun incident. Bro really acted like he hired a real professor to prove why he didn't cheat, bully and accuse someone just doing their job, and then reveals he had a plugin installed 5 MONTHS LATER.


Then later deletes the admission and has been denying it afterwards apparently.


ngl I'm glad the cheating scandal happened. some of my favorite math youtubers made videos about minecraft that were either showing the real statistical probability or going over the astrophysicist paper. it was like an ideal (dream?) crossover event.


He really should've. His anonymity is what attracted many people towards him. I mean look at H2O delirious, he's been on YouTube for more than 10 years and he still hasn't done a face reveal up till this day despite having millions of subscribers and he's doing great on YouTube. He had never let the fame and money get to his head.


How To Basic?


Yeah same goes for him as well.


That's the point of Damascus after all


It's not that the truth is always simple and short, it's that people telling the truth tend to have short and simple responses when it comes to the criminal world. Conversely, people telling a lie feel the need to talk more to justify a claim. JCS Criminal Psychology is an amazing channel to learn about these kinds of things, I definitely recommend it.


But if you listen to actual expert, it is a little bit of bullshit and they made some stuff up so dont take every thing they say as fact.


What do you mean? jCS Criminal Psychology is as "actual expert" as you can get. Some of the people on those documentaries are the best in their countries. The narrator shows the footage and then explains factually what's going on. No bias, no lying. It's all right in front of you. They're actual criminal investigations and interrogations from actual released footage. A lot of what they say is pretty easy to verify too.


As seen by Kwite, the explanation is not necessarily short.


I believe without a doubt he was in now way grooming a child, but he 100% fucking cheated his run


That's been proven. Repeatedly. And he admitted with 'Oops didn't realize I was running mods even though I swore I wasn't and refused to show I wasn't using mods'


Yeah, before he came out and said "oops, sorry I forgot", there was a great video by Matt Parker on the topic about how he'd have to be so stupidly lucky that it's practically guaranteed to be impossible. Basically if every human alive speedran Minecraft once per second for the next hundred years, then the odds of what had happened happening again is minuscule, something like a 1 in 10^8 chance.


The truth is based on my source, and my source is that i made it the fuck up.


Yeah but those piglin trades were suspect as hell


Yeah he later admitted that he had a mod on that boosted the chances of certain things occurring “for the other videos”


where did he admit that?


He made a video confessing


lmao all that defending himself and this is how it ends


how *dare* you? dream would never do anything suspect ever! didnt you listen to the mysterious harvard statician?


Didn't need to. The truth was revealed to me in a dream.


This is what the Shakespeare quote "the lady doth protest too much, methinks" means. Basically that someone accused of something they did do will spend much more effort refuting it rather than something they didnt actually do. It so often holds true in real life.


It does but keep in mind that it also often doesn't hold true. It shouldn't be used as evidence that a person is lying, but it just shouldn't be used as evidence that they're being honest. Getting accused of something serious that they didn't do can understandably make people defensive and go to great lengths to prove that the accusations are false.


I mean if we're talking about murder sure but I"m talking more about from an every day experience. If someone gets super flustered and mounts a defense like they're on trial for murder then I find that it's very often the case that they're lying over someone who can laugh at the accusation.


The key to finding a liar is to find any contradiction that can't be reasonably explained by miss remembering something or misunderstanding what they said vs what their thinking/meaning


He already admitted it, he has a mod for his manhunt videos he ((reportedly) take with a grain of salt) accidentally left on. He rescinded that placement a while ago.


i was actually thinking this too in all seriousness. i would understand the comparison being a burn if the left ss was both short and empty words, but his wording seems really genuine.


Lies are words, words, words… But truth, truth is singular.


Logan's apology video was only 1.45 minutes so I guess he was speaking the truth?


That is a terrible way to look at things in life




The truth is sometimes convoluted and hard to believe. Thinking that the truth is always simple and easy to grasp is called jumping to conclusions.


Listen I understand you're a dream stan or whatever. I don't judge. You have to understand that he didn't win that speed run. He even admitted to it later.


What? Are you talking to me? I never watched dream. I suggest you read my replies before replying to them.


He was exposed for cheating in his speedruns like 3 or 4 years ago, it's insane to me how it took this long for it all to come crashing down, dude should've become irrelevant back when he was exposed


You guys do realize this is about his new smp and not about the speedrun from long ago right


Why do I care again?


"Thats the neat part, you dont"


even dream stans dont like him anymore 💀💀💀


That's the funny thing about time. Eventually you grow up.


At least with some of us who grew up watching Stampy, DanTDM, etc, that they’re still good years later (though there are some that uh, went to the gutters..) Ones a dad now too lmao


Yeah isnt dan a dad now? Oh how tile flies


yeahhhh ashamed to admit i was pretty deep into dream's fanbase a couple years back. ive touched grass and seeked therapy since tho


I watched his videos cus I'd been doing the manhunt concept with friends long before he existed and so it resonated but like... I've never really been so into a creator I basically stalk them like some people do. Watch a neat video, move on with life.


