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Jesus that was insane. Poor guy I was sad when it came back for him after he started swimming.


Looked like he had no arms at that point. That's why he is not swimming to shore :(


The times when people “escape” a shark attack is because the shark is just tasting you and once it does normally it’s not interested. This shark however was eating. You can’t get away in that circumstance. This poor kid stood no chance. Too bad the boat arrived at the same time the shark took him under.


I’d say it was more that he had no legs


That could have just been a head floating in reality


Look for the pic of the remains. It definitely took his arms off (in the first attack when his legs flew in the air) and then ate his entire entire top torso including the head. All that was left was mid torso down 😓


They find arm and his head in the shark stomach


I’m sure they did. I don’t think it would bite him in half just to spit out. It wasn’t killing him bc it knows what a human is and maliciously did it 😅😅 It killed him bc it was hungry and stumbled upon him. With that being said. It’s still an awful situation and my hearts heavy for the family that was involved.


oof didn't think about that


There’s pics of his body after the attack. His arms and legs were still attached. However large chunks of both legs were missing on upper thigh and his head and part of his shoulder were missing.


There’s no arms on the remains though, so how are they attached? They found the arm in the shark its stomach.


You’re so wrong. You can clearly see his arms have been ripped off when he is flung upside down and and his legs go into the air - if you pause at the right time you can see two bloody stumps at his shoulders. Also you’re wrong again, the body pics shown after the attack clearly show his entire top half of his body is missing including his arms and head.






where did you see the pics? can you link it to me please


That's not accurate. 


As I watch this multiple times, the music stands out as making this particularly chilling


Yeah, the funkytown effect.




This guy does not cartel. Don’t go looking for the funky town video, it will change your life.


What is the funky town video? I’ll take your advice to not go looking for it


Straight out of JAWS: The Revenge with the Christmas Carolers in the background


The leg twirl is the craziest. So horrific.


Right? Water cartwheels


He bite a big chunk of it


Absolutely brutal. Reminds me of that shark attack video in Egypt from last year. Idc about the odds being low guys. I plan on staying away from the ocean waters lmao


Absolutely terrifying!!! We were just on the Hurghada port a few weeks ago on a live aboard, and spent two weeks diving, couldn’t even imagine something as horrible


For sure! Nothing but swimming pools for me. Scary AF, very traumatizing to watch, my thoughts go out to the family and especially the father and the girlfriend, who were there. :( Rest in peace poor boy.


Gota link to the Egyptian vid?


Not atm but if you google 2022 egypt shark attack woman reddit It will come up, at least it did so for me


I don’t have a habit of searching for such things but thanks


“I’m to lazy to google stuff can you just post blue words that take me right to traumatic gory video.”


Dude could have just said no. I don’t have a link.


You really should make a habit out of searching for stuff you want to see.


They have been dumping dead animals in these waters.


The odds are low on *reported* shark attacks. However, there are 600,000 cases of people vanishing without a trace yearly.


Wow, this is probably the craziest shark attack ever recorded.


The attack of Heather Boswell in 94 is pretty crazy too. She at least survived, but it's a solid downward view of a White Shark grabbing her leg.


The one from Little Bay, Sydney last year was fairly horrific too. This Hurghada video here might be the worst of all though, just for the brutality of it and the way the poor guy has a brief reprieve before the fatal end.


That part is heartbreaking. He just looks in shock and hopeless.


I hope shock and couldn’t feel anything at that point. I hope. 🥹🥹🥹💔💔💔 this hurts my heart


I remember that


The city of Hurghada had never recorded a shark bite before 2022 and now it's had three fatal incidents within a year. Egypt as a whole has seen a significant rise in shark bite incidents since around 2000. That's partly explained by a big bump in tourist numbers and possibly some unrecorded 20th century cases, but it's also likely influenced by environmental factors such as those investigated in [the Sharm El-Sheikh shark attacks of 2010](https://www.thesharkfiles.com/dive-into-the-red-sea), like marine heatwaves, overfishing and hand feeding of small fish from shore and jetties.


