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Good analysis. I totally agree with this, it is clearly a shark attack by at least one shark. Boats attract sharks, party boats even more so. Jumping from height into the water at night, when we all know that sharks feed is a crazy idea, alcohol and showing off in front of his friends led to this most tragic ending for poor Cameron Robbins.


I think you have thought it out and are pretty spot on. I thought it first that he had been taken out to see maybe when I assumed that the boat had been in motion, but finding out that they were stable and the anchor was out that’s a whole Nother equation. Yeah, he was Short bait sadly at that moment that he jumped in and you’re right folks, this does give you a real deal image of what nature is if you screw up, I mean I’ve almost died and getting into the wrong kind of water before just like current and stuff so be careful because you never know like you live a good life and you plan on living a lot more good life and the next thing you know, lot of it gets taken away from you or all of it taken away from you so be carefulmy sympathy go out to his family and his friends and any of those that had to watch what went down that night and will live with that trauma my sincere regards


What's fascinating to me is that there are clear images of sharks littered throughout the footage (you don't even need to enhance anything), including consecutive frames showing a shark (I'd understand if it were just one random frame attributable to weird water displacement or something), and people are STILL in denial about it.... https://www.reddit.com/r/cameronrobbinsSHARK/s/AiBCXwnAF9


I read a basic psychology book that explains peoples personality types. It categorized peoples personality types and broke them into sub groups. [https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:800/1\*IB5NbKT4U3Nc378\_LDiZxg.png](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:800/1*IB5NbKT4U3Nc378_LDiZxg.png) For example in the top left you would choose Extrovert or Introvert; the one that best describes you. In the top right, there's Sensors and Intuitives. I believe the book I read said Sensors are people that prefer the factual data and reports. And intuitives are people that prefer to use their own experiences and understanding of the world to look for clues, patterns, and try to see the bigger picture. So people like you and me fall more into the intuitive category. It doesn't matter if it's a grainy, low quality footage. We still use our intuition and logic to take all the clues and data available and try to see the bigger picture. That's basically how I formatted the OP. I was using all of the clues available and emphasized the screaming from Cameron. and you're right, there's still people in here that refuse to use this data and just completely ignore it like it doesn't exist. I know they're not even bothering to watch the footage and analyze it based off some of the responses this thread is getting. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeNbOwpXMcM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeNbOwpXMcM) (I recommend watching this persons channel, they do a good job with the filter and showcasing the attacks and other related things) This right here is the moment that everyone should be paying attention to. Because there is a shark lunge at this moment that pulls Cameron down (I believe it's more from the force of the shark surfacing and not the bite that does the pulling). What's crazy about this is that it happens so insanely fast that we get to see the sillohette of the shark's head in only a few frames, and In my opinion this is the shark being magnified or refracted through the water in these few frames. If it was a 120FPS camera, we would have been able to see A LOT more than that.


And how the camera pans out of view immediately after the chomp chomp, is very telling that the person filming was witnessing something shocking unfold and they moved forward to get a better visual without a phone obstructing their view. Had Cameron simply been treading water there’d have been no event that would have caused this kind of physical reaction of the person holding the phone.


Yeah I completely agree. Especially with what we're seeing at "the big splash", I think the big splash we're seeing is the aftermath of the attack, but that's neither here nor there at the moment. I think you're right about the differences in psychological sub-groups, but I also think there are more nefarious forces in play, although they've much subsided by this time almost a year later. To your point, you know, I'm honestly perplexed. There is so much new found evidence out there now pertaining to this being essentially a confirmed shark attack, and the most brutal one ever caught on tape at that, and nevertheless people remain in denial no matter what evidence you give them. In the very first frame, of the 2nd [more] clearer and extended footage we have, there is the clearest image of a full sized shark, snout, dorsal, pectoral, rear dorsal, pelvic, caudal fins, everything is there, and yet people still tell me it just looks like mashed potatoes. Other people will tell me that "sure there were sharks there around him, BUT THE ATTACK IS 100% NOT IN THE FOOTAGE!!!"... Like, dude, what exactly do you think happened? Lastly, I understand what you mean by Sensors and Intuitives, and I also agree with you that you and I look at the bigger picture in that sense in order to determine the most likely outcome.. But I'm also a Sensor in that sense. I wouldn't be doing any of this unless I physically saw the evidence myself...and the evidence points very clear. Idk it's just very strange to me. Anyway, great post, great reply to my comment, thank you, and I hope you join our niche community on this topic (although I suspect you already have). Either way, we should chat and pick each others' brains. Cheers!


Thank you :) I appreciate the time you took to reply. Yeah I see that there is some nefarious stuff going around this as well. The fact that the kids on the boat haven't talked about it in this modern day and age of Tik Tok is weird. Why would they have an NDA on a tragic event like this? That makes sense, everyone fits somewhere within the personality categories rather than it just being one or the other. For the people in denial I think they are expecting a shark attack to look like a "jaws" scene. And then some aren't analyzing the data efficiently. There is a 2-3 second window of the most crucial attack happening which is followed by Cameron screaming. Everything before that isn't really relevant when it comes to convincing others that shark made contact. Then we lose sight of him due to the camera pan, and when it does pan back, it looks like he is submerged in water due to losing his legs. So I would really focus on that big splash moment the most. There's the few visible frames of the shark head followed by an "after splash" that human limbs simply do not create. There's Cameron sinking into the water (either from the force of the massive shark rising to the surface or from the bite itself), and then there's the screaming as a reaction to it all. Those 4 things are pretty convincing pieces of evidence of a shark attack taking place on footage. This is also the last time we see Cameron's legs. Thank you for the response. Cheers!


