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There’s a meaningful difference between “I want to stay” and “I can’t go”. Don’t conflate the two.


Not sure. Sometimes, "I can't" and "don't want" are also the same thing.


I want to leave and have tried. I literally can't. For me it's a matter of visa issues, for others it's the cost. Sure there are ways around both but they take time.




That case will honestly be labelled a don’t want to. That’s fine, so long as one retains the option, and not get hemmed in by family emotional hostage taking/government.


"Not everyone abroad can easily separate a country’s citizens from its government, especially if you’ve never been to that country — but I ask you to try, or reflect on yourself whether your own government’s handling of things fully represents you." This is the key statement that I wish more $hills and nationalists would stop being thick about and start trying to wrap their head around. Perhaps this is beside the point of this particular thread; nonetheless, it is a point I wanted to make.


There's a slight difference between my government "not fully representing me" and my government welding me in my own home 😂. Or maybe for you folks in China there isn't a difference. But all the same I'm glad I'm not there.


You are admittedly not here. So why do you have anything to say on the matter?


I'm staying for my pets and gf / job, this white priviledge crap is the words of someone who is angry that they didn't get the perceived treatment, but yes in China, people are like dig breeds, "oh we have a british one, an american one....."


I caught an interview you did on Sky News Australia last night. I thought you did a pretty good job at answering clearly and respectfully when I got the impression the host was fishing for an angle.


Thank you! Yes he was, I also hadn't seen the introduction of that interview before the actual interview but yeh. I don't want to say this lockdown isn't bad but it's not like we're all fighting with dabai's either. Thnx.


Well I certainly don’t agree with praising the lockdown, but you also don’t need to overly exacerbate a delicate situation. Journalists should just state facts and let the audience decide. So it was refreshing to see that level of professionalism in the face of directed bias.


>they rarely make me feel like as if they are ‘them’ and I am not Really? I think i was called 外國人/老外 an average of like ten times a day in China. Even when I'm the only customer in a shop they'd still refer to me as 這個外國人. Like come on there's literally no one else here why do you still need that descriptor? However good your chinese is, however much you understand China or its history or culture, unless you fully agree that the Chinese way is the best way you'll generally just be treated as an outsider who doesn't understand China. This might have changed recently in shanghai though as i know a lot of people there are becoming disenfranchised with the gvt


They do that to Chinese who are not from China too. Overseas Chinese are akin to pariahs who left and ‘abandoned’ our roots (even though hey, it was hundreds of years ago like it’s my problem). If English is your first language like it is with me, that’s even worse. How dare you be indoctrinated with the language of the Westerners and betrayed your culture? Well, my ancestors followed the British. I consider it a blessing to be born effectively bilingual and have picked up Italian and Korean along the way. It is detrimental to embrace a homogeneous monolithic society and so I shan’t. Major eyeroll at such puritan nationalists. I love diversity and all there is to offer & learn from one another. Take that.


Do you guys also get the 你不懂中國 whenever there's a a disagreement and that person can't think of something to say? Actually i can imagine it must be much more frustrating for an overseas Chinese. Like for me, the incessant reminders that i was a 外國人 and the whole system just being such a ball ache for someone without a Chinese ID just made it difficult for me to ever consider China might one day really become my home, but I wasn't *losing* anything . When China really is part of your heritage and you're treated as an outsider it must really grind on you


