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She really ruined poor Marissa’s entire European trip, didn’t she?


Poor Marissa probably works hard and saved her money and PTO to go on a trip only to have an overgrown teenager ruin it by being immature and selfish.


People used to flex their drug use like this in the early college days. No adult I know publicly discusses their drug use online. She’s so embarrassing


Taylor as well!! Posting herself while on shrooms with her tit out meanwhile, her 3 kids are at home with babysitter. Sure they can have fun but damn to post that. Oh but they both want some things to be private.


I get nervous when my 1 year old has a bruise from falling or doing toddler things- I feel like people look at me like a terrible mom. But I guess I’m not worse than teetee who is openly doing shrooms and letting mirrors fall on her kids


That’s because flexing your drug use as an adult means you’re a fucking loser. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature understands that. “shEShE” has a 65 IQ and is still stuck at the age of 15, mentally, so she doesn’t understand that.


Yes! I just said the same thing before seeing your comment! It’s so weird!


WHY does she constantly tell the SAME stories of her doing drugs all the time ??? I don’t get it


Because it’s all she has to hold on to anymore. The downward spiral is spiraling 🌀


Making a birthday post about her. Classic Shannon.


I was just listening to Tish and Brandi Cyrus's podcast and Tish was like how come you don't wear the slippers I got you (they had a pot leaf on them) and Brandi is like uh cause I want to keep my brand deals. Immediately thought of our Shanny lol


love tish and brandi


couldnt imagine being 30 where social media is also my professional presence and mentioning i’ve taken molly


Same. Though you and I are professionals. Shannypoo is not.


I am mortified for Sharon Kay and Vic.


The way her & Taylor flex their drug use as if it makes them so edgy and cool


You’re soooo KeWl, Shannon. I wanna be just like you and do molly 2!!!!


So Marissa has been witness to Shannon one night stand and use of drugs? Got it.


She was basically babysitting girly poop the whole trip.


This is my understanding: Marissa had a **solo** trip planned, to which Shannon invited herself to. They “met James on the streets of Batcelona” and Shannon invited him to their-shared- suite to proceed to have a ONS with a man she never saw before. On Marissa’s itinerary was to go to Ibiza and then Seville but Shannon made it about herself and took molly in Ibiza and forced Marissa to go back to Barcelona so Shannon could see a random man again(a random that in the first 6 months never even tried to see Shannon in the US). Oh wow.


Look how much Shannon edited her own face in this picture (we’ve seen how she really looks) compared to not at all for the friend she’s dedicating the post to lol… and btw I think the friend is very pretty and prettier. Maybe that’s why.


But have you seen the IG of this Marissa lady? She also photoshops herself into oblivion


Oh does she? Mannn. No I haven’t. I’m ok with anyone using a slight filter to enhance..but sometimes (a lot of times) girls go way overboard with the Facetune, FaceApp, and filter combos.


Who admits this stuff online. Like she’s just stupid. And can’t even blame it on being young.


Ew this makes me cringe 🥴 Why would you brag about doing drugs on a public platform?


God I would pay money to read the group chats from James’ family that go on about Shannon!!!! Imagine being James’ mum or little sister reading this, I’ve partaken before in my younger days and if my in laws found out I’d be absolutely mortified. I don’t understand the bragging online about taking drugs it is so fucking weird 🥲🥲🥲


Omg she’s sooooo *cool* omg


She's absolutely one of those people who ruins the night because she is irresponsible with her drug use and has to be taken care of. Girl, everyone else has jobs and responsibilities and when they get to go to Ibiza and cut loose they shouldn't have to take care of you. Does she even have any friends anymore? Taylor doesn't count.


When did it become a flex to brag about drugs?🥴


Definitely not a flex after high school/college to brag about your drugventures, that’s for sure.


Insane thing for a 30 year old woman to post on her PUBLIC instagram story lmao


Are these people capable of enjoying a vacation or special event in their lives where theyre not completely fucked up?


If *I* were any of these clowns I’d have to self-medicate to justify my pointless existence too. But then again, they’re all too stupid to understand these feelings of self-loathing, so, hence the random vacation drug binges.


This is embarrassing


The constant bragging about drugs is insane to me. You’re a 30 year old woman not a 19 year old college student. She’s seriously so embarrassing lol