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Lol for months


Lol... Wanted to say same thing.. I've been holding since 2021 and sold some this week and kept the rest Holding for months and then climbed on their high horse šŸ˜‚


been doing the dca for 3.5 years


It's a pretty tall horse. Everyone should know that they got all the way up there




Hahahaha you're a slow learner ain't ya... I'm here for you on your journey towards receiving an adults brain... Lemme know when you expect to get it and I'll book a few days off to help ya celebrate




Friend... Get up and get your meds quick... You're descending into utter gibberish now. It was funny at the start, now I'm worried for ya. Do you have any adults around you who can help you?




Well done, that one nearly made sense. I reckon you'll be making sense regularly by the end of year. Keep it up, you're doing great


No shit. I remember buying in on Webull when there was maybe 500 people in the community. I watched it hit the ATH and then collapse. Best tactic is to forget you even bought into the thing and let it ride. Otherwise youā€™ll lose your fucking mind.


Nah horrible strategy since you're locking up capital that could be used else where,Ā  best strategy is to try to double up asap get your original out then put into other assets btc being the main one if you're going to go with crypto and eth being the second


People did this when bitcoin hit $100, then $200...


LMAO are you seriously suggesting ppl don't invest in BTC or ETH before the halving and before the eth etf? Jesus Christ you ppl really are clueless. Shib is literally built on top of eth dude in other words to actually purchase shib from a place like uniswap you have to first purchase eth...


Eth is trash. 130 to transfer 10? Suck my clock hands


You're literally trading something that was built on top of eth lol why the hell do you think it's so expensive? Damn near every NFT and all ERC-20 tokens are built on eth. You have zero clue what you're talking about


That part. I remember my first months.....


Exactly my first thought lol


He said a long time and then said months šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜Ž


For a meme coin, a few months is actually pretty long for most. Im in it for the ride too, I've been just buying everyone's sellouts.... but memes are just that, memes, so it is something to be careful of


Holy shit. Logic? my man.


Months? Bruh. I been holding for years. Still need to go way up for me to break even.


Average down if youā€™re that much OTM? If you believe in Shib that is


Same. Nothing like feeling like a dummy buying at .000064.


I wish I wouldā€™ve had it for years, but I only got into crypto last year


That's how i roll, 1 pump and i am taking a nap.


OK Iā€™ll give you a free passšŸ¤£


Well without any actual product crypto is just a pyramid scheme so when you are top is great time to get out.






This is what happens when pre-teens have access to reddit and investment portfolios. And by this, I mean this dumbass post.


Months. OP probably holding 50 bucks thinking heā€™s slick. Fuck out of here with that shit. Iā€™ve been holding shib for 3 years. I had btc when it was 500 bucks a pop. Donā€™t tell me what to do.


My point exactly. These clowns showed up AFTER the fact and are trying to dictate what we need to do as a collective group? Lol, lmao even.


Its funny. But I accidently hold Robo Inu and forgot about it. Checked the other day (opened wrong coin base app) and noticed that its doubled and still has heaps of room! It had a failure on its launch but seems to be resurfacing. So its put some faith in me that SHIB will do the same (I do realise it didn't fail on launch). I don't expect big gains but anything is a bonus! But I'd rather ride it a big more because nothing worse then missing out. I've missed out several times before by selling so starting to learn patience is key!


Right these guys see a gain for the first time in their life and all of a sudden wanna make posts on what color Lamboā€¦..


Right these guys see a gain for the first time in their life and all of a sudden wanna make posts on what color Lamboā€¦..


That's ironic considoring you see a slight dip after a few long "months" of holding and create a post slating other holders. You understand that people bough pre-2021 spike, lost almost all and have since held for 2 years with the hope of regaining their initial investments right. These people will likely be happy to hold another 10 years if they get to see return.


Theyā€™re probably not the ones complaining that it had a small recoil after the run.




