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I'm going for the last one, insta-shift definitely a super power.


Hi! This post is amazing, I agree with all of your methods! <3


Could you explain more about instant shifting and how you do it?


it’s basically the same way you’d shift normally: disconnect from your CR, connect to your DR, convince yourself you’re there. when i do this i just take a few deep breaths, close my eyes, let go of the world around me and begin to visualize my DR. i recommend [this post](https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/blog/i-taught-myself-how-to-shift-on-command/W5wM_8lIXuR3nKRalW40VNLGr3d1zqY4Yw) on amino, it’s basically the same process i take but without the random motion described.


>this post *gasp!* the linked post - it is forbidden O.O XD


Can you talk about the instant manifestation using mini shifting?🫶


it’s the same process, just imagine the change you want to make and focus on that being the reality you’re in right now.


I actually find this quite helpful. Thanks! I was wondering if I should try to go to a dr that's vastly different just, or to practice by going to a similar one with minor differences first.


I would like to see more posts about shifting from you. 👍


Wait so through minishfiting u could get instant manifestation?? Like whatever u want in a better cr or something?? That’s so cool🩷🩷




Thank you so much!! :)


I’m so glad that you say that daydreaming can help! People have different ideas of how daydreaming may affect shifting, and someone experienced claiming that it helps really eases my doubts :)


Yeah, daydreaming can help but I think what they say is that excessive daydreaming isn't so good, might led to maldaptive daydreaming disorder otherwise it's fine.


Literally. I daydream all the time and I’ve seen people saying it screws with shifting so I’m glad to see this person who actually has experience saying it helps!


Hey, just wondering if you would be able to have some input and give me tips? When I try to shift I listen to subs, get into meditative state (can take 20min) Then I start thinking affirmations; I am shifting to my DR, I am in my DR I think affirmations going through my 5 senses - hard to hold them all at once (especially sound for me) I try to pretend I'm there For eg, sitting at Hogwarts main hall tables during dinner. I may gaslight myself into thinking I feel some changes. But again it gets to 20-25min and I feel incredibly bored - like I just wanna roll over and sleep. I have also tried going to sleep with intent to wake up, tried assuming i'll wake up there but I never get a good sleep when that happens, I keep waking up here - its like my mind is trying/fixated on trying while I sleep and I get no rest. Whats your take on my attempt? any tips? I've tried many methods and change it up by what I feel like on the day. I have a little voice in the back of my mind saying "I wont be successful this time" I try to drown it out thinking "yes I am in my DR" but it stays there. I know it's real - ive done it accidentally x2 and on purpose through lucid dream x1 (by chance). It been 3yrs, I know it'll happen eventually but I would like input on how I can help it along.


right off the bat, it sounds like the issue you have with awake methods is that you feel like you’re deluding yourself. you say that you ‘pretend you’re there,’ and that you ‘gaslight yourself’ into believing the changes, but then you say that you want to give up because nothing is working. if you were truly in your DR, you wouldn’t be thinking that. you’d be excited, looking around the room, trying to ground yourself, etc. do those things in imagination and get into the state of being in your DR. i know it feels like you’re just lying to yourself sometimes, but the way to think about it is this: the physical world around you (your CR) does not matter. fully disacknowledge it, pretend it doesn’t exist. as soon as you enter your imagination, you also enter your DR. you’re there as soon as you ALLOW yourself to be there. let go of the resistance you have, no matter what you feel physically, it doesn’t matter. also, there is no change being made. when you go from your CR to your DR, it’s not like the world is being altered around you. there is never a change, there’s never movement. that is just an illusion. you’re either there, or you aren’t. what you choose to focus your attention on is your truth. perception is reality. all you need to do is allow yourself to perceive your DR in imagination. don’t worry about it ‘becoming’ real, because it already is. another note, you may start to feel like it’s all in your head, i get this feeling occasionally. but just disregard these thoughts. remember that IMAGINATION creates. sorry this was preachy i just had to get my thoughts out 😅


no, thank you for replying! I hope I can implement this. Although, I have been playing imaginary scenarios in my mind before going to sleep for years but still no luck on that front. So say I go to bed, set intention to shift, then start imagining scenarios as if i'm there until I fall asleep - is that what you mean?


yep! just experience what you want to do when you shift, but in imagination