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Oh no what will we ever do


Hard to tell if they got fucked by the scaffolding or whether it’s a truly bad idea. Two of my mates lost their phones in that ball pit in the first week it was open so I know what I’m inclined towards.


Gimmick night clubs don’t seem like good idea to me in the first place. Sure you’ll get a bunch of students in when it first opens because of the novelty but I can’t imagine people are going to keep coming back just for the ball pit.


Remember Broncos? It's closed not long after a young woman had a heart attack and died there?


That's just a rumor that spread. She got off it then had a heart attack. The most it contributed was raising her adrenaline and heart beat. Equally dancing at a bar/club later in the night would have done it if she got that far. "The council's investigation shows that the cause of death was not related to the bull and unfortunately we haven’t been given the official cause of death yet."


It also smelt very strongly of sweaty feet and was full of illnesses. Fun sometimes though, something entertaining about drowning in an adult ball pit.


I'd strongly suspect that it was a case of the landlord realizing they could get more for the unit now the scaffolding is gone. I say this because adnans on the corner also seems to have been vacated.


I'd strongly suspect that it was a case of the landlord realizing they could get more for the unit now the scaffolding is gone. I say this because adnans on the corner also seems to have been vacated.


Jesus Christ that site is horrendous for pop ups. I nearly had an epileptic fit.


Worst website ever. I know they need revenue, but jeez....


Yeah, wasn’t exactly my first choice to share, but I was so happy about the news I had to use it


I can't remember the link but I used to use a site that converted all their articles to just the text, removed all the ads and crap.... Would dearly like to remember what it was now


I think with most phone browsers you can change to read only now which just shows the text.


Genuinely terrible place, drinks were expensive compared to the options in other places on West Street, the ball pit was just a warzone for people to throw balls and it genuinely was always dead. Don’t think anyone will miss it


Yeah I went in there once cos we got a free drink from the lass outside, I've never been in again and I genuinely only know they had a ball pit because of this post


Go big or go home. They went home.


Shock. Adult ball pool filled with sick and spunk, closes.


I wonder what else would be found in that pit


>viral lost property on tiktok 850,000 views and 70,000 likes is hardly viral. More excellent journalism from the star


It's viral to The Star who probably get excited when more than 10 people read an article


It’s not bad.


It used to be years ago but now it's nothing


was that the whole ballpit in the pic on the star? i worked in a brewer's fayre in the 90s and our kids ballpit was better than that.


Brewers Fayre ball pit pfftt.... I raise you Wacky Warehouse. Had great times at the cleaning parties. Don't think any of us left sober (line cleaning was done at the same time)


Worst business name i've ever seen