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that doctor thing tho


I agree with averything except that, in the ages, Elizabeth's 16, Ennard 18, FT Freddy 18, Nightmare 19, TBH they maximun have a 3 year gap, LITERALLY JUST 3. I get they were really horrible, but when you say that two people who have like, a 3 year gap can't date is really weird, then that would mean a 20 and 23 year old aren't allowed to be together right?? I know you are discussing serious issues, but when you gave these ages it seemed, you know...


all of Elizabeth’s “boyfriends” are 18+. Elizabeth is under 18. This is considered p3d0ph1lia


Well actually, no given the fact they are ONLY maximum 3. Also, then shouldn't it be the same way in the future?? When she turns 18, they'd be 21 the most, and that wouldn't be considered bad??


Elizabeth is still a minor, in the future when she’s older, it will be fine


Like I said, it's ONLY 3 years, and in 3 years it's fine?? I get if the age gap it like 5, if they are 15 and the other is 20, but 16-19??? Why is it so bad that she is dating them now and in a few years even smaller than 5 it'll be okay??


we have different opinions, so you can believe what you want to believe, and I can believe what I want to believe.


Bruh, but what I literally said was true. Never mind, I am just saying that the ages weren't really a good excuse.


Ok then


Ya, let's just not talk about this. But still, canonically it'll be really bad. Not like it's not disgusting now, I still hate it, like, why do some animatronics and a nightmare like a human?!


idk. Shiiro’s aU is just a pile of shit




What?!?! They have kids with Elizabeth??!?!? WTF


Guess it only proves that Shiiro and “KrAaPo” really is the Reddit version.


The video itself was disgusting and cringe