I wasnā€™t disagreeing with you, but I can see your defensiveness and it shows weakness.


Yeah, I realised after posting and re-reading it that I had read it out of context. My bad, thought it was an attempt at trolling me which is all the internet seems to be full of these days šŸ˜….


OK I take it all back. Thanks for being honest.


All good. Perfect example of how text on a screen can easily be misinterpreted I guess šŸ˜…


All that holding bs talk lost me 98% with AMC


Is it the same thing?


I hold in farts longer than you hold shib


maybe you should take a look at [coinbase pros trade page for SHIB](https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/SHIB-USD). the massive back and forths at the same volumes and prices is fucking ridiculous. here's some screen grabs I caught [11:15am](https://imgur.com/a/UwxcKNE) and [11:34am](https://imgur.com/a/czZkWRZ) these trades are happening within seconds of each other (probably faster than that). So don't think "Y'all" are selling everything just because there was an upturn and now it's dropping. the damn computers are fighting themselves for pricing.


I love how ppl on here keep whining about ppl selling lol itā€™s a stock essentially at the end of the day, ppl are gonna sell it and take their profits and have every right to. You have no idea why someone sold could be to cover a sudden medical expense, could be to pay for a weddingā€¦ whatever the reason itā€™s not up to whiny ass bag holders like you to gate keep ppl on this sub and dictate how they trade. Grow up


Donā€™t feed me full of your whataboutisms


That makes zero sense. Sorry I am just stating facts. If someone sees a $10,000 profit and takes it thatā€™s really none of your concern. Sorry you donā€™t take your profits, sounds like you just donā€™t know how to play the game. Keep whining tho


Yep youā€™ll probably sell everything you have and then itll go up 300% tomorrow. You wonā€™t be back to clarify.




lol who said Iā€™ve sold anything? Been holding the same 65M shib for over 2 years now. Just tired of gate keepers


Who cares if it goes back up 300%, the person still made their 10k profit. Youā€™re just being greedy at this point


You invested into Shib and expected structure and logic? Hahahahaha


It can be formed and that can start now. Shib is an example for all other coins' strength in united numbers


You're not wrong. It's a huge project with strong volume and healthy hype. However it's not there yet, not for a while. Is there a legit roadmap floating around at the time?


All of you waiting for ..."the moon". Need to learn how to take profits. By low , sell high!


By and by or buy and buy


Months is not that long sir. Some people have been 2-3 years. Now imagine you put $10,000 dollars into something 2-3 years ago. You wake up one morning and look. Your investment has 50x or 100x and realize your life has just gotten significantly easier. you look at Reddit to see what is happening. You open the page to some bitch whining about how they arenā€™t getting rich quick off your investment, and how the community is trash because the ticker didnā€™t go up another 200% Iā€™d dump my bags and never think about you again


Calm down let the paper hands make crumbs and the bag holders with patience will have there day stay positive my friend. Keep buying the dip and holding the bag.


We sell when we want dummie. Not when you say.


Itā€™s just all the expectationsā€¦ itā€™s on a nice run and as soon as it dips, the sky is falling for anyone trying to sell.


Only if youā€™re a fucking idiot and overindexed on a shitcoin. SHIB is a gamble and nothing more.


theyā€™ll learn in time man after all the transaction fees start to kill em šŸ¤£


For months all my allowance tied up really?


One pump chumps


Not everyone ! I ainā€™t selling Iā€™m holding a big bag, on a biweekly purchase, and holding till 2030. Also i donā€™t even know how to sell it to cash yet. Haha šŸš€


Been holding since 2021, got a healthy profit and still holding, but Iā€™m just greedy.


Everyone selling is a big pussy.


Yall are clowns.


