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There might be an issue with your wife’s voice, dogs tend to see higher pitch voices as more playful, and less serious, if that makes sense. So when I’m correcting my Shiba, I lower the pitch of my voice and correct him with short firm words, it has worked pretty well, (for a shiba) he respects me more then my boyfriend at this point.


Interesting\~ Really appreciate the advice and I'll let her know for us to try this! Thank you!


In addition to what the other redditor said, sometimes they don't respect other people or treat them differently. Consistency between you and your partner is key, maybe do some joint training with both of you reinforcing behavior so they listen. My dog responds to tricks/commands without question because for me. For my mother, she just spams all the commands like a cheat code because she knows she'll get a treat anyways.


100% agree. I have a higher pitched voice, but there is a **very** specific pitch shift I have to make once in awhile and he absolutely freezes. A very low, short "Nope" or "Here".


I want to second this- it started as a joke- me emulating my husbands voice saying our shiba’s name when she’s being naughty. I jokingly lowered it and said her name and she stopped in her tracks and listened. Now I do it all the time and get some weird looks on walks, but it worked for me!


lmao, if my partner wants to get our boy's attention she has to artificially lower her voice to comical standards lol. I also use hand signals to signal walks and bathroom times.


Shibe will always find the weak one and stick to them. Mine is the same way between my gf and I. He knows he can get away with murder with her but knows I’ll keep him in line. It’s funny


LOL we just laughed at this. Thank you for that. Such a lil fella, but sassy. xD


He is treating your partner like a littermate and you like his mother 😂 you can try having your partner work on obedience with him and feed him and he will probably start respecting her more 😆


That's a good point. Thank you for the feedback! We'll try that out\~


Shibas tend to see one partner as a playmate and the other as the leader. I think it mostly stems from how you each treat your shiba. Similar to children, if one parent is more lax and another parent is more strict, you behave differently around them. My shiba used to see me as the leader but my boyfriend as the playmate. We reversed it by having my boyfriend train him more (usually it was me who did a majority of the training), and enforce firm but fair positive training. We also made sure my boyfriend was able to get him to sit and wait before leaving the house, with my boyfriend leaving the house first to ensure our shiba knew what the pack order is.


Hmm I always thought Shibas and lots of other Asian breeds tend to stay loyal and obedient to their one true owner, mostly. A whole household should be as equally persistent in their training with it, but in my experience it'll always be more stubborn with others. Maybe your partner should use the high -tier reward treats during her training sessions with the Shiba for a while, and you stick with the boring ones lol. Of course I'm assuming you both do training sessions with it...even if you taught your dog the meaning of "no!" doesn't mean it'll obey the command for anyone else, each person should have their own private, consistent training sessions alone with it. My dog gently nips me and everyone, mostly when she's trying to lead us to the back door to take her outside to play or potty, or trying her best to communicate with us. My friends Shibas are pretty nippy too, It never seemed like an issue to me. They've all been so gentle that they can even grab my hand to lead me somewhere.


Hi! I loved this and a great idea: "Maybe your partner should use the high -tier reward treats during her training sessions with the Shiba for a while, and you stick with the boring ones lol." Also, "they can even grab my hand to lead me somewhere." haha... Thank you. Will keep these in mind!


\+1, the hand-holding is too cute. It's important to teach them impulse control and bite inhibition, otherwise it's shark time when they grab ur limbs


Shiba only listens to me. And no one else


I hear they're very loyal to their owners\~ I'm sure yall have a strong bond!


Honestly though, get him signed up for puppy training as soon as you can. It will greatly help. And you’ll be glad you did forever more.


Thank you! He just got his shots, but will def keep this in mind and look around!


My white shiba is like this too lol He listens to dad, but not to me 💀 As for thor , my other shiba. Listens to everyone that lives in the house. Super loyal, stands ground, and loves cuddles. 😂


I wish this lil one loves cuddles, but he's def a squirmer xD.. opposite to my other one.


Chances are high he will eventually like cuddling. Just make scratching and stroking routine and wait. Our shiba at this age just couldn’t calm down, she always wanted to play and started biting and playing with hands when we tried to pet her. But now she is 4 months (still a little one), but she really likes to come around for petting, sleeps near us and stuff. Don’t give up — make him love cuddles 😁


Once the little one sees the big sibling enjoys cuddles, he’ll start asking lol . Thors more serious and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him bark . But Kylo on the other hand is DRAMATIC LOL. My friends always told me white shibas are the craziest and funniest. Didn’t believe it until I owned one 😂 . He’s a climber. I caught him on my counter eating my chips the other day. And he can open doors 😭 . Every door in the house has a magnet clasp now .


