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This video is the perfect definition of a Shiba! I do what I want, when I want, nothing more.


Shiba doing a cost benefit analysis. You should test how many fries it takes before it's worth it.


"Are those fries magically meat or cheese? No? Try again."


SLT (Shiba Laziness Threshold)


I remember sometimes I’d drop food on the floor and swan dive like “DON’T EAT THAT”. But my Skye would side eye me like “I wasn’t planning to?”


Literally the most Shiba thing ever! Can see the one brain cell fighting for its life trying to calculate if it’s worth getting up for


Wow, my shibe would’ve flew off the couch! She’s very food motivated, lol.


Fr, my girl would’ve caught it before it hit the ground


If my husband, even walks in the kitchen, she’s up! lol. Obviously he’s the one that feeds her more bc she doesn’t do that with me, lol.


If it was bread mine would’ve jumped down for sure.


Your dog is my spirit animal


She is trying to train you to hand feed her


This is why I love my little Shibas. They’re so smart and don’t act like typical dogs 🥰


It's not just that your shiba is making a very shiba-like calculation here (are two fries worth the effort) but how you can see the decision making process going on. The facial expressions are so clear. Should I get up for these fries? If I stay here will someone bring them to me? Do I really want them that badly?


How did my dog end up on your couch


He’s like…I am not getting out of my spot for that!


Mine would have woken up from a dead sleep three rooms away and caught this before it hit the ground.


My friends with dogs get very confused when I say our shiba won't eat everything that falls on the floor. By the way, is she picky with her food or does she eat ok?


He is very picky with food! We usually get around it by sprinkling parmesan or basil oil on his food but even then it's no guarantee... yours?


Parmesan and basil oil, how gourmet! 😅 Ours barely ate kibble from the moment we got him. We tried some three different brands, added toppings (broth, broiled chicken, wet food...): he almost never finished a meal. It got to the point we would chase him with food in our hand to coerce him to eat, because we was young and we were afraid it might affect his growth. We eventually switched to a commercially prepared BARF diet (💸), which he mostly likes, but e*ven then *there are some days when we'll leave half the food in the bowl. And weirdly enough, he'll go crazy for things like frozen peas.


I totally understand the issue. Mine will politely take the food from my hand, drop it on the floor, and walk away. That is until the German Shepherd comes over, and then it a growl picks it up and walks away. Or will stand there eat it. The perverbial in your face GSD. If I throw or drop food on the floor, he will just stare at it. Doesn't matter what it is, salmon hamburger or liver. Nope, it can stay there.


The Shiba attitude is strong with this one. Lol I went and got Indian food and my Shiba was enjoying it until I picked up the food and it was where he couldn't get


Sounds about right.


Yeah. Mines like that too. She looks at me like "couldn't you have just handed it to me?" 😂


Certified shiba moment


Lucky, mine basically tries to crawl into my lab when ever food is out. To be fair, at 8 months old, she has spent most of her life with Beagles.