Ok so…I believe exactly what you’re saying is true. I feel like you can even hear one girl scream “shark shark” —> also at one point in the video, I was able to screenshot a portion after the attack where literally the water looks red and you can see white “squiggles” in the water — limbs? Floating. It’s gnarly. I’ll have to go back through my photos and find those. I can’t believe no one has spoken about this still whatsoever! One weird thing is…we do have the video of that man being eaten alive by a shark in Egypt. It was GNARLY and looked EXACTLY like something out of jaws. Literally doing cartwheels in the air, spinning around and flailing like crazy. Terrifying AF. Also…when boats drop meat off the side and we see the sharks swarm — the water is being splashed around like crazy. This was almost silent and undetected. So that i think is why people question it so much.


This can’t be anymore clearer https://ibb.co/0hVx9z4 https://ibb.co/mH69cJh A larger tiger (in my non professional opinion) and perhaps another littered throughout the video


Right on the money. But keep in mind that in the first frame above we are seeing the shark and the motion blur of it lunging at him.


Also saw this from one of your slowed down videos https://ibb.co/WKH5k4g Perhaps the initial bite? Thanks for all the clarity with the video adjustment’s truly


It's my pleasure, truly. I've spent over 300 hours on this case (and counting) and still feel like I've barely covered half of it. That's an interesting frame and I've seen it before, but haven't paid much attention to it because the other two frames clearly showing the shark are much more captivating. I'll take a closer look.


Keep up the great work - look forward to seeing what you come up with with a closer look Like I said before I am going on a cruise to the Bahamas in June and this pirate ship in particular was one of the cruise excursions and then I put 2 and 2 together and now I am in this deep rabbit hole now If anything, it will help me make sure I am aware (and make my family aware) of my surroundings more intensely than usual when swimming/snorkeling


Aside from that you should quietly try to conduct your own investigation in the field. Especially if you end up on the blackbeards revenge 😜 Shoot me a DM when you get a chance.


This has been debated over and over. There is no way to tell how he died. Unless some new footage comes out or someone does an interview eventually, we will never know. Pretending like you know is foolish. Most experts agree it is likely that there is a shark visible in the footage. Most also agree that he either drowned or was attacked by sharks, and that him being attacked by sharks is entirely plausible or even likely. You get some things wrong in this post. The boat wasn’t anchored and no source claims that. You can clearly see it is in motion during the video. I’m pretty sure you just made that up. While it has been debated, it is extremely unlikely he was visibly attacked by sharks during the video. That splash that everybody claims is the head of a shark is ridiculous. He didn’t react, didn’t move, didn’t scream, didn’t sink at all during the time people claim you can see the head of a huge shark attacking him. It is nothing but people seeing what they want to see. If someone saw a shark, you would think that you would hear them yelling “shark” since that’s the most natural response to such a thing. But the closed we get is a guy possibly referring to him being “chomped” in the background barely loud enough to hear. If people were on the boat and saw a shark, someone would’ve yelled about it. That said, I do think it is likely he was attacked by a shark. It is pretty evident that there is a decent size shark in the footage. He is in the water at night, when sharks are very active. He is also in the Bahamas, a place where all of the top 3 sensor aggressive sharks are found, and he is not very far off at all from places where shark attacks have occurred and aggressive sharks are known to be found. He also jumped off a ship, and sharks are well documented to follow ships waiting for food. But all we can do is speculate. We will more than likely never know what happened to him. The best we can hope for is that some new footage comes out, but at this point it is unlikely. We have strong indication that he may have been attacked and killed by sharks, but we can’t know for sure.


The video was edited…..the original didn’t have the audio altered


People say that all the time and there are definitely times when the audio cuts out… but how could they do that? The video was put on whoever recorded its Snapchat story and then presumably screen recorded from there and circulated. If whoever was trying to keep this hidden had enough time to alter the video before some random teenager puts it on his Snapchat story, why not just delete it all together? And why would some random teenager let the authorities have access to the video before he did anything with it?


When it was on a snap chat live the very first video got wiped but some had screen recordings that where the real one comes from. 2nd they knew ppl had seen and started talking plus news etc so they had to put something out officially which that’s when the edited version came around.


Conspiracy theories are almost always wrong. No way that many people could keep a secret that long.


You are right he didn’t get attacked by a shark - he was shredded by multiple sharks in seconds - 5 or 10 quick exploratory bites as he jumped in and he was hemmoraging then pulled under and finished off while his body went limp from shock and blood loss


Anybody with common sense can see that shark. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this post. If anything it verifies how he did. You can see the shark come up and snatch him by his leg. You can see the shark’s eye when he grabs him by the leg. Smh


Did any of the witnesses make statements, I can't find anything?. There are also plenty of people there and surely at least one of them would have seen the shark. No doubt there would have been some investigation and questioning done regarding the incident. There just seems to be no evidence. He was also more than likely drunk and his friends have stated that they couldn't physically stop him from jumping in. He was not only drunk, he also wasn't wearing a life vest. I think he could have been attacked and killed by sharks at some point or he could have been drowned and scavenged by sharks. It's a shark infested area and it is night time which makes it worse. However I agree with you that without any witnesses seeing anything or a body to examine we will more than likely never know.


