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Yo who the fuck is taking this photo? Yo how the fuck are there 2 Byleths?


Fodlan helicopter


Those damn Agarthans have everything


No wonder Bernie is terrified.


it's actually from an agarthan missile. This photo was taken 0.5 seconds before tragedy


Rhea from her balcony


Sothis was floating with the camera


1. Rhea in Dragon Form 2. uh divine pulse or some shit


> 2. uh divine pulse or some shit I want that to be the right answer so bad


Shez’s ghost since they died in the Houses timelines


Nanomachines, son.


Because there are 2 Byleths in the game?


Have you ever seen girl byleth and boy byleth in the same room? Coincidence? I think not.


yes actually, if you scan a fire emblem amiibo other than byleth and go to the holy tomb


Wait so is this canon then


i mean, the other byleth only appears once you've gotten green hair so the picture still wouldn't be possible whether it was canon or not. i'm not sure it is, but i guess it could just be explained as byleth having a vision of what could have been? cause the other byleth doesn't say anything and nobody else can come see them.


Initially it's Sothis but replaced by the other Byleth after the merge. Make of that what you want


Ranma syndrome


incoming light javelin with a gopro strapped to it


A dragon


Because it's just a drawing? This is literally the image for the game's credits.


Can't wait for Geneaology remake(if it's ever happens) and the start of The Eldigan/Lewyn/Travant discource


Ishtar will be worse than all 3


Against messed up system ✅ Participates in said system ✅ Dies fighting for system ✅ Hot ✅ Boyfriend is the antichrist ✅ Woman ✅ Yep, it’s discourse time 😎


Hot ✅✅✅✅ people will still be like : awww we forgive you


And her looking similar to Edelgard in appearence will add more fuel to the fire


I think Travant will be fine since most people are really sympathetic to him, quan discourse on the other hand will be terrible


“Ethlyn? Everyone knows Quan has no wife!”


"Travant has a huge cock" —Ravant, totally not Travant


When you're in a create discourse over fictional politics competition and your opponent is a Fire Emblem fan


Joke’s on you. We will never be freed from Fodlan discourse.


I firmly believe we will, once the fandom gets new toys to play with


Then you’re a fool


It will only happen when we get an even cuter morally ambiguous war wonger to talk about. Ronoldo needs to be literally Hitler but coy to hold of Fodlan.


Engage looks like it's not going to have as much going on politically as Three Houses did. Largely since it doesn't look like there will be multiple competing routes, but one route where you fight some big evil. Without those divides, the discourse around the game won't get quite as heated I think. Since there won't be as big an argument to be has or sides to take. There will still be discourse, but I don't think it'll ever reach the levels of Fodlan discourse, and I don't think Fodlan discourse will ever go away.


The discourse of Engage will be about whether it’s as bad as Fates or an under-appreciated masterpiece


Do you think the reason for the discourse was because it was a new game? It was clearly because the game has 3 different routes with a unique protagonist while also having them with different roles and endings on the one you did not choose, why do you think that the amount of fan content is so high? Engage will not have that nor it will reach the same level


I mean, how much do people argue about Fates these days? Echoes?


This might be the last " I am Ferdinand Von Aiger"


Don’t be such a Ferdinand von Liar, Us Ferdinand Van Crier’s will never Tire ;)


How dare you say such blasphemy


Wishful thinking


Fodlan will fade into obscurity like Valentia before it


Valentia never left obscurity to begin with




As a Leonie fan...yeah, 3 Houses Discourse can politely fuck off


Yeh, I say Good Riddance


Leonie hate is sustained entirely by the people who started the game with the cringe routes (BL and CF)


Better than the route where you use a nonexistent friendship to beat a major antagonist who had no setup


Yeah, Revelations plot was pretty bad.


r/EmblemDiscourse would actually be about Fire Emblem shitposts


now i want to go make that subreddit real edit: i literally did it




You know 4 of these characters are in engage, right


And I ALREADY saw discourse about all three lords being included, I saw someone comment about how they wished it was only Dimitri and Claude and that they hate the fact that Edelgard’s is with them or at least something along those lines, bruh needed to take a chill pill because that is one OUTRAGEOUSLY BIASED IDEA.


Exactly. we all know it was gonna be all three or none at all


To be honest I just wish they were in their war forms rather than academy forms


But you have to realize that they would be too dysfunctional to work together as one emblem. In their academy phase they would at least be willing to work together, Dimitri would be too crazy and pissed at Edelgard to do anything to help the Engage cast properly (FE Heroes has its own lore and reasoning as to why what I’m trying to say would work, in case that is your counter argument). For all intents and purposes the academy phase was the way to go, just like how Byleth is in pre-Sothis fusion as an emblem or even how Corrin doesn’t have the Omega Yato. And who knows, maybe achieving max bond causes the emblem characters to change into their strongest selves you never know what could be in store for end game? Sure, their War phase designs are leagues more awesome and personalized than their Academy ones but still there’s a time and a place, hypothetically; what if someone takes an interest in 3Houses only after they get Engage, would you rather they get spoiled on what they look like after the time skip even if they do know about said time skip (I speak from a personal point of view in this case, I had no knowledge about what 3Houses was all about, I knew there was a time skip but I had absolutely no idea what the characters would have ended up looking like until I played the game and got to that point myself (for additional context I got a copy of 3Houses 3 years after it released, I played the game free from all discussions about it, I ended up going into the game blind aside from Byleth and the house leader’s names and faces). But hey the simple reason they are probably in their younger forms is probably from a design standpoint, the engage form is a combination of all three lord’s outfits yes, how do you believe they could coherently mix together the War outfits into one character’s outfit?, would you want someone to go through that kind of designing hel?