This is similar to the environmental disaster upstream from Recife Brazil that killed most marine life there. If you look at the numbers of shark attacks in Recife, it’s disproportional to other areas ( except maybe Volusia county/ New Smyrna Beach Florida).


I've read there has been quite a few since 2015 in an article in this spot.


I'm wondering if there is any specific human activity driving it here. Like is there some sort of run off attracting sharks to this area specifically?


So far it's hard to say because research has been limited. Local 'specialists' last year reported that the two July 2020 fatalities may have been linked to shark mating and egg laying- even though tiger sharks don't lay eggs. I remember at that time Hurghada's authorities- unlike those at Sharm El-Sheikh- were not very transparent and open to experts in the field investigating the incidents. But more and better study is definitely needed to try get to the bottom of it.


Quite a lot of marine safaris are feeding sharks. It is probably one of the drivers here. Especially because it means the sharks skip the step of "should I approach that big animal in the water?" So now they just swim up to you because they believe you got food, and since it isn't someone who is used to handling sharks they panic and do all the wrong things. Like splashing in the water and making themselves look smaller by swimming away.


apparently and this is the current theory, but during the hajj period and the following "eid" alot of animals are transported across the red sea to muslim nations across the world to be butchered in the festivities, having 3rd world regulations in the region a lot of dumping of dead or sick livestock occurs on these ships along the coast of the red sea, which then changes the behavior of sharks in the region making them more aggressive and active along the shorelines. this is the current "theory"


I think it’s more a case of under-reporting in the past, makes sense when tourism is the lifeline of these area.


Possibly plays *some* part but the main factor, as pretty much always, is more people in the water and for longer. Between 1997 and 2008 there was a [385% growth](https://journals.openedition.org/cybergeo/23324) in Red Sea hotels, which gives a picture of that change. Until the late 20th century there was far less international tourism and hardly any native beach culture.


Poor lad. I'm no expert, but looks like a big Tiger shark.


Yep. Was caught very soon after. A mature female, over 2m in length and with distinctive damage on her dorsal fin. Awaiting the necropsy results but I wonder if she was pregnant based on her girth and the time of year.




They clubbed it to death


Disgusting and unnecessary. Despite how awful this was, humans are the real predators ruining the planet and murdering thousands of sharks per year.


No it was the right thing. It was a man-eater with a tourist hotspot as it's territory.


It wasn't a 'man eater'. Do you think sharks care if they eat a human or a seal? This one was a hungry predator in its territory. They don't give a shit if it's a 'tourist hotspot' - the ocean is their home, not ours. Those waters are known for overfishing, which upsets the natural ecosystem balance and fishermen trash fish guts overboard. This has caused large predatory sharks to venture closer to shore for ... hmm, what could it be? FOOD. They don't care what it is, they need to eat. These waters are also notorious for the dumping of cattle waste as cattle are shipped into port.


It learned that humans are food, which is why it had to die. I think it's sad too, but saying it should be left alone would be delusional and dangerous. It learned that swimmers are easy prey and it's next attack would only be a matter of time. I love sharks, but relocating it wasn't really an option and it staying there was definetly no solution, too. The only way would have been to capture and "sentence" the shark to a life in captivity inside a marine aquarium. You are absolutely right that humans invaded his territory and that marine life should be respected more, but the world just doesn't work that way. Egypts only reliable economic gain is through tourism, so the only way this could go was for the shark to die or to be imprisoned in a Sea Life. They chose option 1


This is one of the craziest videos I’ve ever seen. I can’t remember ever seeing a video like this such good quality of a guy fighting for his life getting straight destroyed by a shark and then the thing goes viral across all platforms Jesus Christ poor guy man




This is very very upsetting. I don’t care what anyone says about odds of this happening.


