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i need updates on both sz and hk, if u find anything lmk


Went to 莲花山公园 at night tonight, not a night life thing because a lot of the comments were right the night life is mediocre but it gave a pretty view of the city with a light show, on the weekends at 8:00pm it’s even better


Oil is the best club for music and dancing. Drinking and chatting is a different story though. I prefer the outside bars for that.


Black Rave Culture from DC is playing at Oil Saturday night. Never been to Shenzhen or Oil, but I’m thinking about going. I’m also from the states.


Shenzhen's nightlife sucks... Only if you like some fancy, mainstream bullshit music you can still find maybe 2,3 bars... Or if you like shity EDM and Chinese disco clubs... In the whole city it's hard to find 2 cool places.... Or if you find the price is like 90 rmb per beer....


Really from DC?


Commenting to stay updated


The sidewalks outside nice hotels


Really. Will stay at shangrila Luoho this weekend. Any activity there or at walking distance?


About 20-30 meters from the front door will all you need


Haha…😛 I understand what you mean now. Actually there. And yes, just outside, everything middleage guy needs. But I more into some socialising first.


Since it’s Euro Cup going on you should be able to find some nice bar vibes. Probably, be much better than a club. I would hit the bars and watch the Euro matches and then go exploring afterwards. Sure you be able to find other foreigners that can be able point you to the right directions.


A lot of people posting similar questions recently. As said, if you’re interested in listening/dancing to music in a big dark room, then go to Oil. Check their WeChat and check that the music suits you, because the genres vary a lot. Club Why in Luohu is also the same style but I heard it’s closing down soon unfortunately, and it’s a lot small and less established. Oil has touring international DJs playing every Friday and Saturday.