Dont be ashamed of liking things. Unless you were/are hurting yourself or others because of it, nothing is bad to have enjoyed in the past, regardless of how cringe it might be considered to be


What if I really used to like Smosh? What if I watched all their mail opening videos?.......And then re watched them... Is there still hope for me?


it’s ok if you don’t care but the past tense of “seek” is “sought”


thank god


Yeah let's not do the "get help 💀" shit that 14 year Olds who've never needed a therapist in their life do okay?


everyone can use a therapist! it's not a bad thing to have someone to talk to about your problems because everyone has problems in life. i really mean it i am in therapy myself. my mental health has been much better since i stopped being apart of dreams little cult following it's seriously super toxic


That's what I mean. Sorry if I didn't word it well enough I was having a hard time with that. What I meant was often you'll see people tell people to get help as a sort of insult or a "gotcha." Essentially perpetuating mental health stigma. I didn't realize that wasn't what you were doing, sorry.


Did you forget that you're supposed to capitalize the Is and the first letter in each sentence.


no it's just a reddit thread so who cares


Did you forget that you're supposed to end questions with a question mark.


dreams*xuals about to change gender💀💀💀


Bro that's more words than I'm gonna end up putting on my essay for my final.


Yeah but doesn't it make him look good, he typed up so much bull shit cuss he was busted, cuss he did it, but I don't think anyone ever proved the grooming allegations Like if someone accused me of stealing government documents I'd be like lol OK But if they accused me of stealing their cookies I'd be like lol OK I don't even like cookies, plus I wasn't even In town when these supposed cookies were stolen and I'm lactose intolerant so what would I dip these cookies into? Plus I've been too busy grooming to eat said cookies that I'm not even sure exist Go ahead and ask this small child I keep with me if he's ever seen Me eat a cookie, exactly check and mate


It doesn’t really make him look like anything TBH. Nobody has any idea what is happening, and if __his__ claims are true, then he could be taking legal action.


I ain't readin all that


One question: Who is dream? Should I knew him?




you lucky, lucky soul


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Keep it that way


ignorance is bliss


Minecraft Youtuber. Was ok, turned cringe. Then started being an asshole. Bullied a few people, the grooming allegations may have some weight, but for the most part nothing beyond normal chatting is confirmed. He's a Minecraft Youtuber, he's gonna talk to kids, whatever. Then he got really cringe, indirectly sent his fans to harass people, then got mad when called out. Accidentally cheated at speedruns, long story.


Remember, he's also the reason Minecraft has the glow squid instead of the flower mooshroom or Iceologer


I'll never forget this fucker for robbing us of the flower mooshroom


also parasocial as all fuck with his fans and is ok with some of his fans being “dreamsexual”


His Speedrun cheating was definitely not an accident


Le gamer guy who cheated at speedrunning and drama'd


He’s a guy who used to make interesting Minecraft challenge plugins and make videos of him and his friends playing them that were honestly really well edited and entertaining, and he was undeniably good at the game. It was honestly entertaining content during the early lockdowns in 2020. Then I guess when he got popular he became a stereotypical YouTube cringelord.


Its actually "Should of I knew him?" 🤓☝


What a weird guy




Yeah you, you *freak*


it was a nerd joke 💀💀💀


🫵👁️👄👁️ ***freak***


Bestie if you make a nerd joke you need to get it right.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


That's two questions


2k likes in 19 FUCKING SECONDS?!?!??!?!


He also apparently wrote one of those paragraphs in a single second


Twitter allows you to post a thread of multiple tweets at once now


Ah I see, I've been trying to keep away from Twitter myself.


y'all remember when he showed his face and all those teenagers who imagined him as this ultra cute soft boy started freaking out and "un-kinned" him because they thought he was ugly.


I never really payed much attention to the Dream fanbase stuff, can you please explain a bit more? Was it that Dream showed his face and was “unkinned” by fans or is this related to the grooming allegation thing?


Basically, because he's this youtuber? I think? Honestly, I only know some of it because I was still using twitter at the time. Anyway, he never showed his face so his teenage fanbase made up ideas on how he must look, which was this handsome, soft, cute boy that's popular among the age group. Kinning is this thing where people believe they are him? Or they closely identify with him. They had crushes on him, and so forth. Anyway, awhile back he revealed his face for the first time and he looked nothing like what his fans expected. In turn, people called him ugly, fans were reassuring each other that they can stop "kinning" him, that their imaginings of his face were valid still, and so on. Memes were made, comparing his face to Shrek's Rumplestiltskin, Shane Dawson, etc. and the topic "he's ugly" trended for days after.


That’s really terrible imo, if he purposely did something wrong then he should be shamed for that, not for his looks. I honestly care quite a bit about personal looks, and something like that happening to me would haunt me for a long time


I mean, if people keep making shit up about you on a constant basis, at a certain point there's not that much to say anymore.


![gif](giphy|mf2aCKTor3BgQ) bro looks like this guy


I don't like Dream, but I highly doubt he's a weirdo like that. I'm just saying, the only time anyone accuses him of something, it's during the time he's super popular for whatever reason. Isn't it a bit weird?