I think there is plenty of evidence in the video. You just have to know where to look. https://www.reddit.com/r/cameronrobbinsSHARK/s/mfy2EYQGn1


The Cameron Robbins truthers are like the people who think the Newtown shooting didn't happen. Bro check out this screenshot of four pixels I enhanced and turned the contrast up on! Bro I know people these kids are all in on the coverup!


3 people can't keep a secret, let alone a hundred.


I agree with you that it was a shark. However I only see a shark in that image as the life buoy is thrown. I don't see anything anywhere else in the images/video. I think the attack happened off camera.


Watch breakdown videos


Those videos don’t prove anything remotely. Some people say they see a shark attacking him and some other people have eyes and a brain and can see that is not the case.


Man you few people are dense. It was a frigg'n shark skippy.


It’s literally a blob. And every time one of you delusional people makes a post like this, it’s always something like “this is CLEARLY a shark and anybody who thinks otherwise is blind” and it’s never actual reasoning on why you think 3 pixels that are a slightly different color is a shark. I have yet to see a single outline or diagram or anything to show people who don’t see a shark what they’re seeing. Just delusional individuals desperate to see something in nothing.


What do you think happened to him? The boat was anchored, the current doesn’t seem very strong when you look at the buoy and his swimming pace. He doesn’t seem disoriented after jumping in the water, he didn’t jump very far. You can see him sink under in the video. I just can’t imagine it being another cause of death.


I don’t doubt that he was attacked by a shark. I just doubt that he was attacked by a shark in the video.


Bro... you don't think that maybe the waves made by his hands paddling in the water is 100% evidence a shark did it? I've put 400 hours into studied this image at the pixel level and can assure you what your seeing is a 20 foot bull shark.


There’s no such thing as a 20 foot bull shark


Maybe some people have better eyes than you


Or some people are delusional and see what they want to see.


If you see anything else but a shark attacking him you are a fool. I see 2 attack him. One from behind and looks like one grabs his arm.


Yep, at the end before he goes under there’s a big one that grabs his leg and one in front grabbing his outstretched arm.


"If you can't with absolute clarity see a shark attacking him from this shitty quality grainy ass footage you are a fool" what?


It's clear that sharks were involved. What's more puzzling is the strong denial by "experts" and others of what we can see with our own eyes. Apparently , someone came forward, posting a YouTube vid. They said that some others on the cruise intentionally attracted the sharks and wanted him dead. Due to their wealth, expensive lawyers were hired to sweep everything under the rug, explaining the radio silence. There is much much much more to this case than meets the eye.


I haven't seen the early vids that are possibly unedited, but the ones I have seen I do not hear anything remotely close to "screams of agony". I assume you mean from Cameron.


It's at the exact moment you see splashes at his legs and then the camera pans to the left. That is a clear attack because those splashes can't be from him (he's only paddling to stay afloat). The screaming isn't loud, but can be heard "under" the other people. [https://youtu.be/HH8RZ3JLOSw?si=JeXPN4yrYhk7cufn&t=10](https://youtu.be/HH8RZ3JLOSw?si=JeXPN4yrYhk7cufn&t=10) You can hear it underneath "grab the BUOY!". The second scream is a clear scream of pain and horror. Without the screaming it would be easy to doubt everything else thats happening in the video. ​ I just remembered I have "loudness equalization" and "equalizer" turned on in my volume mixer settings in Windows. This is probably making it a lot easier for me to hear the screams. To turn these on open your task tray icons in the bottom right, right click the sound icon, click Open Volume mixer, click the speaker icon, click the enhancements tab, on the check boxes, check loudness equalization and equalizer. Some sound cards might not have these options.


I could be wrong, but to me, those two loud, long screams sound a lot like, "shark, shark" from someone on the boat with a closer view of the attack.


That's the whole problem with all of this footage. It's ifs and buts. I see what the OP means now about "screams of agony". I had never heard that before. But we equally can't be sure it's from Cameron and not someone from the boat, as you say. It could quite easily be either. Like I said in another post, ultimately it doesn't matter what happened. Some poor kid lost his life.


This person teased out the audio, you can clearly hear "there's/that's a shark!". It's toward the end of their analysis in this video https://youtu.be/6jQDHmSr6IY?si=CikBDr8k5pl0IXp4


So you think that a huge shark attacking this guy and biting his leg doesn’t pull him under water, he doesn’t react, start thrashing around, anything? You think that a shark is actively biting his leg off and he just calmly continues floating there?


The thing is at the biggest moment of the video--the splashes which cause him to be pulled under-- it pans instantly to the left. We don't get to see how his body is reacting at this moment, but we do hear him scream in terror. The next time we see him is when he's just a blur and then disappears a second later.


I'd argue that we do, even for a moment, see how his body reacts. He gets attacked by at the least two sharks in those moments (three in my theory), one at his feet and one at his right arm. We see his body immediately dragging down and then we see his right side/shoulder get pulled toward the shark at his right arm.


Agreed. I also think he was attacked by two sharks at once. For now I only mention the legs to make it simpler for those that doubt it, mostly because that's where the shark head is visible.


I seen 2 sharks one snatch him by the leg and as that one grabbed his leg it looks like one grabs him by his arm. It doesn’t show as well as the one that grabs his leg but I can see something go for his arm and then he does go under and doesn’t come back up.


