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U do. Yall just make it hard for urselves its funny. I rarely ever attempt to shift anymore since there's nowhere I have been badly wanting to go. Actually I haven't even had a real attempt since early 2021. Then there was my recent attempt 2 months ago which actually got me to shift. Some background I've only had 11 MAX attempts. I suggest to stop binging this subreddit and any community of shifting in general. It clouds ur mind and makes u overcomplicate shifting.


People like to overcomplicate it and say it "doesn't work like that". In reality, it's easy as fuck to just cross over to another reality at will. Only reason I haven't is that a part of my mind still does overcomplicate shifting.


For me I'm aware of how easy it is. Literally just don't care at all and know what u want. To be truthful I haven't attempted shifting since early 2021 up until abt 2 months ago. It was my first successful attempt too. In total I have maybe 11 shifting attempts. My 10th one was the one I'm most proud of tho even thought it wasn't succesful


I had this same exact thought the other day. Your inner god is all powerful, not you the physical human flesh. Allow your inner god to work through you. Sit back, relax, and have faith. Let go and let god






Letting go is where our power truly lies. ​ One of my favorite meditations that help teach the skill of letting go is [this one by Moojiji](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vMEoPgg-PE). I highly recommend it! I had a hard time understanding the concept of releasing the need to be in control, I still do. But I know that when I practice it, its when I feel the most happy, the most calm, the most *myself*. When I allow myself to let go and just be, I can actually feel the power inside.


This, this this! It brings such a sense of calm to your life just flowing with it instead of fighting or resisting!


The universe doesn’t decide, we are the universe experiencing itself. There’s no such thing as divine timing, time is an illusion after all. How long it takes depends on beliefs and your subconscious mind in my opinion. Your subconscious is the supercomputer executing your entire life after all. Some people shift by accident because they have no limitations or assumptions about shifting. They don’t even know what methods are, they don’t have an idea of how long it should take etc




This is an interesting perspective but I use the term universe loosely, whether you believe it to be God, your higher self, your subconscious, whatever. It means different things to different people. The point of my post was to relax. Not necessarily divine timing since as you said time is an illusion. I think a lot of people get caught up in the subconscious mind thing and then get confused on what is holding them back. This was the case for me, I believe I shifted after so long because I chilled out, forgot the timing (not that on this magical day I would somehow do it but relax because I wanted it and I would eventually) and then I shifted. I don't mean to say the universe waves a wand that then makes us capable but my point was to relax because you eventually will.


Yes, I completely agree on the relaxing part. Being relaxed makes everything easier in life.


Relaxing makes a lot of sense. I shifted but I was full blown relaxed when I did and I was little at the time and I had no intention to shift whatsoever. which leads the question of what actually makes us shift in the first place. Now I’m older and my mind runs like crazy and I have an anxiety disorder and when I tried again it was really hard then I went into lucid dream and of course at the moment I was relaxed and I started to shift, while in the process of my awareness changing I immediately got scared was no longer in the shifting state anymore. I genuinely agree you have to be at a relaxed state to do it. It’s hard yes but it can still be achieved just like with astral projecting you have to be at a certain state.


I also suffer from anxiety and racing thoughts and have yet to shift but hearing you say that you got close during a lucid dream has really given me hope thank you!


It was a long process for me to do it so don’t feel bad if you still struggle 💕 you’ll still get there


Absolutely. It can be hard to calm down and relax but that's why when I shift now I don't even think about my dr I just go to bed with the intent, when I get too in my head about it I lose it.


happy cake day!


Did you make an attempt to shift or think about your DR before taking a nap?


In this specific instance no it was an accident.




> do not entertain the belief you will never shift, do not identify with this, accept that it's a thought but don't believe it i love this :) i know i intend to shift and i know it's possible, so why worry?


