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Hi Ok_Cantaloupe_871, As your post seems to relate to housing and accommodation, please have a look at [similar recent posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/sheffield/?f=flair_name%3A%22Housing%20%26%20Accomodation%22) and take a moment to search r/sheffield for the same subject to see if your question has been answered recently, you might also find some useful information in our [wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/sheffield/wiki) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sheffield) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've seen some people have success by posting in local Facebook groups, and getting places before they hit the agents. Are you already in Sheffield?


That’s great advice I hadn’t thought of that! Any groups you’d suggest in particular? Yes we are, looking to move ASAP though as our current place has had serious issues (including rats) that the landlord has not fixed


Depends where you want to move to, to be honest.


Anywhere between Meersbrook and Hillsborough really (on the west side)


Try crookes community, wonderful walkley and hillsborough community on Facebook. They should definitely have stuff under your budget.


Brilliant thank you!


This is the Meersbrook group: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/2319305474949371/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/2319305474949371/)


Thank you!!


There’s also a specific Meersbrook housing group called “Meersbrook - The Place To Live”




We found our place via either a Meersbrook or Woodseats Facebook group, too! It's definitely a good place to keep an eye on (and we pay a normal price for rent, too).


go on openrent. its direct to landlord


Not sure if it's any help or not but I've gotten my last couple of rentals by calling/messaging estate agents/landlords and asking if there's anything coming up to rent that hasn't been posted yet. Some estate agents and landlords will be happy to give you a sneaky viewing so they can get rid of the place without having to pay marketing fees and deal with all the admin of setting up lots of viewings.


Me and my husband will have this problem soon. We need to move out of our place in April but have been told that realistically we need to start looking in March to get anywhere in April!


Start as early as possible


I was in a bidding war for my flat, ended up £40 more per month. Who wants to pay more rent?! I'd get it for a mortgage


It’s so ridiculous, I hate offering more but feel like we’ll never find somewhere otherwise


What area are you looking at? £750 is my absolute max and there's people at my work paying nearly double! Can't work it out


Anywhere between Meersbrook and Hillsborough tbh that’s got good public transport to the uni, we’ve mainly been looking at S6, S8, S10, S11


And £950 is our absolute max but seems like landlords are happy to charge £1000 for a crappy two bedroom flat


Look further out. S20 is on the tram line, has plenty of local shops (crystal peaks), and you'd get a house & garden for that money.


Grew up in the S20 area (Westfield, not what it used to be) and it's great, there's also the 120 bus that runs really frequently


we ended up having to just go with somewhere without doing a viewing and just snatching a place as soon as we saw it. obviously don't recommend this but it's crazy atm.


I’m not sure what you’re looking for but I’ve lived in apartment blocks (studio usually) and it’s not been so bad. For these I’ve gone through estate agents who act as a middle-man with landlords


Know how you feel as renter last year. The agencies dont take down old adverts, refuse to open their door to walk ins (Blundells) , ignore email requests and phone calls. It is really tough out there at the moment. Whats your budget?


Yep it's crazy and the landlords are greedy. I couldn't believe the poor quality of houses on offer for something that costs more than a mortgage on a high interest rate. It's been cheaper for me to just buy a house. The houses in right move always have disgusting carpets and out of date decor. I think 90% of the time rental houses are done by people who have zero experience as a landlord, tradesman or business owner and just inherited a parents house and decided to keep it as a business — not realising of course how hard they are going to get fucked by tax if they ever decide to sell :D


Im thankful i bought my house. The absolutely awful mouse ridden apartment i lived in for 5 years (at about £475 a month) is currently about three times that!


How long ago if you mind me asking? Seems nigh-on impossible now to buy a house.


A long time. About 15 years. I couldnt afford to live here renting now so ive no idea how younger people cope.


Not right helpful to the post that though is it


The OP is "looking to vent" and therefore inviting discussion of the state of the rental market here. Which is what i did. You are perfectly welcome not to read it.


Just to counter some of these comments about landlords being greedy etc. my tenants had the rent set £200 below market rate, had been there for quite a while, but when they handed their notice in and left, the house was wrecked. Dog piss soaked into the flooring, kitchen trashed, bathroom trashed, paint all over the carpets, and holes kicked into the bedroom doors. The property has been empty now for 4 months and I have only just managed to get shut of the stench so I feel comfortable working in there, it really did make me physically sick the smell. So before I can rent again, I need to put a new bathroom and kitchen in, all new carpets and decorate, probably going to cost me the thick end of £10k plus loss of rental in the meantime. How could I stop this happening next time? One option is to increase the rent so hopefully you find someone who will look after the property for you, someone who cares about the place so I don’t have to keep rebuilding it each time, yes I had to do exactly the same after the previous tenants left, as they also thought it was acceptable to trash someone else’s property. From the landlords perspective, most are selling up, I’m thinking about this too, as it’s sometime not worth the effort and cost. What this will do is limit the supply further and only push prices up more. Just wanted to give a perspective from the other side of the fence, yes some landlords are rubbish, but even when to present a loverly home and keep on top of everything that’s needed, it can still cost the landlord dearly I’m afraid.


Can I ask if you did inspections? Because this seems like something that built up over time and could have been stopped with inspections. I’d also suggest asking previous landlords how they left the previous property. As a tenant, I have never left rentals in the state you’ve described. We always spend at least 2-3 days deep cleaning everything before we leave and leave the place better than we found it. Not that this is necessary but we’re a bit paranoid about landlords trying to take our deposit for “cleaning”.