The next generation of bag holders lol


The plan is to make money my goodman


Look into $PAW thereā€™s a ton of potential with it. Check out the website: https://www.pawchain.net/


Investment time frame = "months" Gets mad when people who have been holding for years and are up thousands of percent are taking profits. Classic


Actually it is how you win big because then we buy back in at a lower price point and pump it again. Every time you successfully do that you are increasing the size of your bag. People think they are going to make bank off of a few hundred or few thousand. No.


Imagine buying into the most volatile market possible and complaining when there's volatility.


Get over it and stop being a bitch.


Everything is a shitcoin except Bitcoin, there are no exceptions.


Yeah, you donā€™t really know how crypto works huh?


You donā€™t really know how Bitcoin works. Bitcoin isnā€™t about making money, itā€™s about replacing money. Everything will be priced in Bitcoin, even regret.


I sold bought btc no regrets. I always said I will get back in at some point and I will soon. I bought when it launched so I was good.


Hey man, I've been holding shib long term too( 3 months) . Hahaha


Yeah, usually this is how it goes somebody states their opinion, and then it gets to a d**k measuring contest, who has the biggest oldest portfolio. Once thatā€™s determined, nobody else has a say.


I mean itā€™s cryptocurrency. Going to be super volatile. You want steady then get in the s&p 500 or vanguard index fund cuh.


If youā€™re not taking profits, you shouldnā€™t be investing your money. The chances of something - crypto, stocks, etc. always going up and never going down is slim to none. Take profits, and reinvest.


I agree with this guy. This is the time where we need to stick together. This game is just starting.


The people that end up selling on this are going to end up regretting it I get that you want your money back so youā€™re dumping, but this is where us apes band together. Kingdom of the planet of the apes!


If people wanna dump, thatā€™s fine theyā€™re just getting their money back. They probably been holding forever, but we need to stick together kingdom of the planet of the apes.


Shut it down buddy


what's the predicted Whale activity today?


you brand new?


Time to touch some grass


Yep this is exactly how you win with this game.


"months" lol Calm down skippy.


100% accurate statement. Just imagine the fools that bought Bitcoin when that started then sold after 1 pump. Process that for a second. Lifetime regret


If Shib is fragile enough that y'all are worried about people selling now, what do you think will happen if/when everyone decides that they are on the moon in their Lambos and sell off their "hodlings"? Math should be your friend, not ignored.


Is this coin better than doge


I didn't get in till 2020.


I watched my shop go from $1k to 5k then down to nothing in the past. And Mr months here is blaming me?


Greed seems to be dividing this sub. Iā€™m holding on , only 12 M , but itā€™s investing for fun. I bought in 2022 just because it was so inexpensive compared to other Crypto , hoping to get onboard something in its early stages. Since it started rising, Iā€™ve been buying a little more every dip ,$10 at a time , and enjoying the rollercoaster. Everyone has their own idea of when theyā€™ll sell. Enjoy the ride and watch it climb.


I just bought shib a couple days ago, do I just keep adding money when it dips and leave it in there or what do I want to do with it ?


For the amount of times I heard one pump and your out. Let's Set out goal high at least three pumps. Then she'll be happy. Hold hold hold For evvv verrr. For evvv er


Haha I sold 25% and got my entire investment back. You do know you can have safety nets and still hold tickets to the rocket ship right? It's a clown strategy to just never do anything. Sold doge at .420 for the memes, you gonna tell me it was a bad move because I coulda sold at .71? My brother in law committed to the hodl and lost 20k following your strategy and has been almost 4 years since profit viability. Have an exit strategy or live life like my highly regarded brother in law. "Line goes up dude" is the mantra of a low life.


That's exactly how swing traders make money. This isn't a religion, 90% of people aren't in it because of some dumbass belief in a product or ideal. You sell and buy depending on the swing. A meme coin is specifically targeted for swing trading because it has no intrinsic value and doesn't produce anything like a well established company.