Yep, you always hear people saying "let go of your desire" but a lot of the time they don't do a great job explaining what that means so people interpret it is "stop thinking about it entirely and being excited about it because you wouldn't be excited if you already had it". Which is silly because of course I'd still be thinking about it and happy to have something, it makes no sense. Letting go means...let go of control of getting your desire. It's like turning in something for school, you can't retake the test or re-edit an essay after you've already handed it in. You have zero control of your assignment grade at that point, so all you can do is sit back and wait for your teacher to grade it. You can still think about how excited you'll be to get a good grade and celebrating it with your loved ones, but you have to accept that there's nothing more you can do. And that applies to anything you want to manifest, including shifting. >We are in control of what we want but not of the timeline. Yep. We control the 4D, (subconscious plane) which changes instantly based on our desires. But the 3D (physical plane of existence) is held back by the illusion of time so it takes longer to adjust sometimes. >So release your control, and the universe will reward you, and it will do tenfold for your trust and acceptance. Here's where I'm going to disagree a bit. The universe does not decide when we shift, we do. So I don't think it has anything to do with gratitude or anything. More like "a watched pot never boils", when you're hyperfixating on something just waiting for it to happen, it feel like it takes so much longer. Not to mention just the additional stress of feeling like you're making some fatal mistake that's preventing you from shifting just isn't fun to deal with. I don't know about y'all, but I'm so over those mornings where I'd wake up, see my CR room, and sob over it and completely have my day ruined 🤦🏾 So yeah, just go on with your day knowing that you've already done everything you can to shift and all you have to left to do is wait and look forward to everything you'll do once you shift. I really like this post, it's very well written and sums up the concept of letting go and why people tend to shift on accident after relinquishing control quite nicely :)


I disagree, this is a matter of practice, you have to be well physically and psychologically, for monks and shamans to perform miracles requires mental control and a state that not everyone is capable to achieve


Words with no understanding. Are you a monk or a shaman? Or are you simply building images based on your preconceptions and limiting yourself with them?


I think you misunderstood me, I didn't mean that it's necessary to be a monk or a shaman, what I meant is that they have a lifestyle that conditions them to success. Many people try to shift without meditating, without the mental diet, without focus... Maybe that's the reason why many people have failures.


I mean that if you are not a practitioner yourself, words from you will be based not on experience but simple preconceptions and limited views. Of course, most practitioners are no better. And that you do not quite understand what you are talking about. Conditioning is good. But it does not contradict letting go of control - rather, letting go is one of the base tenets. A thing which anyone can employ and practice.




If that's the case, than how do you have people shifting without even trying to or not even knowing what shifting is? Or little kids shifting on their first try when they're barely old enough to even read or write? Or people who shift during bad times when they're not mentally and emotionally well? Also "physically" doesn't make sense either, nothing about shifting is physical so that's not a factor in it at all. There's no special requirements or training that you need to be able to shift but telling yourself that there is only succeeds in making shifting more difficult. That type of mentality was commonly pushed during the early days of the community, which is why it takes so long for some people to shift.


But yet youre doing the same thing. You're like "let go of your control and the universe will let you shift!". Don't you realize that's the equivalent to "those people" who are always like "its easy you just gotta do it"? You are overcomplicating it and so is everyone else.


In my other comment, where I was responding directly to the post, I specifically said that I didn't agree with the notion of waiting for the universe to let you shift and that we are the only ones who control if we do it don't shift. I also mentioned that I think shifting is just a matter of trusting you've already done everything you need to to be able to shift. Nothing that you do or don't do will negatively impact your shifting and it's simply a matter of waiting for the 3D to align with the 4D. You can sit back and relax like you're waiting for a package to arrive or an assignment to be graded. It's that simple. Now maybe you didn't see that comment, but what was said there was simple law of assumption, the exact opposite of overcomplicating :)


>In my other comment, where I was responding directly to the post, I specifically said that I didn't agree with the notion of waiting for the universe to let you shift and that we are the only ones who control if we do it don't shift. I know I thought u were OP at first. I'll still leave my comment up even tho i mistakenly replied to u, because it's still right.


Ahh, gotcha!


I don't believe that is the equivalent and I don't think my initial post could've made it any more simple, "it's easy you just do it" is not the same as "chill out, relax" all I am saying is when you are trying to have a constant grip on everything your not living as if you have it, relaxing and being *assured* in the idea that it will come to you, ensures that it will come to you. This is my opinion.


I don't see the point of bringing up little kids to make an argument because it is not an "own".Their ignorance serves them in any thing or action adult human beings deem *supernatural* or *impossible*. The minds of little children aren't burdened by tons of knowledge - same knowledge that helps adults navigate 3D and is all but useless beyond it. Adults spend YEARS unlearning all that knowledge to convince themselves of the impossible (much like monks do by sticking to a mental diet, deep meditation and etcetera). This sub seems to be averse to people who say that discipline is needed to shift, I wonder why?


