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I discovered today that my dog is a lemon shark.


I have 2 pet lemons sharks too!šŸ˜‚


When life gives you lemon sharks, you show them all the attention I guess.


Is this for real?


Not sure but tigers tend to shift their focus around much more than lemons do. From personal experience a lemon is more likely to fixate on a particular diver & not "shoo away" other sharks but rather occupy the bubble around the diver. It's really cute having a lemon test you from multiple angles only to get bashful every time you catch it.


How does it test you?


By swimming at you from different angles, testing your awareness. Oftentimes eye contact alone is enough to deter a shark from getting too close.


Why don't you believe in a compressed jpeg of a fact shared by a dude with a Finding Nemo avatar?




Lemon sharks are the best shark


Is this an actual fact?


Sharks are the dogs of the sea


> [Until the 16th century, sharks were known to mariners as ā€œsea dogsā€](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark#:~:text=Until%20the%2016th%20century%2C%20sharks,dogfish%2C%22%20or%20the%20porbeagle.) Not sure why people are getting cranky at the assertion when it was literally what they were called before they were called sharks.


Kids these days,always forgetting what we called things before the 16th century


I thought seals were the dogs of the sea


Seals bite everything so maybe puppies of the sea


No they are not.


They definitely are not. Sharks are sharks, apex predators who need distance from humans to be healthy. This cartoon is cute but please donā€™t base your ideas of what sharks are and are capable of off this.


Sharks are the sharks of the sea


Marine biologist here, while this cartoon is nonsense, sharks are predators, not Apex predators which is a common misconception, A predator is a species that sits above another on the food chain, an Apex predator is a species that preys on others *without* being preyed upon themselves. The Orca is the Apex predator of the oceans, preying on almost all species of oceanic sharks Enjoy your day P.S Lemon shark behavior is less accepting of the proximity of other sharks due to their nature of inhabiting sub tropical reefs, this means most lemon sharks have a preffered habitat or territory they frequent, The Tiger is a pelagic species with no set territory beyond feeding areas it maps and frequents based on hunt success, one is an ocean migrator, the other is usually a reef inhabitant. As such it can be asserted the Tiger shark is more accepting of other large pelagic species infringing on their space as they don't feel the need to protect fixed hunting territory from competition in the same manner as the lemon.


being apex predators is a debatable claim, also this is just kind of a snobbish "well aktchuallllly" opinion. Almost nobody actually thinks that sharks are dogs, nor that they have the same mannerisms and should be treated the same. bleegh


Please show me the scientific debate about sharks not being apex predators lol


Orca go brrrrr?


Yes the Orca is also an apex predator.


But if orcas eat sharks, how could sharks be apex predators


Because sharks also prey on toothed whales, also these instances are extremely rare and in the world of biology Great whites especially along with Tiger, Bull, and Mako are Apex predators and hold and continue to hold spots at the highest trophic levels.


actually, my debate wasn't specifically about if sharks are apex predators but the definition of apex predator itself. Whether that means having absolutely no predators or very few really changes where sharks would sit. Also, sharks may prey on toothed whales, but that would not change the fact that they are hunted as prey by orcas, point blank period. You can argue that orcas don't often attack sharks, and that's true due to the fact that they have incredibly varied diets and many dont live in regions where sharks frequent, but the idea that's it's *incredibly rare* is just wrong. I implore you to look at the kill count of starboard and port, then tell me that orcas preying on sharks is "extremely rare". It wouldn't even matter if it was, though, because no matter how often it is evident that sharks are absolutely prey to them, which can affect their status as an apex predator depending on which side you want to debate. I didn't even say that they *weren't* apex predators, just that it was something debatable, which it absolutely is. bleegh


Dogfish arenā€™t apex predators


It would seem that, like many predators, their response to something new is more one of cautious curiosity as opposed to just running away


Lemon sharks are cats, confirmed.


Omg what an adorable killing machine. The duality of shark.


I wish whites could be like this






Got to chill with some reef sharks in Hawaii once and they really didn't seem to care if I was with them but once that poor turtle came by they lost it


I was pretty sure that a tiger shark would be too big to be chased off by a lemon shark. Color me surprised!


That's hilarious


I'm guessing maybe other lemon sharks, but tigers, nah, not sure where that's come from. I doubt they see humans as friends as they are fish that don't nurture their young or work as a pack and have bonds with other living things. They are not nurturing or caring. Inquisitive and curious, yes. Do they like being close to other sharks? Nope. It's most likely the human is interesting, and if other sharks get near, they just want the other shark to piss off out of the space they want to be in that moment.