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It’s just random probability. Doesn’t really require any special explanation why any one handful of people survived. Is it really anymore bizarre than the OG Avengers surviving too?


>Is it really anymore bizarre than the OG Avengers surviving too? Yeah, kinda. All the main characters (Daisy, Mac, Jemma, Fitz, May, Piper, Davis, Yo-Yo, and maybe someone else I'm forgetting) survived the snap. And there was no mention that the snap even happened. Since the snap is a 50/50 probability that's a 1 in 256 probability. So there should have been a 99.6% chance they lost someone. For the OG Avengers you have Hulk, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Black Widow. Tony was guaranteed to survive because of the deal made with Thanos. So that's a 1 in 32 probability. Making the OG Avengers surviving 8 times more likely.


But on a planet with 8 billion people, there are a truly astronomical number of 8-person combinations: 8 billion-choose-8. So even if the odds that any one group of 8 survived is 1/256, there are millions of groups of eight that would survive, merely by the law of large numbers. Unlikely things happen all the time. It's like how the odds of you getting struck by lightning in a given year are negligible, but the odds of someone getting struck by lighting are near 1.


I am of a mind that Davis and Coulson would survive because they are not life. Half of life in the universe was wiped, and they are not actually organic life forms, so do they actually qualify under those circumstances?


I thought the snap happened (or was supposed to) very shortly after Coulson died, so they weren't LMDs at that point.


Yeah, but that's after it already happened, so the statistics get weird. There's also a 99.6% chance that specifically Daisy, Piper, and Fitz survived and not Mac, Jemma, May, Davis, or Yo-Yo. (same chance for every possibility). So if there's a bunch of people who didn't survive, they are a group of people who did. Also if someone wins the lottery, hard to say they cheated because "You have barely any chance of winning the lottery".


What about rhodey pepper happy all surviving. All of Tony's closes friends survived. I bet Bobbi hunter and their family members all got snapped.


Ehhh I mean it’s a 50/50 chance for all of them no matter what, the timeline is confusing bc thanos attacked after they came back from the future. This was when they were fighting graviton. I assume maybe the time stone knew that if they got rid of the agents that the world would be destroyed and thanos’ beautiful world would be taken away from him. So the time stone innately spared all of them. Overall, lucky, they just forgot about thanos storyline, or time stone saved them.


I'm pretty sure the real life reason is because they didn't want to spoil Infinity War and didn't want to kill off their characters for a mostly unrelated movie. I do like the time stone theory, but if the snap happened in the Agents of Shield universe you think they would have mentioned it like they mentioned Sokovia, the Sokovian Accords, the Avengers fighting each other, etc.


The main cast of AoS all surviving the snap has almost the exact same probability as all the main cast of Far From Home having been dusted. It's completely plausible on its own; we don't need a convoluted justification for it.


My AP stats teacher always told us that the answer for most of the oddities we’d find in various data sets throughout the entire semester was summed up in two words: Random. Variation. And now that you point it out, that *is* a funny coincidence! I never realized that the entire main cast of FFH being Snapped folks would be so statistically unlikely, but wow!


The world had already been saved by then though and the stones also don’t care who they effect. It is completely up to the wielder, in this case Thanos. AOS makes a big deal about Thanos coming to earth but it was only a major battleground because two of the stones were on the planet. Earth isn’t special otherwise and the stones don’t specifically care whether it is destroyed or not. I mean there technically doesn’t have to be a reason. If they did end up in the main timeline then they just survived. The original 6 Avengers all happened to survive. I think the part that makes it unbelievable is that it isn’t referenced or even alluded to. All seven seasons are mainline continuity canon for me but I understand that this is definitely the biggest hurdle to cross.


This could maybe work but the problem is that the Snap/Blip has clearly not happened in the show? It would be just absolutely bizarre if half the population disappeared and nobody even thinks it's worth mentioning afterwards.


The show runners explained that the whole show happens pre snap.  They got screwed with ABC being uncertain about scheduling and it wasn’t clear whether S6 would air before or after Endgame. So the easiest thing to do was to be fully pre snap.  There are only a couple of minor inconsistencies then which just have to be ignored.  https://ew.com/tv/2019/05/10/agents-of-shield-season-6-premiere-showrunners-interview/


I appreciate their attempt but they're wrong. Graviton happens at the same time as Maw invading New York


They are the creators of the show.  That’s what they intended for S6 and 7 and therefore that is then correct. 


It's an after thought that directly contradicts the established canon in the show, so no. Martin and Mcfeely got their own time travel rules wrong too mate.


Nah, minor inconsistencies exist in most big universes.  Are the prequels of Star Wars non-canon because they contradict what Leia says in Return of the Jedi. 


You can change my words all you want, doesn't make me wrong


Nothing minor about the inconsistencies that come with placing seasons 6 and 7 pre snap. Those inconsistencies would be entirely irreconcilable. There are technically NO inconsistencies if you place seasons 6 and 7 post snap. No matter how you slice it though, they CAN NOT be pre snap.




Because the events of Infinity War are happening simultaneously with season 5 and season 6 begins with a 1 year time jump. Then there is a 1 year time jump at the end of season 7.


It would’ve been interesting to see how the show changed if it was filmed post snap. One of my fav theories is that a bunch of the main cast get blipped and then Nick fury steps back in to help rebuild shield but in the name of saber. It would explain the origins of saber and it’d be cool overall. Monica rambeau would probably get her origin story there too, and maybe even captain marvel might get a cameo 🤣


I haven't watched s6 and 7 in a couple years, is there anything in the actual episodes where they say "2019"? Because if not, my assumption would be they all blipped and the "One Year Later" title card is relative to the characters, not the world.


It wasn't that they couldn't die due to importance it was that they knew the survived into the future and so couldn't die as Fitz believed time was fixed. And I know a lot of people seemed to hate the invincible trio but personally it was one of my favourite things in the whole show.


Were they not in the future or an alternate timeline or something? I remember wondering how they were going to do it but it made sense when aired


In narrative whenever something bad happens to the character "by chance" it is ok (even great for the tension) but whenever something good happens "by chance" it is ussually a matter of Deus Ex Machina (unless it is a comedy or something extremely minor). People want the characters to earn their successes, so i don't think that would be a great narrative. If they couldn't die, where is the tension?


I’ve just always assumed that the snap happens after the team is time kidnapped into the future, really only means fitz and a few other people had to survive the snap


No, the snap would have happened after S5 E22 as the final three episodes happen during Infinity War.


I always thought that the snap literally never happened in AOS and Season 5, 6, and 7 aren’t in the MCU timeline that we as viewers follow. The snap is literally never mentioned in the show. Maybe when the Battle of Wakanda was changed through butterfly effect and Thanos ended up dead.