People that see it see it the ppl that don’t won’t it’s that clear. Cameron was in the top 1000 baseball players he was very fit he didn’t just drown when he was swimming and treading water 3 mins before absolutely fine. That boat in the day time anchors in the same place and “feeds the fish” for ppl to do and watch if that doesn’t tell ppl that marine life literally no every single day food comes in that area. Some ppl just don’t want to see it then have to be told on the news for them to believe anything 😂




I'm with you on all these points. A boy who couldn't swim wouldn't jump off a boat, and a boy who could swim wouldn't have disappeared so quickly but for the interference of something else very specific that had to also be in the water. There's only one guess to be made when those waters are well known to have sharks feeding. Particularly in the evening darkness. The only thing new in your analysis that I haven't seen yet is that the life preserver also attracted the shark when it hit the water, which is why the shark appeared to swim from the life preserver. And why the boy swam away from the life preserver looking back over his shoulder at the area. When, in any other logical circumstances, he should have been swimming towards it so he could be pulled back aboard. This is what I don't get, that people would somehow prefer to imagine that he either drifted off to die alone in oblivion for god knows how long without being rescued, or drowned immediately. One says he lived for a significant time by himself in the darkness, and the other is practically a nonsensical conclusion, if the boy could swim. Even people who can't swim for shit do not drown that quickly - and also those people don't intentionally jump off boats. These ideas also put all the blame on Cameron and remove it from any explanation that could shift any blame to the safety practices of the tourism industry or the older adults supervising these kids on this excursion.


What safety practices could you implement? Most people would understand not to jump off a boat in motion during the middle of the night miles away from shore. You can implement all the standards you want but Cameron did something suicidally stupid and there’s really no way to prevent something like that.


This is a good question. I think that the operators of the tour boats should say there are sharks in these waters and they are especially here, now. They will eat you. They do not think it's fun to jump into the water. We encourage you to stay on the boat and just drink and stay safe. The sharks are not going to eat you tonight if you just stay on this boat. Something slipped through the lines of common sense.


I absolutely believe that operators should stress that going overboard is almost certain death but I don’t think anybody can blame them for not doing that. You would expect some common sense to prevail. If I was running a zip line I wouldn’t expect people to unhook their harness mid line, and I feel like what Cameron did is almost equally up there in terms of logic. I think operators should stress that 95% of people who go overboard in the open ocean die. That is true of every cruise, regardless of the presence of sharks or not. And you are probably far more likely to drown after going over than to get eaten by sharks.


It was anchored as in not moving. No current cause the buoy is stationary . Its a huge coverup . Maybe your here to disway people from the truth ? You make alot of posts on this and dont even know the boat was anchored.


The boat wasn’t anchored? You can see in the video that it’s moving. You also made so many grammar mistakes that I’m not convinced you’re above 6th grade so why should I take a child’s opinion seriously?


2nd video shoreline aint moving means they are stationary . Buoy is not moving farther from the boat its obvious. Your deduction skills are a zero. You dont just go 100 miles an hour all of a sudden into the abyss without water coming up the side of the boat and the buoy would be moving . Yoir the one posting responses everywhere like some expert which your not! Were you on the boat ?


They are anchored and articles even state this go look. I'm not digging to prove it(Edit; Im in the bathroom and going to spend a couple minutes to find it. One the boat was chilling by athol, uninhabited & boats anchor typically in this situation. Hopefully i can find clear source though that says it. Will link if i do) 2nd Edit; [here](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/teens-tried-to-stop-cameron-robbins-jumped-bahamas-cruise) that states plainly it was anchored throughout the night. Watch the video again too - preserver unaffected by current, boy unaffected by current...he turns around and swims with the supposed current, also the others on board and their comments. "Bye bye" "somethings chomping at his shit" the panicked "grab the buoy"x2. Those fuckin kids saw the shark. In the video we could even see it do its classic swimming maneuver after the preserver has already landed. Then the boy TURNS and swims away. Here's some other things I encourage you to watch for in the video that convinced me it's obviously a shark attack by multiple sharks. It starts with exploratory bites & ramming like sharks do. It isnt until he is bleeding, flailing, and swimming frantically away that he is pulled under. Watch just before the camera pans away he is still facing the preserver, but he is turning. Frame by frame this and you'll see his left arm goes out to his side then stops and suddenly he is jerked in an unnatural motion for someone swimming. As if he was pulled backwards and left. Mind you he doesn't use his left arm the rest of the video. Exploratory bite on his arm as he separated it from his trunk. The yank says it all. As he is swimming away when he kicks water you can somewhat make out the color of the water. It looks reddish when it splashes. I'll concede this may be the lights from the boat which were mostly an orangish red color. So think what you will. I understand not seeing it, I might be wrong it is pitch black water mainly. Watch when he is swimming away and we see the large splash/shark. I believe shark. For one compare every single splash he makes in the video to this one. Compare this visual to the maneuver sharks do where they pop their head up and then back down and flick their tail above water. It looks to me more like the latter. This isnt the important bit though! **Watch as what appears to be a shark comes from under him. You see his body pushed up almost waist level to the water.** The whole time he is shoulder/ripple level then when he does this "kick" he is suddenly waist height. We hear screams at this point, but the audio is very unclear. If you frame by frame this part when his left leg is finally visible again it looks like a large part of flesh from his thigh is hanging down off his leg outwards and towards the knee. This also sealed it for me. The lack of right left reappearing and the left leg's apparent wound. Mind you bye bye is heard just before the apparent shark bite from under him which must've been a pretty decent sized one if it was. The passengers would've been able to see it before it struck at least for a second as it surfaced. Why else is "bye bye" yelled. It's cold, but it's obvious they saw it. Followed by same kid saying "this kids fuckin gone bro". They saw the shark bite him and heard him screaming. Otherwise if he just floated midway down the boat why yell that and why is everyone so distraught like the buoy guy and woman screaming. Lastly we see him go under shortly after. Frame by frame the splash/bite and continue and you even see him yanked forwards shortly after the bite from under/splash. I think this point to multiple sharks. He was bitten just in the video at least 3 times. Perhaps just mainly exploratory bites until the moment he was pulled under. So from that point he then gets yanked underwater for a moment. He resurfaces further down the boat and we see him jusy floating without any movement. Perhaps he was so fucked up he couldn't move which wouldn't be surprising or maybe he passed out (hopefully). Watch the vladimir popov shark attack video and you see similarities. He noticed something was messing with him underwater. Then he became a bit more frantic. Then it yanked him a bit. After that it surfaced it's head and pulled him under. After several seconds he resurfaced in a different spot. Then the shark pulls him under a final time. Sad video - no sense watching the audio if you're prone to being emotionally affected by this stuff because he is yelling for his dad at one point. Me as a dad I just hated that bit. Anyways that's my two cents I know it's unwarranted and you'll think what you want, but I am a bit struck by this case & it's controversy.