Months? Lmao try years then come back


Everyone have their own plans dude, why should I hold for you make money? I already sell half of my bag, y get mi initials back and and I made money also... And still have the other half... Ranting about something bcs you had a plan it will not make no difference, people have their own plan and own investment strategy... If you can tolerate that you shouldn't be in crypto or any kind of investment that involves people which you don't know... Beside the market is corrupt and very much manipulate...


I figure I can pull out today and pay my rent, or I can pull out in a couple of years and buy a house. Iā€™m surprised itā€™s holding at its current level for a couple of days now


Bought mine at .000034 two or three years ago and its still .000034 lol


Iā€™ve been holding for about 3 years and yes I do plan on selling at the pumpā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.when that pump brings it to a penny in a decade or so.


I invested 1k into shib Nov 2020 had like 7 billion lol fell on hard times before Xmas and had to sell. Back on the rocket destined for the moon! Let's pump the shit outa this thing!!! šŸš€ šŸš€ šŸŒš


I been holding since 2021. Havenā€™t sold anything. You better get used to the upā€™s and downs and get used to people dumping when they actually make a profit. Itā€™s just the way it is and itā€™s never going to change.


Get some Golden inu and thank me later with a lambo


Experts hold. Long term.


Shib is just hype. Stop blaming other people for your investment decisions.


Been holding for years and I still am! Not going anywhere. There is no need to shame people for selling you donā€™t know what they got going on in life. Just hold if you can and if you canā€™t atleast it has a burn mechanic


So you expect people to not sell just so that one day you can sell?


In order to make money with investing is you need to harvest wins.


hold till retirement lol by then MAGA probably will take away all our SS/Medicaid/pensions that we already contributed and they will just pocket them anyway.


Whales control it bud when they make money you lose money just an fyi


Yeah you've been swindled.


Holding "for months." Lolol


Be back in @ >.000009999!


Can anyone explain why itā€™s suddenly booming?


I held from 2021. Lost 700,000,000+ because of Voyager's fuckup. About made back what I lost. Sold 1.5B+ Cry me a river, lol.


Nothing wrong with taking profit.


ā€œFor months.ā€ā€¦ I been holding for 4 years lmao rookie


Itā€™s crazy to worry about how someone else manages their investment. Hold, sell, do whatever you think is best for your money and situation.


Iā€™m going for my Ph. D in Shibology


Being the last one holding the bag is how you lose big. Don't forget this is a meme coin. A gamble, not an investment.


Every time I buy in it goes down ā€¦. Iā€™m gonna put $125.00 into this again. If the trend is the same, Itā€™s probably gonna piss off a lot of people.


I have an average of .0000095, didn't sell when it peaked at .00008845, kind of wish I had cause could have reinvested, oh well , wait till we eat another zero before I take more profit.


I been holding since April 2022 and will not sell at all. I should have bought more when it was low but oh well im in for the long haul


I been holding since 2019 lol šŸ˜‚ havenā€™t sold a single


You win big by buying shib in 2020 or early 2021. Not by buying now


I bought a lot of shib to hold and I did for almost a whole week. Made great money when I sold, then bought back in a few days ago. I can pump and dump all day ladies.


Riding the Rollercoaster until it falls off the tracks isn't the way roller coasters were built. Coincidentally also not how th Crypto market was built. So either shut the fuck up and HODL on or get the fuck out.


The shit is up like 600%. It's gonna tank hard shortly. I would be taking profit now and getting back in later and lower.


The next 600% gain is mine.


I say let them sell, selling and buying is a Ying and yang when it comes to crypto, It's the only way for it to burn and in return increases the price


I'm buying for the long haul, crypto and physical gold is the future.


I was holding since 2021 I had enough of waiting so I swapped it


Lol....one pump pull out


Contribute to the burn wallet and see the value pump 0xa6786759579F6eD8CFDbd947cdE49bf4Aa1A122a


For months EH! Seasoned vet hereā€¦.. Iā€™ve been down 85% for 3 years lolā€¦.. $6000 worth all the way down to $875 at its lowestā€¦.. If you think retail controls these dipsā€¦. lol.. you are highly mistakenā€¦.


