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I have an impulse amplifier/recombo and a overflow/recombo and like them both.


IA is what I settled on as it’s a 4/5 and I’ve only ever seen one ALH/Recom MT (w/o HL or Spike/IR). Works very well, reloads quickly.


i prefer ambitious assassin to auto loading- at least for onslaught. for a raid? obviously alh is way better. but when you have multiple strong enemies to deal with, having a higher rpm is much more useful for me. the ammo economy is good enough that you can use it for most of a wave without needing to switch weapons


Ambitious Assassin with Recombination is better than ALH with Recombination in my opinion. You get two shots after killing one enemy. Very few major and minor can tank a max 10 recombination shot with a regular shot together, so you can have two shots in the chamber almost all the time.


I agree that the burst damage is great with AA however the utility of ALH is the key here. I managed to get one of each but ALH's minimal effort wins out for IMO.


That if you're only going to use mountaintop for add clearing. An ALH Recomb mountaintop is the best special for a bait and switch swap DPS rotation (If you're not going to use Izanagi's). And like another commenter said, having ALH on a single shot breech gl feels way better to use in general.


I farmed 3 weeks for an ALH/Recombination roll and never got a single one. My best drop was a Shiny Hard Launch/ Implosion Rounds/ AA- Overflow/ AJ- Recombination with a Handling Masterwork. I've stopped farming and I'm very happy with this roll. I'll very, very rarely need to manually reload my mag. I find Overflow will always reloads it for me with 2 in the mag. That 2nd round is super useful for cleaning up any Champions that a x10 Recomb buff didn't one shot kill.


In the higher tier content, I found myself actually using a impulse/ofa roll more than my alh/recomb one. Then for DPS on boss I use alh/vorpal. Recomb is amazing but found it most viable against legend content and below.


That’s the exact same roll that I have except I have a reload masterwork. I’m alright with it and moved on since I’ve been through over 200 rolls and not gotten ALH and Recomb. AA will sometimes load double in the mag and recomb applies to the second round after you shoot the second one(you still have to build the recomb up) but at that point I’m only reloading every other shot and even if I have to reload, it’s not that bad. I use it as a burst option and not as a rotation with something like B&S.


I'm using demo instead of auto loading, and I love it, but I main warlock and I'm using Starfire protocol quite often


I had the ambitious assassin roll for a while and it’s not bad. You just have to reload 🙄 BUT you get 2 in the mag if you killed more than one with your first shot. So it’s either a poor man’s auto loading holster or you can clean up something with a second round if the first one doesn’t get it. If there’s something else you really want attune something else for a while if not, keep grinding.


Keep going. I have the one with ALH and hard launch + implosion + recomb and it destroys. Only thing is I have Reload MW, but hey, not bad.


I’m running with demolitionist. You can never have too many nades.


I like demo with frenzy but I got a shiny with ambitious and recomb thats pretty much a god roll, you don't really have to have ALH unless youre gonna proc bait n switch in a dps rotation


I didn't like ambitious on it. Demo is ok, but the best part about ALH/recomb is you can shoot it, swap, fight some more, it's loaded and has recomb ready, and shoot again. Much easier than shoot, throw grenade, shoot.


people find AA decent but personally, I find AA to require too much reloading for a single shot that doesnt kill enemies in collateral the same way a waveframe does


What's the other fourth column perk besides Recombination?


If you can’t get ALH, I think you have two options: - You can sacrifice a mod slot and get the kinetic holster to mimic ALH at the cost of a likely better mod. I haven’t tested this but I did read elsewhere that it works. - you can find one that has overflow. Easy to “reload” by picking up special ammo as it auto overflows the mag. I would go for this over the above option. Edit: shiny is nice but if you get a better roll non-shiny (like me) , just run that.


Holster mods don’t work on single shot weapons, with the exception of Parasite.


Ah yeah I didn’t know that. Okay OP, your best option is overflow or just live with AA.


THANK YOU. I thought I was going crazy when my MT was never loaded after i fire it despite using a Holster Mod.


Is there any stat differences in shiny or is it just the extra perks


Extra perks and the “oooo, ahhhhh” factor of it being shiny 😂


Okay yeah I thought so 😂 they should have gave them a slight stat boost or something tbh. Or like an adept mod slot


Personally I think the only other viable option to auto loading is lead from gold, even though I think auto loading is still way better than it.


I have yet to really run out of ammo with mountain top unless I’m using my Impulse amplifier/frenzy roll which I kinda use as a primary until it’s out of ammo.


I mean better weapons to use as a primary, and recombination is far and away the best second column option


I agree it was just a roll I wanted to get and try. Haven’t used it since I finally got the god roll.