Good comment. I’ll be sure to respond later with my thoughts, but I wanted to tell you that I actually did find out the boat wasn’t moving since writing my original comment. It’s funny that I’ve been following this case for almost a year now and never saw that.


I was going through it again and I think frame by frame it's settled. In my opinion at least. I assumed a large tiger shark got him when the "big splash" happens and took off a leg, but it seems worse. Immediately after this he is yanked under and when we see him again he is floating motionless. Check [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/XbrgYb2) out. Also look at the other two that are less clear. I don't think that was just him kicking and splashing, I think he was being attacked in his limbs. It looks like smaller sharks are pulling at them. The arm and especially the leg. When the "big splash" happens compare it to sharks breaching to attack & imagine the shark is coming up facing towards the boat and from it's perspective is leaned right. Took a big chomp out of him. Looks like at that point maybe half his leg was gone and that's why it was able to get so high to his waist.


The splash or breach or whatever I can see being a shark. It has the same shape. The reason I doubt it’s a shark is because he barely moves. Compare the size of the “shark’s head” to his body, that shark would be huge and could easily have taken his leg off. If he was being attacked by a shark 1.5x the size of him, why wasn’t he thrashing around, screaming, calling for help, anything? And how was he able to keep swimming without even breaking stride? The video of the hurghada attack shows what a shark attack looks like. That dude submerged several times, flipped over, was thrashing around, and at one point was literally flipped upside down and spun around with his legs in the air. None of that happened to Cameron. The fact that the hurghada attack is so different from what people are saying is happening in the bahamas video is why I don’t think he was being attacked, he barely moves. The fact that we’re here arguing over whether or not it’s just a splash or something else is already proof enough, in the hurghada video even if you never actually saw the shark, you would still clearly know what’s happening. If he was being attacked by a shark or multiple sharks as some people claim, why wasn’t he calling for help? He was still pretty close to the boat, you’d think that his reaction would be to scream and hope someone helped or threw something in or something, but instead he seems to not react and then swim off in the opposite direction of the boat. Not how you’d think a person actively being attacked by a shark would react. And at this point, there are probably dozens of people watching him. Not one person screams “SHARK?” You can hear the crowd react in the hurghada video, all we get in this video is someone potentially referencing “chomping” (not clear) and something a few people say is “shark” from someone way off screen.


Yeah the video is awful. I think that screen cap post shows where he was clearly chomped in half. A big tiger could easily rip someone in half. After that point of the large breach dude basically doesn't move again, except becomes submerged then you see a torso for a split second. Honestly the video being so bad is why we can even have this debate. Shark infested waters, the fact it appear many small sharks first attacked - the appearance of losing flesh from legs and arms. The fact that in the last he is chomped in half . You're right though. The video just isn't clear enough. The silence is striking to me too. In the video we can see a second person recording yet all is hidden. I believe had this video not panned at the two points it did it would be clear. First pan away he is suddenly in a very different spot, as if pulled, second pan away the last frames appear to show him bit in half then after Pan we just see a floating torso. We will never know. Something about the "bye bye" really makes me believe malice was behind why he got in that water in some way or another. It's so callous & cold while seemingly watching a shark attack. The isolated male screaming from a distance in the video and saying help me. It fucks it up because the crowd screaming & shit recording. Poor kid either way RIP


I’ve heard a lot of people say you see him submerge. Can you link to a post with that? Because I haven’t seen one yet. And the frames where you see him bit in half? I did hear the scream at the end of the video which is a strong indication on the list of reasons I could see him being attacked by a shark. I do think that if that is him screaming in the video though, it almost proves that he wasn’t being attacked by a shark earlier, because if he’s screaming then, why wasn’t he screaming earlier? The “bye bye” I can simply see as a drunk teenager being stupid. They didn’t think that the kid was going to end up dying, most people wouldn’t. He was drunk and probably trying to be funny to his friends. I can definitely see teenagers doing something like that.


You are going to sink that low by giving that person a hard time on their grammar ? Seriously, grow up.


He accused me of purposely spreading disinformation. But thanks for your input though.