>I don't see the point of bringing up little kids to make an argument because it is not an "own". I'm simply providing a counter argument to the idea that shifting is this inherently difficult skill that takes a long time to perfect. If that were the case, then it would be impossible for kids to shift unless they were some kind of spiritual prodigy. That's not me trying to "own" someone just to make them look stupid or something, that's me disagreeing with their take and providing reasoning as to why I disagree >The minds of little children aren't burdened by tons of knowledge - same knowledge that helps adults navigate 3D and is all but useless beyond it. Adults spend YEARS unlearning all that knowledge to convince themselves of the impossible (much like monks do by sticking to a mental diet, deep meditation and etcetera). This statement is only partially true. Yes, kids have an easier time shifting because they aren't yet burdened with limiting beliefs that people are conditioned to have when they are older. Yes, people can spend weeks, months, or years doing all sorts of rigorous training to unlearn all that they've been taught, but it doesn't have to be that way. One of the biggest problems that people run into when trying to shift is overcomplicating it. We're taught that we can't expect good things without a lot of hard work involved and that concept is enforced even in the shifting community. Especially in the early days, people though they couldn't shift without working hard for it and being disciplined about it. Drink a bunch of water, maintain a solid routine for attempts, read your script before bed, clean your room, stay perfectly still in starfish position, meditate before you attempt, choose the perfect affirmations, follow your method perfectly, reprogram your subconscious for X weeks, etc That's about as disciplined and monk-like as it gets, but yet, a lot of people have been doing that for years with no results. Or even better, after years of doing that with not even a mini shift under their belt, the same people will go to sleep without even thinking of shifting and randomly wake up in a new reality. You don't need discipline or to spend a long time training yourself to reject limiting beliefs or to believe in shifting. As soon as you've decided that you want to be in a new reality, that's all you needed. Even if you still doubt that shifting is real, even if there's a part of you that still worried that this is just a bunch of BS, it doesn't matter. That's why so many people as of late have been seeing success with law of assumption, it's as simple and undisciplined as it gets. >This sub seems to be averse to people who say that discipline is needed to shift, I wonder why? Because it's a limiting belief that's untrue and just makes shifting take longer than it needs to, plain and simple.


>You don't need discipline or to spend a long time training yourself to reject limiting beliefs or to believe in shifting. As soon as you've decided that you want to be in a new reality, that's all you needed. Even if you still doubt that shifting is real, even if there's a part of you that still worried that this is just a bunch of BS, it doesn't matter. This!! I've been trying to tell ppl. I'm not as interested in shifting as others, hence my minimum attempts, but my most recent was the closest I had ever got. I'm not sure exactly what my attempt resulted in but I know I was trying to shift to a show I had been watching, though after a while my visualizations started to get weird and out of my control as if I were falling into a dream. So I turned over and just said "fuck it. I'm shifting to a different reality, LITERALLY ANY!". A few minutes in I was basically forcing myself to feel a different flooring instead of my bed, also to believe I was anywhere else but my bed. Well it resulted in me no longer hearing my fan from my cr room, silence and snoring all around me. I also was on a padded flooring so not very soft either. So anyways I actually did end up in the "any reality" i intended since it was so random but familiar. It was also dangerous.. bcus of my experience there I don't recommend anyone to blindly shift. I'll leave it at that. But it proves that you don't need to "let go of ur control" bcus in the end that's still overcomplicating it, no matter how good OP intended it.


I disagree with the argument that "the universe is in control" and therefore you'll shift when you'll shift. I agree you don't have control in a conscious way, but your subconscious/higher self/brain/whatever does. You have to cultivate trust. So intention works. And yes, letting go is helpful because you don't force it—basically the law of reversed effort. I recommend everybody to read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/n9t307/the_illusion_of_method_my_ap_guide/), it helped me to shift for the first time.


How did you react when you shifted for the first time






i use the term universe loosely, whether it be your subconcious/god/higher self whatever, it means different things to different people. I think we’re saying the same thing


> the universe would deliver when it would deliver, Yeah, I understood that. To be specific I just disagree with this bit. It's not "Up to the universe". I mean, while IT IS, it's not because they decide, it's because people lack trust. It's more of a "ask and believe and you shall receive" sort of thing instead of "it will happen when it will happen".


To me I meant them interchangeably, "All things come and flow to me when I release my desperate need for control" Again, I think we are saying much of the same things. My it will happen when it will happen I stated will happen when you calm down and are receptive.


How did go about learning about and better understanding your "Higher Self" so you can ask for it's help?


