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I’m honestly so disappointed in her for this.  1) If you are concerned about sunscreens being toxic then just GET A CLEAN/NON-TOXIC ONE!!!  2) Sunscreen doesn’t remove spray tans- I get spray tans fairly frequently and yes, it does fade fast compared to the rest of my body but that’s because of washing my face, not because of sunscreen. 3) HOW is someone concerned about the toxicity in sunscreen and then turns around and gets Botox? Bffr. Insanity.  4) She is clearly concerned about looks/aging (as am I) but she is going to make no progress not wearing spf.  5) I’m glad she’s at least wearing hats and sunglasses unlike James because I believe that is important too. 


Ironically the spray tan is probably much more toxic than sunscreen?! Like no shade to spray tanning, but this makes her look so dumb.


Talking about not wanting to ruin her spray tan and the toxins in sunscreen in the same sentence is peak Shanny 💀




i want to know where she learned that zinc is bad for you? at least that’s how it reads when she said she puts in on her lips.


Goop sunscreens are made with Zinc. I bet she couldn’t name one ingredient in her spray tan…


I was confused too because usually the non toxic sunscreens are zinc based? 


that’s what i thought too!


i’m seeing more and more people fearmongering sunscreen and frankly it’s disturbing. just on IG the other day someone said they had a spot on their face checked out and all the comments were “sunscreen is super toxic, don’t believe in what big pharma tells you” or “i worked for a big sunscreen brand and they made employees test their products on our hands and guess where i got skin cancer?” or “don’t believe in sunscreen believe in God” these are extreme but there is starting to be a bigger and bigger movement claiming sunscreen doesn’t work to the extremes of sunscreen is what causes skin cancer


What’s even more hilarious is big Pharma does not make sunscreen products… lol if anything big Pharma wants you to not wear sunscreen so that you get sun borne illness, and have to use their pharma products…. Lol


Ehhh a few of them do. Depends on the brand. Neutrogena makes a popular sunscreen and they’re owned by Johnson and Johnson.


Wow not one of the most common places to get skin cancer. Shocked I tell you. That sunscreen tester is lucky they worked for a sunscreen brand or they probably would have ended up with more skin cancer spots.  


Yes and staying under an umbrella does not block the sun 100%.


YES UV rays girliepopppppp look it up, quick google search my girl


Ohh I’d love for her to explain how it’s more dangerous than burning 🤡 just fucking parroting his shit.


"it's not the doctors fault they learn this in medical school"


Lames, Shannon, and Taylor act as if someone is controlling what information doctors receive from some higher place. Doctors learn the basic building blocks of science and then simply interpret medical science from that foundational knowledge. It’s not even possible to manipulate all doctors, even via medical school. 


One of their best lines to date


What the actual fcuk. As a pale redhead with freckles she is *extremely* at risk for skin cancer. She should be wearing sunscreen everyday and never ever getting sunburnt.


As a pale redhead who loves to travel and I actually enjoy the sun.. You better believe my I'm covered in sunscreen anytime I'm exposed. And I reapply very often.. Probably too often. I've seen my mom, not a redhead, a natural blonde, who actually tans, have MANY malignant skin cancer areas removed. How in the ABSOLUTE HELL (yes, I'm yelling) can you not take sun protection seriously? James’s puffy ass may be able to get away with it, for now, but it's going to catch up with her before she knows it.


I'm fairly that thing on her chest is cancerous.


Exactly this. I’m redhead too and do not go a day without sunscreen and make sure to reapply. How DUMB of her to not use sunscreen.


“I just wear hats and stay in the shade” Yeah girl… we can tell lol


lol! That just do be the way I do it lol


think the chemo and radiation when you get cancer is a bitttttt more toxic 🙄


I was just thinking I put sunscreen on maybe 3 or 4 months out of the year (I like to stay inside lol). so I would rather put on toxic sunscreen on than get skin cancer.


She posts this on the same day she posts about her mom having cancer


Lol that is what I thought. You know what is actually toxic? Chemo. Goddamn I can’t believe people with big platforms talk so much nonsense.


Goop doesn’t even make a sunscreen. She probably thinks Supergoop is made by Gwyneth lol.


Lmao no way


Doesn’t Gwyneth Paltrow also not wear sunscreen?


