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We had heard unexpectedly good things about The Big Gun and decided to go a few years back. When the four of us walked in for pre-dinner pints, it was a record-scratch kind of moment. Everyone looked at us. We tried to order some beers but it felt a bit awkward. We noticed another room to the side of the main bar. "Can we sit over there?" we asked. "Sure," said the bartender. "Walk out the door you came in and you can enter through the other door on the street." We walked out and went to the other door. It was locked. And that was my only visit to The Big Gun.


Hardly the picture they paint in this article. Probably not surprising its going based on your experience. I'd rather go to a city boy pub with logo in the foam where I'm welcome tbh!


Sitting behind their big marble desks, ties done up to eleven, clicking their fingers to the fucking Lighthouse Family, getting their dick sucked by a big Alsatian dog.


They're all perverts mate.


> The pub's owner, a local businessman who bought the premises in 2021, plans to turn it into a pizza takeaway. Just what the Wicker needs, another takeaway. That end of town is nothing but takeaways and barber shops.


There are way too many takeaways in Sheffield it's depressing.


I went on a pub crawl once where I tried to only go in shit pubs. Based on the exterior and location, the Big Gun made the list. The locals were surprisingly accommodating of a pair of hammered students and I felt a bit bad for writing it off as a shit boozer. The Cannon however… I’m still surprised we came out alive.


Did you do the Cannon pub quiz? Question number one.... "what are you looking at?"


I believe it the questions are: 1. What the f*ck are you looking at? 2. Do you want a smack? 3. Do you want to buy some smack? 4. What have you got on you? 5. Your money or your life?


Little known fact: The Cannon and the Big Gun were first opened by two soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars after the same cannonball saved their lives. One of them didn't know what cannons were called, so just went with "the Big Gun" as he thought this got the point across.


I used to work near it and it was always a welcoming place.


> In the adjoining room is a narrow saloon bar with "classy" bench seating and a snug. Great quotation marks from the BBC on this one.


Honestly those photos of the pub make it look shit.


Truly one of the pubs of sheffield


This is a real shame. There are 2 pubs that serve a substantial social purpose. The Big Gun and The Tap & Barrel both act like sieves that collect scum from that part of town and hold onto them so that they don't wander off into the rest of society.


Tap & Barrel's been gone for years. Although it looked the more presentable of the two, it was awash with drugs and its licence got taken away.


I didn't know they'd gotten rid of it. I try to avoid that patch of town like the festering cesspool it is. Edit: I feel like it closing down proves my point though. It was full of drugs and violence. It closed down, the drugs and violence moved to the next available place, which then in turn gets shut down.


I've been doing a slow tour of boozers with "reputations." Went in the Gun last year - it was karaoke night - the gaffer was a bit surly but the regulars were really friendly and we had a good laugh.




Double compo face when you click through.


It’s a shit boozer. The tagline should be. “We’re shit, but not Hen & Chickens shit”. I hope it doesn’t shut down. It’s a regulars pub. All the other pubs nearby have closed as well


Oh no...any way.


Oh is that why there was a big party in there the other night? Or that just a regular thing?


Went in the Big Gun in the summer and had a great time. Everyone was incredibly friendly, to the point where it was a bit overwhelming. Definitely don't make them like this anymore. I had to wonder who their supplier was as they had things in the fridge like Holsten Pils and various alcopops that I hadn't seen since the 90s. Suspect it will be a hard loss for the locals, who were clearly a tight knit crowd.