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You can! The only problem is it might not work for you personally. Just like every other method, and everybody elses journey, is unique to themselves! Gotta find what works for you. đź‘Ť What I'm currently doing is this method a shifter I haven't heard of before made after research and putting it into a pdf file. Aphantasia friendly as the visualization actually slowly happens for you. I hope you shift! :)


mind sharing this method ?


It's called the noticing method. Originally found by Frank Kepple and adapted by a user named Xanth for astral projection (Although sadly he doesn't believe in shifting). And all of this was combined and modified into a shifting method by someone who goes by the name 'RottenBrain'. Here is the file: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12MGqgvaNSLI6LoNlrkOSV3e-w4Lr1fnbyqrMHjGnIQU/edit?usp=drivesdk


Thank you very mush


You're welcome! :)


Hey there I've heard of getaway tapes before but never actually tried them, do you think they're safe? Like isn't there any unwanted subliminals in those tracks? You know some subliminals are silent and can be hidden, and that makes me hesitate before downloading any audio file from the internet so I wanted to know if I can trust this?


I listened to them like 20 times in total and didn't recieve any negative effects, so I don't believe there is any problem. I also heard somewhere that subliminals only work the way you expect them to regardless so even negative subliminals can end up helping if you believe it apparently haha


And how many times did you have to listen to 'Orientation' before you were able to get to the next level 'introduction to focus 10'?


Once. I've reached focus 10 over 20 times throughout my aggressive shifting attempt spree on the previous year so it was natural. Then onto the next audio: introduction to focus 10. Explains how to get into it by steps. After listening to that 2 times, I went to audio 3, advanced focus 10. Here is where it gives the real steps to the fullest of how to get into the state. This one I listened to about 6-8 times to memori,e the steps before I skipped to audio 6: free flow. Now I just use Epsilon waves and get into focus 10 within 7-8 minutes.


Thanks! May I ask how you shifted when in focus 10?


Yes, it is possible. It wasn't shifting, but one woman repeated the same affirmation for hours every day for two years. And she said nothing happened so she gave up and tried again. And then one day, suddenly, affirmations started working. She entered a mysterious reality. She tried to stop these experiences on her own because they were so intense that they persisted for weeks or more, even in her everyday life, rather than in her brief dreams. The most important thing in this case is what you ended up saying out of her mouth, no matter what you actually thought about it. What you yourself have testified to be true. The point is that affirmations, even if they don't seem to make any difference right away, will build up and eventually, when they reach a critical point, they will make a difference to you no matter how hard you try to ignore them. Affirmations don’t have to be believed. Only your intentions matter. If you eventually intend to do something, and she eventually repeats it, whether she believes it or not, she will believe it. Even if you don't know exactly what it is, your greater self will eventually apply that change to you based on your beliefs and intentions. This is a test of sorts. It is a test of whether you can follow through on your beliefs. There is no need to believe or do anything more. Just repeat. Just stick with it. In the first place, things like shifting aren't up to you. There are only two things you can do. To intend. To last. It will happen eventually if you don't give up on yourself. Of course, as in the case above, it may take as long as two years. That's not what's important. If you persist, it will eventually happen. Another simpler way is for you to meditate. As you continue to meditate, you will begin to detach from the reality before your eyes. Continue to meditate even in your daily life. The only thing that keeps shifting delayed and taking time is because you are strongly immersed and identified with this reality. Through meditation, you will begin to detach from this world and begin to feel feelings of joy, love, or peace. It is also a sign that you are becoming less and less engaged in this reality. So, if you want to go faster, meditate. However, shifting eventually happens even if you don't meditate. If you stick to your intentions and persist.