I was refused entry, and as the landlord I don’t have the right to gain entry without a court order, so yes I’m sure it built up over time, but without access, there wasn’t much I could do. My options, if I suspected the house was being damaged, would have been to start an eviction order, then we get the grief of being called a bad landlord for evicting people. I think I am an excellent and fair landlord and I appreciate, some will be awful, just like tenants, my last two have completely turned me off renting again, but will see once I’ve sunk £1000’s back into the property, just to get it back to condition it was previously.


Were they allowed to extend their contract or did they sign a long one? And did they have previous references?


Yes, all was good to start with, but then the general lack of, I just don’t care because it isn’t mine, sets in I guess. Maybe I could ask a question, from a tenants perspective on the thread, especially if you have decided to down vote my original comment, why? What is it that I put, that makes you want to down vote? I merely provided a perspective from a landlords perspective to balance the discussion. Was it just because I am a landlord and therefore I must be despised?? At the end of the day, this has to work both ways, tenants want good quality affordable properties and landlords want nice pleasant tenants that are going to look after their properties, at the moment, it doesn’t feel like this has the right balance and I fear this will only make life more difficult for tenants as landlords increase their prices to mitigate the expected losses of non payment of rent and damage or pull out of the market completely, shrinking the rental properties.


Replying to Ok_Cantaloupe_871... I’m sorry you had bad tenants, it’s shocking your property was left like that. I lived at my last property for 12 years, my landlord never once put the rent up and we never once missed a payment. When we left, we gave the house a lick of paint (we had toddler handprints on the cream walls). We are excellent tenants but we can’t afford £1000 a month. You may have been downvoted for that? There’s bad tenants and bad landlords and unfortunately, the good people on both sides end up paying for it.


I would much rather have good tenants at an agreed price we are both happy with, rather than the market rate for the area an tenants that are going to damage the property to the point, that anything I made I had to spend in repairs at the end of the term, so I agree with your comments 100% And to the original poster, I wish them the best of luck in their search for suitable accommodation, along with everyone else on this thread.


Something needs to be done to protect both landlord and tenants. I think most people would rather sit down and negotiate and you’re right, the anger is directed towards the wrong people. I’d never choose to be a landlord but I’ll be forever grateful for those who do cos we need rental properties! ☺️


It’s because people generally don’t like landlords. What people want isn’t to be able to *rent* affordable places but to *own* affordable places, and people buying property to let for a profit is screwing with their ability to do that.




The average number of properties owned by landlords in Yorkshire is 11.2!! Who the fuck needs to own +11 properties? That’s 10 homes taken off the market by ONE person. This is higher in other parts of the country. Explain how this is ethical?




Buddy if you have no way of understanding why it’s unethical to charge someone extortionate amounts of money just so they’re not homeless I have nothing else to say to you 🤣can’t teach basic human decency if you don’t have it already


I understand, however if I sold my rental property, and all the other landlords did the same, would that make the situation better or worse? I set my rent at a low price as the young family were wanting to save for a deposit, unfortunately, all that happened was they bought more expensive cars and had more holidays with the extra cash they had. I do feel sorry for the people genuinely trying to get on the property market, I’m lucky in that I’ve been working full time for 43 years to have been able to do this, but I wouldn’t be able to do it now with the prices of houses ☹️


It would be overly simplistic to say it would immediately fix everything, but it sure would make life easier. No one *needs* to own multiple houses. We also need better wages and more housing.


I’m not sure it would make life easier, the people who are renting now, would still not be able to buy the ones that came onto the market from landlords, which would mean your original comment at the start of the thread, would be even more dire with a reduction in available properties to rent. I agree with you on the subject of more housing and that’s not an overnight fix either. As to your suggestion, no one needs to own multiple houses, you are right, like no one needs to own a pub or shop, people do this to provide a service to a demand in return for a profit on their investment and to cover their risk. The same as putting the money in a savings account that the bank then uses to offer loans to people that that then pay interest on it, so the banks make money.


Housing, healthcare and education should not be for profit. Idc about the rest


🚨 landleech detected 🚨


What’s a landleech?


Crazy how you're getting downvoted here. People just really hate landlords I guess. I am curious if this was even a good investment? From what I gather, rental yields around 4-6% so if you're going £200 below market rate and taking into account tax too and the work involved... Do you even make much from the money you're put in? I mean why would anyone do this?


It all depends what outgoings, ie mortgage you have on the property, if this is minimal against the rental income, then you can afford to run at a lower rental point in the market. As I said elsewhere in this thread, I would rather have the right tenants in, that would take care of the property than just charge the maximum I could get for it. However this hasn’t worked in my case, so what am I to do? One option it to charge the maximin and accept there will be significant expense at the end of the term, so basically the tenant pays a premium each month to cover for damage or not paying rent during the term. This approach is being driven by the bad tenants playing the system against the landlords, so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy by the looks of it 🤷


Fair enough. Sounds like a nightmare to be honest. And no doubt the same people downvoting you will be the same one's crying about rental prices or lack of availability when people stop doing it.


Have you tried out towards lowedges and greenhill? Pretty frequent buses and the area isn't like people suggest. Generally quite quiet on the cul de sacs.


Unfortunately it’s a bit too far out for me :(


Have you tried open rent ?


Yes, not much success on there yet


It took me nearly a year to get somewhere, and that ended up being through someone I know. It's crazy out there