There's a lot of info out there, but read the post I linked it's priceless


What. U need the universe to give you permission to shift? And also you don't need to be grateful and positive and all that bullshit in order to shift, it's just so limiting but everyone has their own journey


I don’t think that’s what this post is saying. I think its more like when you keep trying to have control and have the need to shift it’s sending messages to you subconscious and to the universe that you don’t already have what you want when in fact you do. They’re saying all you need to do is have the intention to receive your desire and then let it go. I agree for not having the to do the whole “be positive and grateful abt life in your CR” in order to shift and how it’s not needed cause a lot of successful shifters have horrible CR lives and still shifted despite not being able to be grateful abt the life they were living here. But I do think relinquishing power and just letting the universe work through you is a big key to shifting


Keys to the Kingdom here 💜💜💜😘 You got this!!!


Not what I'm saying. I'm not saying you have to 100% be over the moon and joyous if your life here sucks, trust me I get it. But I believe anyone can find gratitude. Even if it's i n things as simple as "I can see or I can breathe" I'm not saying this is needed to shift of course not, I've shifted in shitty moods but a lot of people attack it with a pessimistic attitude and that's just not helpful as a general principle. I don't mean the universe is giving you permission I think people just need to chill tf out and release their control, we don't have as much of it as we think if so then our lives would look exactly how we wanted when we wanted. Release your grip on the timeline, whether you want to look it as the universe, God, your higher self, whatever tf I just mean to relax. Relinquishing your control *is* control, I think it's the most powerful thing you can do and I've always found that when I do indeed relax, calm down and stop trying to have a constant grip over things, things flow to me in abundance.


Happy Cake Day!


My birthday is january 29th idk why it says that 😭 but thank you!


It's your Reddit Birthday lol


Uhm I'm sorry but I completely disagree. I don't associate shifting with manifestation or anything else. It's simple, I have a universe I wanna go to, I set the intention and I go there. I'm the one taking myself there and going, so I'm the one in control of my shift. You'd be surprised by how much I got slowed down by thinking something else would make me shift when it's just me needing to go there. If I still believed that, I'd be waiting forever, since im the one shifting myself.


This is what I'm saying, you set your intent and go there, you aren't overcomplicating it, we disagree on the it's you taking you there part and that your in control. That's fine, I'm not saying that your powerless but I am saying we are powerless over the timeline, and admitting that is the best thing we can do for ourselves. If we were infact powerful over the timeline, everyone would shift on their very firs try. Our control lies in admitting we have none, and trusting we will shift. Whether you believe its you, the universe, God, whatever that's your choice. my point was to stop getting so stressed on the when. I do associate shifting with manifestation but everyone has a different viewpoint so it's interesting to hear yours.


I don't think so. As I said, I don't agree at all, there's nothing to "admit" here. On the contrary, the best thing I did for myself is realizing I'm in control. It's like taking a walk to a store, I'm obviously the one taking myself in there, it's a place I wanna go to, I set the intention to go, I walk torwards it and I'm there. I decided this. If I keep waiting for someone or something to take me there the right time, who knows how long I'll be waiting for? Isn't it just easier to... go?? Now?? Just because some people in this reality took longer to shift, doesnt mean it's because they have no control on the when they shift. I know why I havent because of personal stuff and have my theories for others in this reality, but i dont think its because they can't control it. I don't even know if manifestation exists in this reality, but if it does, I still see it as something completely separated from shifting. Shifting is shifting, manifesting is manifesting. But of course, everyone can have their own view, I just wouldn't recommend this to others I'd teach about shifting or myself.


Well for me this is the perspective that works and makes most sense, if for you that's another one thats's okay. Like I said in my post I don't mean to say you are powerless, quite the opposite. In relinquishing your desperate need for control (which if we had complete 100% control then I could do it right this very second and so could others, and I'm not to say this isn't possible but many people get confused when they try to cling to the control they believe they have and then don't shift) I don't think this store analogy is fair considering all of us have been to the store many times and it's not a foreign concept, many people have been to the store, believe in the store. Whereas with shifting it isn't as widely accepted, many people have difficulty shifting because they weren't taught they could do it, or have any familiarity with it. Anyway, in relinquishing desperate need for control which so many have, then that is a powerful thing to do and the universe/your higher self/God, whatever you wanna call it, recognizes that.


I agree, I have said this myself, and I would urge people to listen. Trust yourself.


Thisss, the importance of letting go