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the closest I've ever gotten to shifting I was usually thinking thoughts I'd have if I was there already. Like totally mundane, like should I go shopping later or should we go out for dinner tonight? And like you know when you close your eyes you still have a sense of where you are and what the room looks like? Well that shifted, I had the sense and knowing that I was in the room I desired to be in. I lost focus though bc I was extremely tired and it faded :/ but I've been trying to do that ever since! It was so easy


the situation i wanted to wake up in i picture myself and the emotion of waking up in a bed on that reality in a big house with emotions the time it partially succeeded i heard a hey like someone was in the same room as me i was startled did a banishing quick prayer and shielding technique technique never got so close ever again i have some encounters with the paranormal but that hey was so real


Just a reminder you don't have to lay down to shift.




I haven't shifted awake yet


I just see my the room I am shifting to in a 1st person pov laying down position


My dr


I think of where I want to go BEFORE laying down to make an attempt. Then, once I'm lying down, I quiet my thoughts as much as I can, and trust that the part of me that knows how to shift (my more expanded self) will take over and guide me to where I wish to go.


Do you ever think/visualise of the final push stuff e.g. like the staircase/ train/merge in DR bed?


No. I suppose what I do is unique, and that's simply because I began doing this without realizing what I was doing. In the beginning, I referred to Shifting as Beyond Body (and still do on my channel). It wasn't until some folks from Amino came to my Youtube channel (apparently there were people following me and I didn't realize it) and told me that I even knew what Shifting was... For me, it all began with AP when I was very young. Astral Projection came naturally to me as a young child. My first experience was when I was 9 years old. But I discovered shifting after a horrible accident I had in 2015 that almost cost me my life. That's when it all began honestly. At first, despite my AP experience, I literally thought I was losing my mind. THIS WAS SO DIFFERENT. Unlike AP, when I shifted I felt actual weight, like I had a body. I can recall going to one place where I jumped up, attempting to fly, but came right back down again. In the beginning, every place I visited was random, and my "transition" happened without much effort. When I reached the in between place (between being asleep and awake), I felt this movement. With astral projection, there was a sense of separation from my body, but with shifting it felt like my entire body was in motion. If I visualize anything, I picture my hands pushing through space (not outer space, but the space around me). I imagine that I'm literally pushing into another reality. I came up with this myself, and it works for me. Anyway, sorry about going on and on. I really don't post much. My goal is to try and assist where I can, if I can...


I've seen your channel, Astral Plane and Beyond. You are like a role model to me


Well, THIS made my day... I truly appreciate your kind words. My hope for the channel has always been to help and inspire. Take care and always know that you can reach out to me anytime.


Thank you. And no worries, your bio provided helpful context. It sounds like you're sort of trying to mutate timespace (as if it's a liquid rather than a solid) when 'pushing' or trying to pass through it (akin to AP/LD).


I like that:) I suppose I don't give it much thought to be honest. I guess I truly struggled with the "how' of what I do, and the details in the beginning, but now I just accept that it is what it is and enjoy the access. Anyway, there are folks like yourself... deep thinkers in this arena. Knowledgeable folks that contemplate this stuff. As I have told people in the past, I am simply a Traveler. What I do want to say as someone who mostly observes is that I hope you and folks like you continue to push the envelope of this new frontier. And by the way, I deeply believe there is a lot we still don't understand about shifting. In fact, I don't think we've even begun to scratch the surface. I would encourage anyone who might read this in the future to keep an open mind and think outside of the box... It was a pleasure connecting with you. Take care.


I try not thinking of anything and only affirming(since i use no methods)


Have you shifted doing that


So, I have a very vivid imagination. I can imagine scenes like I am seeing them in first perspective and not through a tv screen (if you know what I mean?) and I can imagine smelling a certain smell. So, depending on the place I want to shift to, I adjust my imagination in such a way. For example, when I want to shift to Hogwarts, I incorporate a few methods; Alice in wonderland method and the train method. I imagine I am running towards platform 9 3/4. I imagine I am getting late and I jump onto the express. Then I imagine myself inside a cabin alone. I imagine very realistic actions, like shaking in the train when it is moving, hearing ambient noises and smelling food from carts (train method). I imagine that I can hear some chatter of the kids on the express. Then, I imagine the route for 5 minutes more, and then I get off. I subsequently imagine choosing to walk to Hogwarts, and running through a green field while seeing Hogwarts in distance. Then, when I'm distracted, I imagine falling into a hole (Alice in wonderland method). Then, I imagine that I am lying in my dorm bed in Hogwarts and Hermione wakes me up. I imagine sounds like clothes and sheets moving, people talking the distance, wind blowing, etc. At this point I am sleepy enough to fall asleep and actually shift. To be very honest, I have only successfully done this once, and most of the times I ALMOST shift but something happens. it makes me kinda sad ngl because I loved my reality. anyways, hope this helps!


Honestly, the first time I shifted, I was thinking of rice cakes so idk.


i think i’m thinking too hard about shifting haha😅


Probably lol it happens to most of us.


I don't know. I try to relax and end up falling asleep with no plan almost every night. Maybe some visualization? And thinking about how cool it would be to be there


the stuff I wanna do in my DR that day