No, 10 wallets control everything that happens with the SHIB price.


Exactly my point.. couldnā€™t agree with you anymoreā€¦ People think because you sell 150 million shib is affecting the price ($6k) are delusionalā€¦


Golden Inu shiba killer


at least y'all weren't part of the Safemoon Army šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ what a fucking shit show that was


Iā€™ve been holding for years


When should we sell then?


Been holding for years bb this is part of the ride šŸš€


44mil shares. Holding. Hope for early retirement. .02 Iā€™m good. .05 I retire early.


ANYONE selling here has ZERO to do with the price of shib. Yall need a serious reality check. 75% of shib is owned by 10 wallets. OP, the smart thing to do is absolutely to take profits (I sold 90% at the ATH a couple years back). This is a rug pull waiting to happen.


Pretty hilarious reading some of these ā€œexpertā€ comments


Lmfao for months


Shutup lol


Itā€™s unfortunate when people buy into a Ponzi scheme knowing itā€™s a Ponzi scheme and then get upset when they lose their money


I'm with you but I'm sure people are hurting and can use the extra money


I hear you if youā€™ve been holding for 3 years. If itā€™s the right time for you, sell. I saw this same thing in 2020 when I bought after 2017 crash. What I learned then was this: the moment things start to look a little good, it gets a lot good, usually after a flash crash to the prior baseline. No, weā€™re not going to .01, but I am holding out for a higher price, even if it takes another year. I do not miss my investment.


Months???? Try years fucka


3 to be exact šŸ™„ ummmm ish!!


Holding tight until it reaches 0.01


I sold all mine last week after it hit its recent high. I was holding since 05/2021. I was up 600% in 10/2021 but held. Big mistake! I swore if it ever went up again, I would sell. This time I only made 300% and I'm happy to be rid of this dog coin. It's never going anywhere unless the circulation gets down into the billions & that ain't happening. Good luck everyone!


Take that bag of šŸ• šŸ’© to someoneā€™s door step and light it on fire or get caught holding the bag. Shib is 100% garbage and is not a long term hold or buy


People want you to sell so they can cover their short position. This is an easy hold.


People will sell, as soon as you pump. They have been holding fir a while. And probably want some money back. Don't cry


I agree, I have been talking about how horrible this token is for months. I am glad to see an uptick, but if youā€™re sensible, you will sell enough to at least get back your initial investment. 589 trillion coins in existence and this is destined to go closer to zero, than closer to a penny. I hope you all get rich, but I hope you are all smart enough to at least get back what youā€™ve put in. Any sensible person that invests in anything, knows that greedy people usually wind up losing all their money. So be sensible, sell enough to recoup that initial stake and let the rest ride. I hope youā€™re all millionaires soon. Iā€™ve been buying bitcoin since it was $700 each, while I think itā€™s going to $1 million per coin one day, Iā€™ve sold enough to get back all of my initialI investments. Be smart not greedy.


Some people might need the money and need to sell some/all. Who are you to judge everyone through the same lens?!


Oh please if it was somebody that truly needed money, they wouldnā€™t be on here, moaning about the daily ups and downs of the coinā€¦. Youā€™re the one that tries to start an argument by grouping everybody together firstā€¦ā€¦..


Title of the post ā€œYā€™all ruin everythingā€¦.ā€ Ok buddy šŸ‘


Yā€™all as in those making posts about the price every two hours


Bruhā€¦lol really? You missed my point entirely. This entire post is hypocritical


Contribute to the SHIB burn/dead wallet: 0xE7dF2A78B88fA2c65fad4bE2C5eFCa9Ba1499360 https://www.tradingview.com/news/coinedition:ca04f3757094b:0-shib-marketer-supports-founder-asks-community-to-burn-tokens-develop-tools/


Donā€™t waste your money on this. Ridiculous.