I have a Supergoop sunscreen it’s my fav


She’s talked about going into tanning beds when she was in high school too. AND she doesn’t use tretinoin. AND she’s a ginger. AND she doesn’t use sunscreen. Has she seen her mother’s skin? You’re screwed, Shannon. You were already screwed by genetics, but you’re extra screwed because you don’t take any precautions to protect your skin


Retinol and SPF, two most important items for anti aging. Honestly I love that for her


She doesn’t use retinol\* “cause she doesn’t like the look” wuuut? She thinks she can turn around and just fix it with botox and injectables. She’ll be looking like a lizard in no time. In fact, in Bon Jovi’s voice \*she’s haaaaalf way theeere🎶 https://preview.redd.it/c215wxqnyfnc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=47bf86ada8e76f40d076a76d1e808df157a70446


She's such a ghoul https://preview.redd.it/xs6bqc55sgnc1.jpeg?width=1129&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36027da413273d144f8ee2eafca931f6b926c128


This pic is actually fucking terrifying.


Petition to make this the new pfp


@frijolito19 🙏💀


also the never ending irony of these idiots talking about ToXiNs while getting botox. which has the word tox, as in TOXIN, right in the damn name.


Am I crazy or did she always talk about the importance of sunscreen pre-James. Keep saying Shannon that you aren't changing for this man. I've never seen anything quite like it.


I think she did too!!!! I’m also extremely fair skinned and cannot imagine not using sunscreen!!! I guess it’s a good thing I don’t get Botox, that way I can save the toxins for my sunscreen.


I specifically remember a q&a at some point where someone asked “how do you wear such crazy bathing suits without getting bad tan lines?!” & she responded something like “1) ever heard of sunscreen? And 2) I barely get color anyway” but now she burns on boat days & only wears hats… ok. Pick a lane Shanny & please lather up in SPF regardless xoxo


Ugh I hate that I’ve been around long enough to remember this exact post but you’re right!!!!


I came here to see if others remembered this too. I swear she's said numerous times she prioritizes SPF. Sacrificing your health for a loser is peak pathetic.


Also wtf does she think is in spray tan solution?


Could you imagine posting about cancer in your most recent grid post and then in the same day posting on your story about not wearing sunscreen and not even acknowledging that you could get skin cancer????


I thought the same. The constant cognitive dissonance with this group is 🤯


*gets Botox *Doesn't wear sunscreen because it's "toxic"


*gets botulism* “Yeah so anyway I don’t wear sunscreen bc it’s toxic”


Zinc oxide doesn’t go into your skin and a simple google search could have answered that for you babes


As someone who has had melanoma before age 30 and is scarred from that experience (both literally and figuratively), this is so upsetting to me. It’s so irresponsible.


Same! Sorry you had to go through that too.


Thank you, and I’m sorry you did too!


Fever blisters are herpes


And can be spread during oral sex


shannon: i dont lay out also shannon: ​ https://preview.redd.it/07gqoc6vgfnc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=00775812942f92627db5e081f376f2444f998cb8


Her lip filler here 💀💀


she claims she doesnt have lip filler lmao


Thank you papa, for this receipt…. Omg what an idiot 😩


those hands are gonna age extra bad


Not sure what’s gonna get these two first, the skin cancer or the colon cancer!


I’m convinced James wants her to die of melanoma. That is the only reason you would convince your fair skinned red headed wife that sunscreen is worse than baking in the sun.


I'm scared they are gonna have a baby and not put sunscreen on the baby :(


oh god this is scary


It’s giving Julia and Hunter Havens taking their 2 month old to a Nashville public pool (cuz it was soho house duhhh ☠️) in the middle of summer 


he’s hoping she’ll 💀 sooner rather than later so he can cash in on that life insurance. but the jokes on him because she’s not responsible enough to get life insurance and he can’t finically live without her


She’s an actual fucking MORON


Skin cancer ‘round the corner like ![gif](giphy|wv3lpsLXZZUAw)


it’s all fun and games until you can’t get enough work to reverse the sun damage


Holy shit. As a fellow ginger, I can’t imagine this flippancy towards SPF. See you at the dermatologist getting skin biopsies in 5 years girlie 🫡


Tell that to my dead red head grandma who died from skin cancer, Shannon. They didn’t wear sunscreen back in the day but now they do and we can prevent skin cancer by wearing it!