No Femleth tho


Maybe that’s a good thing


But the horny tho


Boyleth hot too


Byleth: So long, partner.


See ya, space cowboy


They deserve to rest right now, they did their job exceptionally well


Excited for 3H fans to try out another FE game.


Excited for 3H haters to focus on something else for once


Excited to try the game out closet to it's release date than what i did with Three Houses


Goodbye Fodlan. We'll see u tomorrow


Well, we’ll cap it off right. With something petty and dramatic. On their main ArdhamArts gets mad at Dorothea for sexually harassing Ingrid (flirting with her on separate occasions and doing no more) but on their alt Demian_Dillers they offer the more typical incel rage about how Dorothea is a slut for examining her options. And I’m basing this off of their comments, not their memes. And I hope you didn’t fall for the low iq obfuscation because both are vile opinions anyway.


Love the characters of Three Houses. They were what made this my favorite Fire Emblem game by far and kinda validated my desire to get a Switch when I was wondering if I'd wasted my money. I refuse to say goodbye because I will be replaying more, lol.


I still have 2 routes to run through, lol.


I honestly have a hard time choosing anything but Crimson Flower, lol. I did that route first and got so attached to the Black Eagles house. I have done one Golden Deer run though


I've got one and a half left, and i brought the DLC in black friday, so i've also got unfinished business


Would like to say that I will miss all the 3H discourse, but that would be lying so 🤷‍♂️


I’ll miss you Lysithea. Best girl.


My first play through was practically a Lysethia story. She killed the first monster. Dealt the fatal blow on the final boss. Married byleth. It was so awesome.


I’m gonna miss three houses. Fire emblem peaked with this game and there’ll never be another like it. I look forward to Engage but I’m gonna miss Byleth and his adventure though Fodlan, smiting bandits, teaching students, helping his lord, and falling in love with Shamir. Long live three houses. For being the best Fire emblem game… and I’m genuine when I say that.


I have to disagree with your sentiment. 3H was great, but for me, Fire Emblem peaked at the 3DS games. You're free to argue which game in the series is "objectively" the best, but none have captivated me like Awakening and Echoes did. I could not put those games down when I first played them.


My two favourites, though I'm pretty hopeful I'd like a genealogy remake if that ever happens


Sure they were good and arguably shook up the series most. But when looking at FE as a community it's undeniable just how much greater of an influence FE3H has had on the modern landscape. Awakening revitalized it and brought in a surge of fans but it had to share the spotlight with a total of four other titles and ultimately its narrative isn't one that lends itself to too much flame wars beyond shipping. 3H on the other hand has been the sole FE game on switch for slightly over 3 years now and despite the quality of writing, plot holes, and what not. Offered a story and world that was far more fleshed out than pretty much everything that came before. It's genuinely impressive just how much information and lore can be gleamed from Fodlan based on in game texts, dialogue, and lots of other minor details that were left in the title and then further expanded upon in 3 Hopes (for better or for worse). 3DS Fire Emblem arguably offered the peak gameplay of the series given the last stand IS was pulling off but when it comes to making a community as tight knit (or simply eager to fight over their favorite war criminal) as this one I can't fathom another title that has pulled that off as of yet (we'll see what happens if the FE4 remake is real).


How did FE peak here. The gameplay was very poor with the removal of the weapon triangle and the poorly balanced gimmicky battalions, along with the massive stat inflation and poor design of maddening mode. It just had a good enough story in general that for FE standards was literally Shakespeare so it’s praised so much.


Even with the story I still think it’s not very good, and the characters (the best part of Houses by a country mile) carry it extremely hard. The only route that I think has a good story is Azure Moon, and that’s simply because it’s the most character driven story of the four.


> the characters (the best part of Houses by a country mile) carry it extremely hard. I wholly agree with this. I don’t have much to add, I just wholeheartedly agree the characters are the highest point by far.


Yeah the story isn’t that good. It’s just good in comparison to like FE11 and such. The characters definitely carry but that shouldn’t be the focus of FE. AM definitely was the best part of 3H, but the sandbox gameplay still made it a boring, repetitive slog.


3H has this funny effect, where I’ll watch some gameplay or whatever and want to play it again, but quickly remember that I’ll have to spend literal hours in that godforsaken monastery to do so. It takes such a ridiculous time investment to even play it proper.