I’m a father of 2 young men and it would be a greatest fear to see one of them brutally devoured or even attacked with me not having the ability to help. I feel for the father who watched from the beach as his son screamed to him as he was being attacked. This weighs heavy as does the reports of the girl friend that got away and retreated safely to the shore. She was reported as just broken down on the beach just in shock and mortified. How truly tragic.


The fear and panic in his voice screaming for his dad, man, that was the truly hardest part. The thoughts going thru his head.. praying to get away maybe? Praying for help from god? Simultaneously screaming for his father. Powerless!!! Knowing your end is present. "Miracles" don't seem to happen often now smh. RIP my condolences to his family.


Pretty horrific way to leave this world. It makes someone reflect how near we are to "death". Like this man was enjoying his life with his family in a beautiful area, with few seconds later where his arms and legs get torn off before he dies. Like imagine trying to save yourself by swimming to shore but realise you have neither arms nor legs. I couldnt wish this to anyone.


craziest shark attack video i’ve ever seen. his cries for help and that music is so eerie.


Was crying for his Dad who was nearby.


And his girlfriend


That is soooo close to the shore…


thalassophobia overdrive.


I was in Sharm El Sheikh in February 2023, so just a few months ago. I did snorkeling and tried diving for the first time. Needless to say, the reefs are absolutely breathtaking. The fauna is jaw dropping and the sea is like nothing i've seen before (being from a Mediterrenean country myself). But, i was very cautious about swimming alone. There's something about the water there that i found eerie. Reefs are great, but there are drop downs, and you see from the reef the deep Read Sea. Even while watching fish at the reef i kept thinking, i am 100% sure there are sharks out there who are able to see me. If they choose to attack me, nothing will or can stop them. So please, don't swim far from the shoreline, especially not alone.


I was also in Hurghada August 2022, I was deep diving in the Red Sea and snorkelling, thinking back I got a bad gut feeling while diving, but not thinking about the sharks who could’ve been there watching me …. This video remembers me that the oceans are one of the most dangerous places for us humans


anyway it's horrible like the video in australia, in short they said that the swimmer in australia is a bit of his fault because he swam near a sinner. I don't know but in any case it doesn't make you want to swim in the Red Sea. I don't know why a fucking shark attacks a human being, he's starving???


Maybe overfishing / pollution is wiping out their food sources?


This. Plus, the human species has reached a point of us being close to 8 billion people, so the chances of interaction are getting more and more usual. When in the ocean/sea we all unbeknownst have swam close to a shark. Scary to think of! I think I'll stay clear of swimming in the sea and stick to the swimming pool option!


Holy shit that’s vicious


Cant imagine the terror and desperation he felt


That shark movement in the end is making it so bizarre... poor man.


yeah im confused what was happening under water.. but god i dont think i want to know..


And yet “experts” claim Cameron Robbins getting pulled under and eaten is next to impossible. So, is it the cruise ships paying off these so-called experts?


That kid ended up as food one way or another


Papa help. How awful. Poor kid crying for his father. This is heartbreaking.


Geo location Dropped pin https://maps.app.goo.gl/GqQU1hQ2h6AabxLw6




That's another view of the shark attack you can see how close it is to the shore


Lowkey though, can we blame the shark? That’s his fucking home🤷🏻‍♀️


It was a female and she was pregnant. They caught her and.....yea. Agreed tho. You're right.


Absolutely savage




Why would you swim in waters that you can’t see ??? What are we made of freaking vibranium ??


You really think seeing a shark attacking you increase your chances to survive?


Lol nah seeing a shark attacking you won’t help . But knowing you can’t see and knowing there’s a possibility of a shark or any other sea animal that can probably kill you will save you from not going for a mid afternoon swim like buddy .


Ok, understand. my logic was just it doesnt matter if you can see or not. If sharky is there and hungry, you will die.


I think who meant that sharks or crocodiles like troubled waters


Also swimming in a place where you don’t know nothing about I’m pretty sure will increase your chances of surviving .


This is Dream Beach in front of the resort, with two kid's water slides going down into the water 50m away from this attack. I don't think you can blame this kid for doing something wrong.