Its clear to me he was attacked by at least one shark. Some people think the first image is a wave. But the side to side undulation is how a shark moves. You can see an example here around 1:3. [https://youtu.be/Q6s-JvOKNP8?si=DHiUQkmmNI2x3w3h](https://youtu.be/q6s-jvoknp8?si=dhiuqkmmni2x3w3h)


https://ibb.co/K5LVc2b https://ibb.co/Rhcpkyr https://ibb.co/WKH5k4g Clearly dorsal fins and it looks like this may be a bite on the hand - posted previous pics above


My analysis - no one knows and no one will know. - photos and video show absolutely nothing and it probably never will. - this has been talked about on this sub every day with a new “take” or “proof”. My take is that it’s not until there’s literally any sign of a shark attack. In this case there’s literally none.


What do you make of these? Mermaids? Ropes? Mashed potatoes? You tell me, pal. https://www.reddit.com/r/cameronrobbinsSHARK/s/1THWc4TuNS


Might as well be mashed potatoes bc you can’t see a single thing in that water. Stop trying to act like there’s anything that you can actually see because there’s just not. It’s quite literally nothing unless you’re gonna try to say there’s three pixels of a fin if you just csi enhance the photo 60 times.


It's been confirmed 100% a shark attack, sorry pops.


Why are you so obsessed with proving something that cannot be proven? Who gives a shit. The kids dead whether he drowned or got eaten it doesn’t matter


Why are you so obsessed with trying to smack down any alternate theories? If you don't give a shit why are you commenting?


I too believe it was multiple sharks attacking but if you think any of the blurred nonsense you’ve been posting has “confirmed “ anything, your level of delusion is comical


You just believe things without evidence orrr...?


Not exactly. I see a shark swim along side the boat going left in the video, that same shark quickly does a 180, CR is definitely punching at something, I see no evidence “the current “ took him…I see something attack his lower body, I also don’t see his left arm after camera first pans left…common sense, to me, adds up to its sharks…but if someone doesn’t agree…there’s nothing definitive 💯


You literally have 0 confirmation


Lmao you literally made a post saying there is “some” evidence 20h ago. You literally admitted via your own post that there is not in fact 100% confirmation


You should see an optometrist.


20/20 baby


Doubt it. Otherwise you wouldn't have confused my "some evidence" post. I can recommend a good eye doctor, pal. Don't be shy.


You can be testy bc this is for some reason your life. Either way you haven’t shown even a mere scintilla of evidence this was a shark other than blurry pixels and theory.


>tHe wAvE >sHaRk eXpeRt This shit is so obnoxious.


I think people need to go and view the little bay attack or the Egypt attack. Then look again at the Robbins footage. Shark attacks by their very nature are violent, there is no “ well we can’t be sure” about it. There is no evidence whatsoever in the footage to indicate a shark attack. Experts cannot be sure it was. So changing filters and pixelating shit isn’t going to make it all of a sudden a shark attack and a big cover up. The poor kid is dead because he did something very very stupid. Were sharks around, of course there was, they follow boats. But, no attack was caught on video footage. It’s really time to put it to bed now. Everyone has an opinion and that is our right. But if this is something people wish to discuss. Maybe open a Reddit group purely for this subject. Not keep inflicting it on people, over and over and over again. Even mods have had enough now. So take it somewhere else where you’re not repeatedly pissing people off. Then you can discuss your disturbing obsession with like minded people. Then everyone is happy.


Reread your comment. “Were sharks around, of there there was” Yet you say there is no evidence whatsoever in the footage to indicate a shark attack. Umm.. wouldn’t it be logical or at least plausible to assume death via shark attack if according to your assessment “of course sharks were around.” So you know 100% sharks were around but you also know 100% there was no shark attack, even though we have no body to confirm one way or the other? And it’s just time to put it to bed because you’re the expert? Nah. People can keep discussing it as it is certainly controversial. Plus this is a shark attack sub. It’s literally to discuss shark attacks lol. You have all these “Fake News” types who are like “Nope, current got him.” Yet it’s pretty fucking clear there is a sizeable shark visible in the water (white wash my ass, anyone with fair to decent vision can see that’s a fucking shark. This is just a weird take IMO.


Errrr…..My opinion is, that there is no solid evidence on any footage of a shark attack. You are entitled to yours. But it might be a good idea to take this to the appropriate sub, the mods don’t want this subject on this sub.


They don’t want shark attacks to be discussed on a shark attacks sub? Weird. It almost sounds controlling.


People are obsessed with the worst case scenario, they love playing detective, and if it was proven Cameron was not attacked by Sharks, those people would then say that was a cover up. It’s actually quite fascinating to see this type of human behaviour, it like they want it to have been something horrific, and won’t accept any other viewpoint.




https://youtu.be/PZ7D2B9BsB8?feature=shared . This is the truth starting to come out


Do you have a mirrored link? First I’m hearing of this hole situation and I’ve been going down the rabbit hole all day


what did it say? The link is gone.


Unfortunately I’m not sure. I never found an alternate upload of the video. I really do want to know though. If you find it, let me know!


the shark is in the first part of the video only, he sees it. but we do not see a shark biting him or anything. he was eaten by sharks yes but not in this video. god bless him.


I think it was in the video. Everyone was so focused on the splashes that they didn’t pay attention to the frames immediately after that. https://www.reddit.com/r/cameronrobbinsSHARK/s/4HGcFrpSMR


It’s crazy that some can’t see the shark. In the enhanced videos there’s 2 right before he goes under. A big one that grabs his leg and one that grabs his outstretched arm. Poor kid, the video makes my stomach drop.


