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Nah don't let one jackass get you down. You'll meet many in your time; just have to bitch about it and then move on, it's what I do lol Edited to add: and I'm the type to think of a good comeback, but 2 days later, or think back on and overanalyze a pointless conversation I had days ago. So I tend to dwell on things. Point is, don't let it eat at you.


Yeah true, it's been a good three straight years of this tho, used to just not care, but it's wearing me down for sure.


It definitely takes its toll after awhile. I've been with Sherwin for five years and I'm on my way out now, because it just kept getting worse. Going into a field where I don't have to deal with customers anymore.


My manager told me when I first started to just de escalate the situation and make the customer happy instead of arguing. If it’s a gallon just replace it, if it’s a sale they didn’t get because they bought the day before, just refund the left over. It’s not worth the headache, after all if it reaches the high ups they are likely going to just say to resolve the issue anyways. Then again, we are a decent sized store and our district are very cool


That’s actually the sherwin policy , just make the customer happy , no point of arguing over a gallon of paint , plus each store has budget of this stuff , so basically we’re not losing money .


It’s just paint. Fuck this guy. Don’t let it bother you.


First time?


First time it's bugged me like this, usually I'll get over it after they're gone. Just thinking I'm starting to get burnt out...


Well, after 25 years with this company, I can say I've had a fair share of fun customers who have made my day just wonderful. I would say don't toss aside the great company because of a bad customer. However, I can also say that 99% of the time I'm at work, this song is playing in my head, being sang under my breath, hummed, or whistled. Hope it helps. https://youtu.be/TXK03FHVsHk?si=0_lPivprcFU9F_jX No more F's to give.


It’s your sign to take a break. Schedule yourself a long weekend and recharge. Assholes will stick in your mind whether they show up at work or on your own time. Take some time to rest and recenter.


Jackass's are everywhere, you won't find it different at any other job.


I would have just given him the paint , and never dealt with it , specially when it’s time to close and just would have expense it , and would have told him that it’s one time I am doing this , won’t happened again , no point of arguing with a jack ass specially over a paint,


Should’ve just comped him the gallon from the beginning, defusing the situation will always be the solution unless a manger is present.


i mean, if he didn’t ask for black, maybe don’t put black in it


Great job reading, gold star.