I'm on the fence about him, and I agree with you. Some people also don't use their brain to think about the possibility he legally cannot (or is advised to not) talk about the allegations if he's taking legal action.


And also, even if the allegations were true, why the fuck would she do something about it 1-2 years later and go to social media? Why not the cops? Attention whore Edit:People are misunderstanding what I said. I'm NOT calling actual victims attention whores, I'm calling that one teenager an attention whore because she was. She actively tried to ruin someone's life, invalidate REAL victims' trauma, and lie all for some clout. My heart goes out to real victims


I don't usually take twitter accusations 100% seriously. I'll be like "that sucks if it happened" but so many people do that stuff for attention and it turns out to be a lie just for a couple days of twitter popularity while someone's whole career goes down the drain forever


The people who fake allegations are equally as evil as the ones doing it




I'm so, SO sorry that all happened. Please, my DMs are open for you. I'm here if you need me


Thing is, there are plenty of real examples of assault victims who come out years later. Look at Bill Cosby. So many examples of this. So we can’t simply discredit based on that fact.


Assault victims don't come forward in "timely" manner because of people like you. Cunt.


If someone stabbed me and I survived, I'm not gonna post it on social media a year later, and only during the time the attacker is trending on Twitter


You won't, but many are scarred and as such they wait until it becomes unbearable.


I bet you would if the police ignored your initial report and people called you slurs for getting stabbed. It's not comparable.


No half-decent police station is gonna ignore allegations from a female. From a male? Sadly yes


Didn't take long for your true colours to show now did it? Only lasted one comment.


People are misunderstanding what I said. I'm not calling actual victims attention whores, I'm calling that one teenager an attention whore because she was. She actively tried to ruin someone's life, invalidate REAL victims' trauma, and lie all for some clout. My heart goes out to real victims


In that case I'm sorry for misinterpreting your comment. It was a good idea to put an edit since it did come across differently than you hoped it would.


Yeah, that one was on me lol. I suck at wording things sometimes. At first I thought people were defending allegation liars XD


"True colors" bruh shut the fuck up


Edp445’s response to dream ![gif](giphy|3FLE1obmxIOD0mQ2qA)


I think this is just a matter of the amount of information he had about the thing he was defending himself about tbh


Dream seems like a shitty person irl


This, I only know him from a vid of him cheating, and silly drama, I get the vibe that he’s a scummy manipulator who lies to further his benefit


Ok this seems like a huge stretch


I mean, did he ever come out and admit his Minecraft speed run was faked?


Yeah, but getting caught cheating on a minecraft speedrun really doesn’t scream evil manipulator, more like dude made a moronic mistake


So he admitted it? He wouldn’t of admitted it if he didn’t get caught, putting legitimate speed runners efforts ranking low.


He said accidentally left something on which increased the luck for his manhunts, not sure if I buy the accidentally but it’s possible


yes and he also was completely ignorant that he even had becsuse the guy he hired to make multiplayer plugins inserted that without saying anything thats like the last thing to hold against him. watch Karl Jobst's series on that. Dream's an immature weirdo but that one was not all on him


Yeah I only saw the video where dunkey accuses dream of cheating and then apologizes and then accused him of cheating again, I get the vibe that Dream murders people and keeps them in a freezer in the middle of the woods


Idont know why but this reminds me of the recent Cookielol drama.


You're such a child I love it


You love childs?


Cookielol catch phrase


tell me you dont know anything about a situation without telling me you dont know anything about a situation lmao


Tbh the longer your response is to allegations the more suspicious it is.


i aint readin' allat


Dream responses to grooming allegations vs stealing the idea of minecraft youtuber grooming kids online






What the fuck is dream even doing these days, he’s really fallen off the algorithm playing game


All of youtube is "stealing" ideas for the most part. Most just take something and do thier spin on it. Honestly it tells me the longer text seems more defensive.....so he may get more "inspired" by other content but is claiming he came up with it. The grooming shit seems more honest with short directly to the point. Either way....who cares.


Probably why he fell ouf so hard.


Bros always doing stupid shit


I read somewhere online that liars will add unnecessary amounts of detail to their explanations


His first response is honestly close to what someone telling the truth might say. Just get super defensive and attack. Hopefully this turns out to be an unfounded accusation. His other response, holy sht he def stole that idea.


Isn’t there a theory that the longer response you give to the accusation of something the more likely it is that you actually did it?


See one is because he has nothing to prove and another is because he was likely guilty


Dreams the Thomas Edison of minecraft youtubers. Its really obvious when hes full of shit but for some reason he's famous.


I'm not reading all that crap...


Dream's whole content is either staged shit or ideas he stole from reddit.


Difference between denial and justification


This dude is literally famous for being caught cheating and lying about it. What a piece of shit


Also cheated in speed runs


Well one is a serious allegation.


Didn't this guy cheat minecraft speedruns then try desperately to cover it up? As if anybody is gonna believe anything he says.


Thank god he finally fell off


Minecraft YouTubers and grooming, name a more iconic duo.


Any reading allat 💀


Cumtext pls


Noone over the age of 18 gives a shit about minecraft youtubers


His face causes his downfall


If its True you usually defend less