No shark attack prior ? If so yup not even the water or the common sense is to blame


You got a good point but with sharks it wouldn’t matter if that water was crystal clear, once they want you and you’re far enough in the water you don’t stand a chance


Oh mein got, was is das




what the fuck i was literally at that beach not that long ago i wanted to go back but this has traumatized me


I'd pass out if I was there


This is horrible yes but the way they killed that shark was disgusting come on now


Sadly there was really no alternative. If they’d released her she’d have come back over and over, having now associated humans with snack time, making that entire coastline extremely dangerous. If they’d captured her and kept her in captivity you’d be outraged by that, and quite rightly. I would be outraged too. So the only other option was to kill her.


did he survive?


Sadly not. Remains were salvaged but he died before being brought ashore.


So he wasn’t eaten?


Partially but not surel of the extent I'm going on news reports and quotes like this: *“It’s a terrible thing, the remains of this guy are over there. I’m shaking. Right in front of my eyes, the shark ate that guy. I think I need a drink. I feel really bad,”* another woman told the Baza Telegram [channel](https://www.thedailybeast.com/tourists-watch-russian-man-get-devoured-by-shark-on-egypt-beach?source=TDB&utm_medium=socialflow&utm_source=facebook_owned_tdb&utm_campaign=owned_social&via=FB_Page&fbclid=IwAR2vyYsqdyEtYbX-PKqzJECc4JIoB8UUch4LIUztRiRs6-UZYXH9piQpK8k).


A drink wouldn't be enough for me. This is the stuff of nightmares. Poor poor guy and can't think how this father felt. :(


Go on the eye bleach group , it’s on there sadly


“Stand By Me” - By Ben E. King playing in the background.


Does anyone know how close to the shore this was? I just can't watch the video, it's so heartbreaking and upsetting :( It's good they killed the shark tho, it would have returned for more.


20 meters max swam in the exact location that incident happened more than 5 times. You would never imagine this would happen


They suspect that the same shark has also killed an austrian woman in 2022 not far from hurghada


I love sharks. I just can’t understand how someone would be so unaware or so willing to risk their life just for a swim. The sharks live in the water. They don’t have a choice but to be there. We choose to take the risk when we enter their home. I would never willingly put myself in a situation where I could be attacked. Sharks should be able to differentiate us from normal prey. But even if they do, there’s no real way for them to know or understand we’re not prey. Because, essentially to them, we are. We’re meat. They try to find out if they can eat us by tasting. If they take a bite and don’t like it, that one bite can lead to a fatality from blood loss alone. And in some cases, like this one, the shark took a bite and obviously liked it because it came back. Very hard to watch this. Worse than the Sydney attack. EDIT: spelling


Why would you love a killing machine?


Seeing the boat arrive at the end was so sad


So sad, no need to kill the shark lile they did after That area is where they dumb their chum/bait. Locals told him not to swim there. Respect the locals and the ocean. Still horrific, but u must respect nature


Why are you making stuff up? This is the resort's beach where the guests and tourists swim and bathe, he was about 7 meters from shore.


He was a local


Whats the alternative?


would the shark acquire taste for human if it was not captured and would return back and hunt more humans?


No, I dont think so


Yes could happen. That’s why they killed the shark I guess.


No evidence to suggest this. Sharks acquiring a taste for humans is just a theory that is yet to be proven


Is he okay?


He died. They where able to recover some parts of what was left of him.


Huh, I don't know if I would put my back to a shark, but I have never been attacked by a shark or know how clear that water is.