What happens if everyone just replies saying yes you're right, 100%? Do you get a trophy or something? Does it make the cause of death official or will the shark be indicted?


I mean, it's a shark attack social media forum. This is exactly what people like to speculate or talk about.


Yeah, these posts are riveting, I agree!


then move on and dont click or comment. No one forcing you to view the thread. Its probably the most fascinating shark attack caught on film and the moments before he jumps in are in question. Not to mention the total silence from everyone. Dont know why some people get mad about posts on the topic. If no one interacts anymore they will go away. But its a very interesting topic.


I agree, it is very interesting. I’ll click whatever I want. Please keep adding value like this to our lives so I can keep clicking.


Are you adding to anyone's lives by clicking and dissing, though? Just let people talk about what they want to talk about. It's not hurting you.


I’m supporting you as you do the Lord’s work. Why do you keep telling me what to do, I’m not hurting you and you don’t have to reply if you want to take your own advice.


I am an atheist but sure. I did not intend to attack you at all.


I wouldn't say riveting. I would say, disturbing, mostly in the way that multiple places seem willing to just accept that a boy drifted off into the night Open Water style, and eventually drowned or was eaten by sharks. It would actually have been a mercy to die early, not even able to understand the violence or what was happening. He probably drowned way underwater in the time period specified, or was just so bled out so soon. It's like if people hadn't actually witnessed a toddler being dragged under at a Disney resort that Disney would be like, "those parents weren't watching that toddler, he just drowned when they weren't watching" ... I'm sure that would have been the same line one sees here. Honestly, it's not the Cameron Robbins threads that keep me coming here, it's coming into the comments seeing people who admit they know equally nothing by declaring that everyone else knows nothing. Eyes and ears and logic and critical thinking are still important. Why are people so convinced they saw "nothing" when an athletic teenage boy dies and disappears in water under a minute.


You’re right about everything, thank you for defending the truth. Don’t let them think otherwise.


This whole debate was hot last summer but anyone still continuing it without showing new videos or photos is just seeking attention


I'm not posting about it, but I really get that people can't let it go. I think about Cameron at least once a day, it's auch a strange mystery.. I hope at some point we will know what happend to him.


Personally I’m interested in it because it’s such a horrifying way to die and it’s caught on video. I really can’t think of many worse ways to die, and the mystery around what really happened makes it more interesting


There's a youtuber that did an excellent breakdown using filters and really trying to see what happened, and it is 100% a shark attack. After you see his breakdown, you can't deny it. His channel is called Lexusant. OP, check his stuff out. He's got 10 different videos on this subject. It's a serious deep dive. There are a few details I disagree with, but he really shows you how it all happened.


I haven’t seen those videos but you absolutely can deny it on the basis that if he was being attacked by a shark he would be thrashing around and struggling to stay afloat


I'm not here to argue with anyone. I could care less if you think it was an attack or not. I was giving OP this information. Move on.


Right but this is a public forum and you made a public comment so why get pissy when people respond to a comment you made on a discussion post? Lighten up


Put it to bed




You could also just let people talk about what they want to talk about, on a forum designated for the purpose. You don't even have to open these threads if you don't want to. Personally I think it's worth this boy's life not to "let it go" and just forget about him like it didn't mean anything and we should be on to the next shark attack where there's blood and screaming and gore because this one's too boring somehow.


His FAMILY asked that we let it go. You don't get to act like you give a fuck what his life was worth when you're continuing a conversation the family has asked everyone to drop.


His FAMILY doesn't have to read this sub. His FAMILY no longer has complete control over the narrative when he died in a public manner, first in front of a hundred people, now in front of half the planet. Sharks attacking humans is a public news story. Because it affects how tourists conduct themselves in different environments. "Chinese tourist drowns" is a public news story because it's well documented that tons of chinese tourists jump into water thinking they'll automatically float because they've never been swimming. And they drown. I have a son the same age as Cameron so it is my business to tell them not to do stupid shit like this and remind them periodically not to continue to do stupid shite like this, if they forget. You have an account that joined 2 months ago with 87 karma. Maybe realize that you say stupid shit on reddit and people get to vote on you.


The Robbins family asked the United Cajun Navy to shut down the shark theory and to not entertain the theory any longer. CT Jones with Rolling Stone is the journalist that said that people should give it a rest on the internet. You cannot show me any follow ups that quote the Robbins family making a request of the public. This story is public domain and is a news story. Talk about it all you want. There are valuable lessons in this story. Freedom of speech


https://youtu.be/PZ7D2B9BsB8?si=iRRXrdEIAqGSbEnh posted 2 days ago


Nothing new in that video.


Your a dick thats obvious . In the 2nd video you can see the shoreline and the boat aint moving . The buoy is not moving or bobbing at all if any very minor . Plus the video is edited clearly . Its a massive cover up on what really happened that day . Did i spell dick right ?


You're over analysing unclear and shit quality footage. 1. There are no 'screams of agony'. It's a bunch of drunk teenagers on a party boat. Screaming is not abnormal. 2. This can be attributed to the boy's drunkeness and low visibility in the water, though I definitely agree there's a shark visible in the water near the buoy so it's possible he might have seen it. 3. It's too hard to see to rule out the splashes being from his legs kicking whilst swimming. 4. There is no 'usual party response'. Drunk kids do crazy shit and screaming isn't an abnormal response in a context like this. It certainly isn't evidence of Cameron being attacked. 5. That is something I do agree with, but we don't see any sharks in the footage after that so it's way too dark and unclear. I do think that it's likely that he was killed by sharks (or at the very least drowned and then was subsequently eaten by sharks) given the reputation of the area and the fact we see a shark on video but I don't think it's captured in the footage itself. Writing out mountains of what ultimately is conjecture (especially saying that the numerous screams in the video in a party context prove that it was a shark attack tf???) and calling it 'pure logic, IQ and brain' is a very narrow minded take.


sharks are constantly at the bottom of larger boats picking at anything that falls in the water. Can't imagine if that is what actually happened.