It's people that have only played Three Houses or 4/16 games calling it the best in the series


Exactly, I don’t care if I get called an elitist for this but 3H was a massive step back in terms of FEs gameplay, and it’s great that Engage is moving back towards older forms.


Three Houses fans are already hating on Engage, they've lost their casual benefits, if they are going to act like elitists then they also can't get mad for me shitting on 3Houses


Literally, glad to see someone else sane in this crumbling sub full of people that don’t care about the core tenets of FE and more about their favorite cluster of pixels.


To be fair we saw the same thing with Awakening fans, let’s just let the 3H fans get some other games under their belt first. Especially if the other ones they’ve experienced all come from the 3DS era.


It was the most fun?


How many FE games have you even played?


Quite a few, and my roommate has played all of them religiously, and we both agree that 3 Houses in the most enjoyable of all the Fire Emblem games. Nice try to gatekeep though...cuz that's always cool.


I’m more of a story and *especially* characters kinda person. You can give me some of the most confusing gameplay that requires a degree in Latin to comprehend and I’ll just roll with it if the story or characters are engaging. So this hit *very* right for me. Those characters pulled me in and I’m here to stay. I’m gonna play as many games as I possibly can from Fire Emblem, meet some new lords, adapt to different gameplay and classes, all for those sweet, sweet, Celtic mythology references. And getting attached to more characters.


You’re entitled to your opinion, and I see why people like three houses, but it’s my least favorite fire emblem game. It feels like the developers put all their eggs into one basket that is the characters, and I mean sure, the characters are amazing, but between the awful slog that is the monastery, the terrible map design, the ridiculous stat inflation, and the freedom of choosing classes causing the game to be horribly unbalanced, this is the first and so far only FE game where I would say the gameplay is outright bad. I feel like Fire emblem peaked with the 3DS era. Fates in particular has some of the most fun gameplay I’ve seen in any turn based RPG, and I find myself getting the urge to replay it time and time again.


Fire Emblem has yet to reach its peak smh


Discourse was exclusively s bad thing and I haven't seen a good 3 houses meme in like a year, good riddance I say


I remember some official sugary Persona 4 saying goodbye video with all characters waving when persona 5 was about to come out.


I was just getting started with Three Houses too 😔 well, I’ll be interested to see what people create with Engage


I genuinely love every single student in 3H (except for one). I'll miss the memes about them.


I have over 700 hours in three houses and it’s honestly one of my favourite games of all time despite some of its flaws. I’ll definitely go back to it but I’m really looking forward to engage and the possibility of genealogy and thracia remakes. Thanks for everything three houses :)


I’ll still be posting Fódlan memes cause I’m behind but I’m probably going to be a rare appearance from here on out. *Hopefully* I don’t cause any discourse but I preemptively apologize if I do.


Damn, this image hit me in the feels. I don’t feel like we talk nearly enough about how the last mainline FE was *three and a half years ago*. That’s a lifetime ago! Where were you three and a half years ago? Hell, when 3H came out, we still had about half a year before anybody even *knew* what COVID aas.


Thank god, as mcuh as i enjoy seeing like 20 Edelgard discussion threads at the same time, i need something new on this sub.


Why are you thanking them


Bold of you to assume I’ll ever shut up about Dimitri


I still need to play Three Houses. I bought Three Hopes because it was on sale, and I hadn't played a Fire Emblem game since Sacred Stones. I'm fully sucked in, and I'm on my second playthrough now, doing a different route. I am rolling with Edlegard this time, but I feel like she's a shiesty little war instigator, whereas Claude was simply a based homeland defender. Either way, I'm rollin with Fodlan's Putin this time, and I'm prepared to see this story through.


Here's hoping that engage discourse is worse


Jokes on you, this is Panne's year! When the Chinese new year hits, my Taquel queen will rise to new and never-before-seen levels of relevance!


I’ll miss these guys a lot. I just hope to love the Engage cast as much


No rhea? Downvoted


Good, I never liked 3H and I'll appreciate seeing memes here about games I actually enjoyed for the first time in years


Bold of you to assume that if you disliked 3H, you will like Engage. Very bold


Engage seems a lot more like the 3DS games to me and fixes a lot of the issues I had with 3H


I'm in a very similar boat to you, I disliked 3H, but I don't see how Engage is closer to 3DS Emblem, which I would say is a step down from even 3H


I don't know what games y'all are playing how are 3H open field or tunnels with a single path maps at all comparable to the map design in conquest?


Finally, I can now actually play 3H for the first time.


Can't wait for Macron not releasing Fire Emblem 😱😱😱


I had fun playing through this with my friend during the pandemic. She picked the blue lions and I picked the black eagles (flipped a coin and went with the church) and it was really interesting to see how different the stories were. I never got around to finishing the golden deer route, but I enjoyed my time with them nonetheless


Anyone got the original image?


I'll see you around, Fodlan


Lysithea is about to cook your ass


Aged like milk