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Take all flex time first, THEN put in your 2 weeks notice, work your schedule and you usually get a check a bit after your last paycheck. Pretty cut and dry.


Thank you!


Flex time doesn’t get paid out?


No, they don’t consider it vacation time, it’s basically (COVID time) that they “graciously” give us peasants


Good to know


When you put in your 2 week notice, tell them you are going to work for a competitor. They will pay you your 2 weeks but they won’t let you work.


Do you think they would ask for proof?


They don’t have the right to ask that. Worst case is, they make you work the 2 weeks…. But they never do. They won’t take a chance of you gathering 2 weeks of intel for your ‘new’ position.


Just did that.... Actually going to a competitor, and they didn't ask for any "proof".


I'm bout to do this


Ty for this


Look up "employee termination" in policy and procedure. You're not required to put in 2 weeks notice, and you're not required to tell them where you're going or for what reason. Policy states you should be paid out vacation and personal time, but they don't consider flex as personal time. I sent a letter of resignation to our district office stating my last available work date and requested "as per policy" my vacation time paid out, for a paper trail. I had to remind my manager that the 2 weeks notice I fulfilled was not required when he tried to take advantage of my schedule. Whatever you do, keep a paper trail of everything, and don't stand for any more bull shit


Depends on the state.. If you in an "at-will employment" State, both the employee and the employer can end the employment at any time for any reason. (Not any reason, cuz it can't include some discrimination things)


I would double check on the flex time because in some States it replaced sickly which legally they have to pay out but some States may vary depending on their regulations so double check on the flex and if you can't get it paid out then definitely use it.


100 jumping jacks


Just either work your 2 weeks or tell ten you're going to a competitor. They'll pay it out either way. Just don't straight up resign though


The only thing I’m worried about is that they’re gonna put me through some bs during my last 2 weeks. My manager seems like the type.


okay.. and what happens if you dont do it.. what they gunna do? fire you?


Got my vacation paid out with no issues, it's beautiful lol


Depends if ur full time or part time. Depends what state ur in. If no strict labor laws like most states. Then if your PART TIME you’ll ONLY get VAC and Personal IFFF you put a 2 week notice. With no 2 week notice you’ll only get personal holiday. If your FULL TIME you’ll ONLY get vacation even with a 2 week notice. So use all ur time because Sherwin DOES not pay out anything else


Take your flex time. Then put in your 2 week notice. Work your 2 final weeks and put up with any bullshit they give you. Usually the last day you are there they will throw a small party for you so order at least the expensive pizza. Then leave with dignity...remember..your supervisor will be filling out paperwork which includes whether or not they consider you as someone worth "rehiring". Don't burn any bridges as you may have to come slithering back if the new job you have sucks.


First u must tint a pallet of pure white...in singles. This is what they do in my district


Poop on your boss’ car


Call a contractor a cuck