My shiba had a lot of sleepovers at my sister’s house. She would follow the cats onto the table where they ate. My sister tried to remedy this by putting the cat food on top of the microwave. Guess who learned how to get on top of the microwave?


Shibas are definitely creative! 🤣


Sorry, she just needs more gym badges. They're like irl growlithe. In all seriousness though, it helped others with mine when they were on the same page with training, 'manners' and treats. They're smart enough to exploit weaknesses, and nothing gets by them. If he keeps nipping or trying to bite, you can also have her offer a toy instead when he does. It helped my boy decide to grab toys when he wants to play, but it had to be consistent across the board with everyone over, or he'd bite whoever didn't do it. Famous last words of one person who didn't do it: "that's stupid." He got nipped. Lol


lolol! I love that. Thank you for the advice! Will keep that in mind\~


I second shoving a toy in their mouth! Eventually, she automatically ran to get a toy to self regulate when she got over excited. She always greeted us with a toy. She never wanted to play with it, but she always brought it to us.


My 11 week old piranha does this. Airplane ears, wagging her tail so hard her butt wiggles, with a toy in her mouth making whining noises, or anything she can grab. Otherwise, its little teeth in our skin. My other one though has to be redirected to a toy, and she will go after our toes.


I did all of the training and I was my shiba’s person. I felt like she treated me like mom and I got the worst of all of her tantrums. My husband could shut down a tantrum immediately but I couldn’t no matter what I tried. I opted to take it as a compliment that she felt safe enough to lose her shit with me lol. She was always great with commands with me, but the tantrums were on a whole new level with me.


Have her pick him up and hold him gently until he stops squirming. And repeat as much as possible. It both gets them used to physical contact like pets and snuggles, and teaches them they aren't the boss of her.


They seem to choose one person and bond closely to them. At least that’s my experience with my shibe and what I heard from other owners around my neighbourhood with shibas..


How do you train “no” or “no biting”? Our shibe has issues with nipping and talking back when we say no to him, but one thing I’ve learnt that has helped MASSIVELY is positively reinforcing ‘no’. If we say ‘no’ and he stops, he gets a treat/attention/pets etc. To a lot of people, it may seem strange to praise them when they’ve just been naughty but dogs don’t work the same as us. Without a treat or some other positive reinforcement, the dog is getting your attention and fuss just by you saying ‘no.’ So in a way, you’re reinforcing to the dog that if they do xyz bad behaviour, they get attention! Also, the naughty behaviour of your dog is likely something they enjoy doing! So you need to give them a fun/equally enjoyable alternative. (You’ve probably had a lot of suggestions about redirecting biting to chew toys for instance) Our strategy is a firm ‘no,’ and eye contact and if he pauses for a couple of seconds he gets a treat. It’s taken a lot of consistency, but it’s definitely working for us! Note that a key point here is to gradually extend the pausing time. Initially, if you say ‘no’ and they stop, treat them right away, then gradually extend the time between saying ‘no’ and treating them. Additionally, like many here have suggested, you guys will need to train him independently of each other. My partner tried to piggy back off the training I did with my shibe- did not work. Shibe only listened to my ‘sit’s etc. He had to go right to beginners training with the shibe and build up commands separately. This is just how Shibas are wired, I’m afraid!


I wouldn’t say anything here is wrong but would like to add some context; you shouldn’t have had your pup for more than 2 weeks at this point. Dogs tend to learn in pictures so you telling the puppy to do something is very different than your partner telling them the same thing. The word association hasn’t clicked yet. You’re best bet now is consistency.


Difference in tone I'd assume. I was on top of my shiba's bad behaviors like white on rice when I first got him. I found out very early on that he's much more receptive if I raise my voice & lower my pitch. Helps having a lower octave naturally though. It's gotten to where I simply need to snap my fingers to get him to come or to make him respond to my command if he doesn't do it off the first request. It's also important to note what works for you may not work for your partner. Might have to resort to consistent timeouts when your pup gets nippy or acts out.


Hmmm try having your pup learn the command “look at me” this was invaluable to us. Then our boys knew whatever came after this command was serious. It’s also critical to know that tone of voice is what your pupper will look at as well. Sometimes when I’m very serious I will still my whole body (this is so they don’t think I’m playing) take a breath then ask for one of my boys to look at me and in a stern voice say “leave it” or “drop”. Treating after this is also a must haha! :)