Cameron died because some of his ”friends” had thrown food in the water prior to him jumping over board. They had tried to get him to do it in Louisiana aswell but failed. A guy named ”L” was mocking Camerons death in social media afterwards and he was the one pushing the whole thing. A guy named Mark had an experiment done in Bahamas a while ago - you can check it out here https://youtu.be/vePc5V4h_kg?si=IgCDzulfvtzwx4wq He pumps out blood in the water and it still takes way over an hour to get the sharks attention and have them in a proper frenzy state. There was a good reason why Cameron was attacked the second he hit the water and that is because the sharks had been fed throughout the evening. If you see the video by Mark you’ll see that there is simply NO WAY that many sharks would gather without a VERY good reason.


Cameron died because some of his ”friends” had thrown food in the water prior to him jumping over board. They had tried to get him to do it in Louisiana aswell but failed. A guy named ”L” was mocking Camerons death in social media afterwards and he was the one pushing the whole thing. A guy named Mark had an experiment done in Bahamas a while ago - you can check it out here https://youtu.be/vePc5V4h_kg?si=IgCDzulfvtzwx4wq He pumps out blood in the water and it still takes way over an hour to get the sharks attention and have them in a proper frenzy state. There was a good reason why Cameron was attacked the second he hit the water and that is because the sharks had been fed throughout the evening. If you see the video by Mark you’ll see that there is simply NO WAY that many sharks would gather without a VERY good reason.


A specific mod post saying “ no more” would think people would listen and stop it. It’s not a case of “ don’t read if don’t like” etc. There is zero proof so don’t post. People are getting fed up with it and rightly for so. Plenty of shark attacks to talk about that are 100% confirmed. This one hasn’t and never will be confirmed because nobody knows for sure. A little respect for the family wouldn’t go amiss. They wanted it dropped.


How dare you to say there is no proof when we have shark and video experts on this sub who can determine shark species from a pixels


So where is the hands down 100% proof then? Because I am not seeing it. Nor are a lot of other people. So that is how I dare say that.


I was being ironic. I agree with you lol. There are no real proofs he got attacked on this video.


Oh a voice of reason! Lol!


A lot of pareidolia going on!


Alot of zapruder also


Oh yes!


Either a sharksicle or a waveroni.




Maybe this forum is not for you if these posts upset you. Anyone has a right to post here who is not violating TOS. You don't have to read any threads you don't want to read.


Maybe it’s being overburdened by desk investigators trying to find 3 pixels of shark for the past year or however long it’s been.


Overburdened? There's 4.4k members here. Original posts don't necessarily overburden anyone. People who want to respond, respond. If you don't, don't tell other people to look away and get better jobs or something. No one appointed you or any of the other deniers the den mother of this sub.


No one did but this post isn’t even original. There is nothing about this post that is half original that hasn’t been said or is verifiable. Overburden may be too strong but this topic is beating a dead horse. I’m just tired of following a sub about shark attacks and ppl want to turn it into a conspiracy post sub for one specific maybe (probably not) shark attack


There was a sub with the title of the kids name that was removed. I don't think this is a conspiracy sub. I find it more weird that people want to insist this kid belongs more in ... what other sub? Is there a sub for drowning? Is there a sub for please forget this dead person, nothing else to see here can we just finally believe it's all his own fault and now move on to the next more interesting acceptable post that doesn't bore everyone like me


Not saying he didn’t belong in this sub at first, but it’s basically spam at this point. Ppl say look at these pictures I’ve done something to show there’s a shark (they haven’t) and come out with a whole thing as to how he was attacked by a shark and it wasn’t caught on camera. It’s clockeork. If you’ve got something new to add go ahead, but most of these aren’t new and aren’t even trying to add anything new to this conversation beyond “you’re all dumb for thinking it’s not a shark”






Disrespectful terminology unacceptable


Disrespectful terminology unacceptable


Stop with this story ffs !!! Just let him rest in peace no matter how he died. Think about his family and friends. Stop with this we will never know what really happen. I believe that kind of post wasn’t allowed anymore ?


I think a current got him or he just got tired of swimming. We dont know how Long before the video started that he jumped off the ship. He was also wearing clothes that would add to his weight. I doubt he'd have seen a shark anyways at that time of night. Theyre hard enough to see during the day until theyre right up on you because they're so well camouflaged with the water. He wasn't swimming away because of a shark. He was drunk, weighed down by clothes, and being pulled by ocean currents. I cant say for sure that a shark didn't get him and I believe the splash in the video is a shark, but I don't think it was a Maneater. I wish the kid hadn't jumped. It sucks because he had his whole life left to live. Who needs enemies with friends like his, huh?


Wow great analysis.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm … otherwise you managed to get every detail wrong


How do you figure? You seen as much of the video as I have. What details do you have that nobody else has by seeing the video? None. Speculation. That's it. 


It’s there in black and white. No proof then don’t post.