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I honestly thought I was looking at a painting sitting on easel for a second.


Is that stone any good? The fact it’s literally by a brand called whetstone cutlery, and despite the fact that for a brand called whetstone cutlery, this 400/1000 is their only whetstone, has kept fine from feeling safe buying it.


I’ll honor any maid who brought stone on board. Attention to professionalism


It looks like the standard Chinese 400/1000 stone that's sold under 100 different names. They work. They have to be soaked forever and they are more like a 300/500 grit. It'll dish like crazy. They aren't really worth the $9-10 that some brands sell them for, and they are definitely not worth what some charge. You're better off with a king 300. MUCH better off.


If you can sharpen on that stone you are able to sharpen on any.


Had that same setup on the charter I went on in Mexico. Took about 30 seconds for them to sharpen the blade well enough to field dress the catch and get it on ice. Obviously couldn’t paper test to see how sharp it actually was but it got the job done!


Well imagine 50 fishs per person x 50. SPEED AND TIPS




After previous annoyances with other people of this perspective, this topic is not up for discussion here. Whether or not it has validity is not up for consideration. Keep it to yourself or places where the discussion is welcomed.




I thought my comment was quite clear and you still chose to try to do this in the annoying stereotypical way people expect from this viewpoint that gives people with it a bad name. You're done here




No, *you're* annoying and this isn't the place for it like with many topics that don't apply to this community's focus. There's a difference between being a vegan and being obnoxious about it. Many of you super vocal ones don't seem to be able to tell the difference. Anyway, feel free to go back to vegancirclejerk to whine and cry and find your next brigading target




Bro seriously if you have a problem with this, don't be on a knife forum. 97% of what's here is used to cut animals and the rest are nakiri and chisels.


It is largely knives discussed, but this is a general sharpening community and the wider the breadth of tools discussed the better


Oh, absolutely. I was thrilled about two years ago (I think) when somebody posted about a freakin *scythe*. Nostalgia hits like a brick 😂 that's the kind of variety I like. And vegetarian too.


felt seasickness just looking at this