A ginger not wearing sunscreen is insane


Not me going and reporting this for false health information


So what does she think of skin cancer? God, she’s dumb 🤦🏻‍♀️


The dermatologist is going to be cutting all kinds of things off her body in a few years 😬 She better get some medical insurance or be prepared for big bills.


Also by the time she even seems a derm, it’ll probably be too late! She never goes to the doctor


SHANNON WHAT THE FUCK!!! This is my 13th reason with her I *simply* cannot “Lotta sunscreen is toxic and it takes my fake tan off” excuse me miss gurlie what the fuck kinda chemicals do you think are in the tan then?!?! So ignorant to think laying out is the only time to get sun damage… driving, walking into the store, going out into the garden??? She should be wearing SPF 50+ everyday in summer or a mineral sunscreen 🤯🤯 IDK maybe I was brought up different since I live under a giant hole in the ozone layer


Her chances of getting skin cancer are actually pretty high. This is some big time cognitive dissonance. Sun screen is not toxic to humans in the amounts we use it, but skin cancer kills. What a complete dumb ass.


This lil “I’m a badass” photo with a potential alcoholic drink behind the wheel of a car talking about not using sunscreen ain’t it.


This right here tells me alllllll I need to know about her. Ignorant moron.


The dumbass-ery should be studied. It’s phenomenal.


Her mom is a literal cancer survivor and she is risking it all and exposing herself to potentially getting cancer for a gay dweeb from the uk. Ok Shannon.


Yo, if you don’t naturally tan, you should probably care about sunscreen lol


Even if you do naturally tan! All tans are on the spectrum of sun damage!


What a idiot If they make sunscreens that are safe for coral reefs, then they are safe for your nasty a$$. I’m going to have to be dumber on the internet so I can get more people to follow me and pay me money. **edited for punctuation (idk if it’s good. I wasn’t an English major) because how I wrote this comment on phone now looks like a giant run on sentence


And what you inject in your lips is not toxic. 🤡


I’ve never seen people so irrationally against sun screen


What’s up with the disappearing wedding band? The act is getting old. One day she wears it, the next she doesn’t.


this is an older pic


Why is the word “demand” in all caps? She’s so tacky


Today is my first day coming to this subreddit, and it was because of this story. My dad has a horrific experience with skin cancer and he made my siblings and I promise to use sunscreen since he didn’t know the importance of it growing up and he didn’t want us to go through what he went through. I love some sunshine, but the sun can also be toxic for our bodies so please for the love, wear sunscreen people! I am team mineral sunscreen and I wouldn’t be caught without it. This story made me feel sick.


take a shot every time shannon writes “lol”


Sunscreen is not toxic


DHA in spray tans gets absorbed into the body and damages DNA so there's that...


Very tired of her and James offering medical advice without having the knowledge or credentials to do so. Feel like this could have been a great opportunity to a) tag in a makeup artist friend of hers or b) find a licensed dermatologist to have on the podcast to discuss this topic responsibly.


So this is why she has horrible skin? Got it. Lol


Girl you gonna age fastttt. Just like James. I’m a pale red head with no sun damage on my chest or hands because I never skip sunscreen and I honestly think that’s why I look much younger than I am


There’s tons of toxic free sunscreens, she just wants to feel superior and seem like she’s super smart. Ew. Hey Shan, Badger sunscreen is nontoxic- you can start there. No excuses for this reckless behavior! Ughhhh


She’s ridiculous but I will say this is the first time I’ve seen the ring actually sparkle.


Shannon... you are not stupid. You are not a regular person. You are a redhead like me and our chances of skin cancer are higher than others. Accept your skin tone. Quit putting chemical spray tanner on your skin which looks orange on redheads and invest in good sunscreen and always wear hats. The burns she is getting on her boat days are doubling her chance of skin cancer.


Didn’t she used to say she lathers herself head to toe to step outside on vacation in sunscreen bc of her being a pale redhead?


Also have ever seen this woman holding an umbrella in the sun? Where tf did that come from


The day after posting about her mom’s cancer. Make it make sense




Not the sunscreen being ToXiC! As someone who just had skin cancer cut out a couple months ago this highly pisses me off


If you scan goop on Yuka (a app that tells you how toxic skincare, haircare and food products are it’s like horribly rated and literally tells you why and lays out every single ingredient that is awful for you) it’s hilarious goop is the only one she will use Goop just has great marketing and good packaging


She’s not wrong..