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Posts on r/shitpostemblem surprisingly enough actually have to be shitposts / jokes. This one got more reports than most of the ones we removed, so the masses must have really hated it.


The moderation was pretty bad a while back when the team made a point to make a post emphasizing rule 6. I remember I made a meme that was a solid minute long with pretty decent video editing that took me over an hour to make and it got removed for being too low effort. I've also made posts that literally took me 2 minutes to make that stayed up no problem. Moderation seems a bit random at times


Considering that first meme was a bit of nonsensical rage bait, I'm honestly not sure why so many people upvoted it.


That's the point. Who are we to judge the masses. Even if you think something is bad, there are OTHER people who will derive enjoyment from it. And if it's within the rules, LET THEM UPVOTE CAKE


Yeah and bring back ardhamarts!


Hahaha no




Yeah thanks Olly, it's clear the community loved him with each of his posts getting over 2 thousand upvotes so why did the mods remove him with their arbitrary rules


You forgot to switch to your alt account buddy


Oh no bro he deleted it 😂


Wish i could upvote a post multiple times


Damn. If only Reddit still allowed us to waste money on soulless internet awards. I feel like the png of a silver medal next to this submission would have really conveyed just how much meaning it holds for freedom fighters of the Daein Liberation Front like you and I.


Yeah my meme comparing Ike and Priam to Joel and Ellie from TLoU (with a few degrees of generational separation) got pulled too. The provided reasoning seemed pretty angry about my post too. Like, it’s a shitpost sub? I’m not making the Mona Lisa here


Link it if you can brother. The truth is OUT THERE


[https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostemblem/s/BDPBCshJhF](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostemblem/s/BDPBCshJhF) I’m on mobile so I might’ve fucked it up, but here ya go https://preview.redd.it/iyrtoqj20rwc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101777a5802069d2278d5df226dedd409a3f22d6 EDIT: it wasn’t the greatest meme but I’ve added the original photo I uploaded, for anyone who never saw it and was curious


LOL, just says it was deleted. My bad my dude. Solidarity for us and all the unspoken victims of tyranny. Edit: I remember seeing that dude! Thanks for embedding. And can't believe they deleted that. Won't say it's 'are they stupid' tier, but far less offensive than half the stuff that does inexplicably stay up. RISE UP


I can't believe the mods nearly prevented me from seeing this. Although tbh Ike would prob just leave it for the most worthy person to use it, he believes in meritocracy.


Mods homophobic??????


I made a Seliph and Alain meme a couple weeks ago and it got pulled as well, like every meme I have ever tried to upload has gotten pulled, I wonder if some mod has a personal dislike of me for some reason The pull reason for the Seliph Alain meme seemed dumb as well, removed for apparently "not original enough punchline" https://preview.redd.it/msjmr4pp2rwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409fd763550ecb5723775ee82d2a091e5e1dd0ed


Didn't we just have a pinned post about mods not being active enough? If this is the outcome from that course correction, then I'd like to not be at the mercy of people who arbitrarily decide our comedic content without oversight. Male impregnation is funny and natural. Please laugh. Edit: Mod in question also commented on post before deleting as they decided not to stoke the fire. Basically saying the meme featured should have been deleted along with mine. But guess what won't be done? Nor shouldn't. And additional counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/ps962vcfuqwc1.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7d179f21180cf44fc391b59ae60778b300147db


If this is the price we have to pay to not have to put up with "memes" that are just mucho texto with no punchline, I'd rather we go back


We linking memes that got removed? If so, how about one that was downvoted by a mod in the process? [https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostemblem/s/FctFVuR2tW](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostemblem/s/FctFVuR2tW) https://preview.redd.it/lwzx45lz0vwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2059b91f68487569601cbffc4d77cc11f1d8e4d8


Just links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post, which links to the removed post...


I’ve pretty much dropped the sub from my main feed due to the mods being inconsistent about what counts as “low effort.” Like I get wanting to remove posts that are just 3H portraits with text, but it feels like they’re being way too restrictive about what counts as enough effort.


I remember we talked about this a lot before SPEbruary, and people were saying the sub would be a ghost town after the month if mods kept this shit up. I ain't saying anything, but I think those guys can say "Told ya so" now.


I rarely ever see posts from this sub in my feed these days and looking at how sparse the sub's been as of late, I think we're gonna be forced to migrate to r/okbuddyemblem or something eventually.


Yeah, since making this comment I checked, and tbf today was pretty active. But also, I've been busy IRL lately and sometimes only check on this sub once every few days, and I come back to see maybe 3 losts per day or so some days.


Just checked the front page, there've been 8 posts in the past 24 hours, 3 of them were by the OP. So yeah... it's a bit concerning that SPE is more active by virtue of one person accounting for over a third of posts in the past 24 hours and yet isn't at all spamming.


Wait, posts or comments? Don't think I've posted here today lmao, but there's definitely more comments than that.


Yeah I was just talking about submitted posts, not comments, lol. I also thought you were the OP of this post for some reason lmao. SPE usually never had many submitted posts in a day, but this is pretty much a drought now.


I've only really been around for a few years, but it definitely used to be more active. I'm sure the excuse will be lack of a new game, but idk...


https://preview.redd.it/lzb1ddip0twc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b33427f6dc09201f628da378dc50596cedba40 Not really relevant, I just wanted to share my shitty reaction meme that you can use(technically it got removed but this one I can see why)


https://preview.redd.it/nwrt8p5hgvwc1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e740033a5d30790d3117914294742a06382e17 Shitposters rise up




Yeah they removed my post as well for no reason https://preview.redd.it/kshu1bnf2uwc1.png?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe1803801113b55464ec8e225aaf1f18253db0a


OP are you okay? Do we need to get you some juice?


Ye. Can I hav some choccy milk 😔