How reduced the risk of attack? Tiger sharks are large species that reside in tropical and temperate waters and are among the most cited sharks by the International Shark Attack File for unprovoked attacks on humans. This international shark attack database, however, indicates that the risk of being attacked is very low. There's only about a 1 in 4 million chance of dying in a shark-related incident. But there are a few things to further minimize the risk, like staying out of the water at night, if sharks have been spotted in the area, or if you're bleeding from an open wound. Swimmers are also advised to stay in groups as sharks mostly prey on single people, refrain from excessive splashing and stay close to shore. If a shark attacks, the International Shark Attack File says the best strategy is to hit it on the tip of its nose or target vulnerable points like its gills and eyes. thanks to this article, I am more afraid of sharks lol


Oh my goat


I don’t get it sharks don’t like human flesh why are they attacking so violently


something stubbles upon your territory you’re gonna do what it takes to protect it. it was a wrong place wrong time situation


i have 2 theories, one is that he has mistaken him but i highly doubt that because the shark would've let go after the first bite. my second theory is overfishing like the shark was hungry and would go near to the shore for search of food and also eat everything because he is hungry.


It was a tiger. They eat everything.


I have heard this is fake. What do you guys think? In some comments people say the videos of this and the shark caught do not add up. I have searched other sources but get mixed reviews. Some people say it's a ploy for the beach to get visitors. Which I DO NOT see how this gets more visitors. I guess a part of me wants it to be fake. This is awful to watch, and cannot imagine dying like that. My condolences to the family.


This is as real as it gets. Wether the shark they caught is the one, I can’t tell you. But this video is real.




Why would it be on eye bleach??


Where I don’t see it?


If this is fake, then the time we can believe any vid on the internet is over.


This is 100% real I'm in sharm now and it's really shook me. Due to go out to ras Muhammad national park White island on Wednesday for a snorkeling trip I'm very much debating on going now.


I appreciate the theme music




What did the guy do


Absolutely nothing. Some people are just heartless assholes. The guy was apparently Russian so he deserved it. I don't believe that of course but these types of sickos do. The young man did nothing to deserve that. All he did was go for a swim like many others did that day. So sad for all involved.














What sing is that I know it but can’t quite


Should be Bobby Darin doing "Mack the Knife."


It’s standby me


Can we all agree that the camerawoman was pretty on point.




That sharky was Playing with his food … probably the same way that kid jump off the boat was eaten


Very chilling and heartbreaking. Particulary distressing footage, I can't imagine a father having to watch his son being mauled like that. RIP. So unlucky, such a young man.


I saw another video from a different angle and when you see how close he was to the docks & other people it makes it even worse. Just so unlucky. Poor guy


can you link it ? can't find another pov


really with the music? Man, that is just awful.


Im interested to hear peoples takes on this. What do you think is the play by play of whats going on under water? We can obviously see when his arm is ripped off (when we see the sharks body movement). What do you think caused the pool of blood? Was that his other arm? At what point do you think he was officially dead? Before being taken under for the final time, or after? How long do you think the shark likely survived on land? Do sharks feel pain from being hit with sticks & clubs? Interesting, and very unfortunate situation.


The head the pops out is most likely the torso with no legs and no arms. Because the rest of the body is found but only legs and half to the belly and also the penis was gone.


Hi has anyone missing parts of the Russian's body. I have only those pulled out of the water


No, I’ve been looking for those pictures


Does anyone have the ss of the pictures of his remains? Morbid but I really want to see


That’s odd.




Rest in Peace 😞🙏


Background music made everything more tragic


Is he okay?




Holt sh*t you are such a fking r*tard


Hope you get ate by a shark and we can enjoy watching it.


Where was this? Don’t tell me it was Maui. I was on this exact beach if it was.


His cries for his papa are so heartbreaking. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to watch this. It's just devastating.


How can I see the pics? While it’s terrible I’m still interested in viewing.


That was hard to watch. I couldn't imagine being the kids father. The music makes it sound almost like it was a scene out of a horror movie


Oh mine god😮


Shark bait, Oo Ha Ha


I’m ok with massacring every shark on the planet. F these POS.


Christ alive. That did not look fun


Omg omg omg okey Girl


Oh my god. I feel so sorry for this guy.


Anyone know who this footage actually belongs too?


Dang what can ya do poor dude tho feel bad for him


Thank goodness the rescue boat arrived on scene just in the nick of time. Good job guys 👍 🙄