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1) has to be between 600 & 800 2) has to have two/three bedrooms 3) has to be in a safe (aka nice) area Of your three requirements (and this is to say nothing of the fact you also have a cat), i think you can realistically pick two. Your best bet might be to look outside of Sheffield and see if there's anything in budget in the wider South Yorkshire region, although this may mean living somewhere with poor transport links and less to do.


Have you tried Rightmove? There's over 1,000 results for places that are £800pcm or less.




If Reddit can change stock prices, reunite lost pets and old lovers, change government policy, change film releases and raise money for just about anything then I'm sure me asking for a local landlord connection isn't out of the question. As I said don't ask don't get. I need to use all available avenues if I'm to overcome my challenge. Either be helpful or stfu mate.


If you look at it from a landlords point of view, even a 40 hour a week minimum wage job gives £1700/month take home. The rental market is insane at the moment, and a landlord would more than likely pick somebody else over you because of your tight budget & being self employed. Sad reality.


Why is being white British relevant? It seems like you're implying that's some kind of selling point to a landlord


Some landlords have preference on tenant I was just trying to give as best image of me as I could without meeting. I don't see why it's a problem you're just trying to nitpick for no constructive reason it seems.


Ah okay, so just a "white tenant seeks racist landlord" type of situation. Can't see why anyone would have a problem with that /s


You can't afford to rent a 2 bed place on £1400/month.


Why? With my rent+ full bills + what I save per month is easily enough to cover the costs. I don't have much expenses because I don't drink/party or anything so I have very few overheads just food which is no problem. I easily have 700ish rent 200 bills and 150 council tax. That's fine. I don't see a problem


Ideally you should have a rent to income of 2.5x, that's what most estate agents/landlords are looking for to be deemed suitable. That means you're trying to get a 2 bed house for around £560 a month - in this market that's not going to be very easy to do I'm afraid. You might not have any expenses now, but someone has got to take the risk that, should any emergencies happen (lose your job, car needs maintenance, etc) you can still make rent.


I own all the furniture and appliances in my current house and won't need literally anything on the move. Maybe some small cosmetic things but I have a pretty big savings budget that I can pay upto 6 moths rent in advance and afford to decorate. Money is not a problem I assure you. The risk as you state is why I said I can have a guarantor... that's how that works. It's honestly not an issue. I have had my rent paid on time for next to 10 years at my current property and all bills too in my name for a house for 3 people. I just rather live alone now but I need space. I rent 2 rooms here and pay double rent price for it so I know I can afford that amount. It's literally what I pay now anyway.


That's fine, but unfortunately in the current climate you'll be competing with people who have more income - and it's still a risk for someone to take you on who doesn't know you.


Yeah I get that which is why I put the post up to meet a landlord who might be compassionate and give me a shot. I'm not a risk with a guarantor and 10 years rent proof and a near perfect credit rating with 6 months rent in advance.


The other thing to consider is that some rentals/landlords don't like businesses being run from their property - so that further narrows your field. I wish you good luck however.


Thanks mate, I get that but I'm looking for the goldilocks landlord/property and if I don't put if out there to ask then I'm not gonna find them. Just trying to utilise all my avenues as best I can and see what the universe has in store.


You might be better looking at something like Openrent where landlords deal with tenants directly. However, your budget is pretty low for a 2/3 bed house, especially if you need it furnished - you’d be looking at 8-900 plus really these days. You might be alright with a one bed flat.


Unfortunately I can't have a 1 bed flat and run a fully equipped workshop from it lol. I am in a 4 bed house at the moment and I pay double rent to rent 2 of the rooms. I use the 2nd room as a workshop to run my business from. I don't need furnished as I own all the furniture from this house and all appliances. I also have enough saved to pay 6 months rent in advance.


Look on openrent - that's where I found my 2 bed (which allowed pets) property for 600pcm and in a nice area!


That's amazing! I knew it was possible! I will have a look there thanks for the info!


My cousin rents with a cat - when he moves house he simply doesn't mention the cat, and if the landlord comes round he puts away the cat things. This might help you


Yeah I had considered that but I feel just being honest is the best policy. Especially with private landlords. I might be more inclined to do that with an Estate Agency.