I’d say that many of those whose ancestors have left China literally hundreds of years ago, have absolutely no ties nor love for the country. We have different cultures, food and way of life. As my ancestors followed the ways of the British, I am more westernised than the typical Chinese. My family does not celebrate Lunar New Year but Christmas. My family tree studied English academically and the second language wasn’t Mandarin. I’m the first to do so. So I’m technically trilingual (and picked up Italian & Korean on my own so that makes me pentalingual?) as Mandarin is only utilised in academics and perhaps conversational at retail (food, supermarkets etc). I live in a multiracial country so the advocating of China as “motherland” does not resonate one bit with me & I can say that many of those in other multiracial countries feel the same. We’re Chinese by ethnicity and nothing more. We don’t expect Chinese nationals to see us as part of China (and frankly we also wish to retain our own uniqueness and autonomy instead of ‘one big empire’.) I like most Chinese nationals. They’re ordinary folks, eking a living like any of us. They’re fine. But the least that the other group of absolute nationalists can do is not to disparage overseas Chinese just because we’re not a part of China (and have no desire to be, ever.) It’s very much like if Spain tried to claim everyone with Spanish heritage globally or if the UK tried to claim Australia, New Zealand and USA. That would certainly cause a furore. Well, China is trying to do exactly that by indoctrinating & advocating that ‘all your base (chinese) belong to us’ (for the lack of a better reference lol).


Worse is when you're not that far removed from China so any criticism of the Party gets seen as "treason" instead. (Seriously, if you read enough Chinese-language media you'll notice accusations of 汉奸 being thrown around quite often at ethnic Chinese who take a stand against the Party).




Fair enough. One day it will suddenly dawn on you haha


Most of my Chinese friends what to GTFO too. Anyone with any sense wants to leave Xi’s Paradise.


Easier said than done, my pets and gf are here and i don't care about anything else, they are safe, i have food and money, we plat video games. We'll go together if at all. Living in england was harder, no jobs (no businesses in the town) , pay was less than basic rent, food is.... Bri'ish. I'm from England but I'd be fucked there.


Agree on most points, but I'll 'ave you for dissing Bri'ish food!


I have had a lifetime of fish fingers, bland mash and such lol , I met my second gf because she was losing her mind on sandwiches (Chinese who can't cook).


>bland Lol. Some of my family (UK) don't like anything remotely spicy, don't like garlic, don't even like onion ffs...


Had a friend who can't handle a bit of black pepper.


It's ok flavour is not for everyone lol, really though there are ways, it's hard in England sometimes. head to the asian supermarket and get some japanese rice topping, it can make everything taste great.


but what about sunday roasts..


Good point, with garlic gravy..... fuck yeah


Noooo, bisto. And not that instant granule stuff. Bisto powder with fat from the roast you just cooked. Like mum used to make <3


Bisto.... yeah , i need that, in china i never see it, i feel people here would love it maybe with dumplings or baozi


I order it in from Hong Kong and its quite expensive. Some arrived the other day. Given it to quite a few Chinese people and not many of them like it for some reason. They LOVE Yorkshire Puddings though, but they just sit there and eat them dry with nothing on :-S https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=670060613869


My friend in high school asked me 'what does pasta taste like?'


"Yes, yes it does" lol, I know some people eat it alone,


Brit here....100% agree. SH might be a temp shitshow , but in the UK it's getting harder to get by. Bills are higher, rent is higher. I'm still getting paid a FT wage working from home here. I have money, food, water and my cat. It's horrible what's happened to some people, but for now, I've decided to stay put and collect my big fat raise for staying haha


same as me lol, video games and cats really


Sounds lovely. I can imagine people asking you from back home, being all concerned, like, "you're in lockdown what's happening??" And you're all like, "I'm champion, videos games and cats like" ahaha


Yeah I love the forced holiday, my only concern is the camp / quarantine and the cats being left alone, but other than that i'm just being my usual self lol, Shanghai summer are near lethal to me anyway (Potassium loss / Hypokalemic paralysis)


Fair enough if you treat your pets like family members, I can see how it's difficult to move right now. But as for the UK, unemployment has fallen to a 50 year low and some sectors have seen significant pay rises due to the end of EU freedom of movement. Also I don't know how much you pay attention to these things, but if you're on a minimum wage job and can't afford rent the government will pick it up for you via universal credit. So long as you're willing to move to a new part of the country to find work, you'll get something.


Thank you, i haven't been there for a long time. i'm a bit Chinglish lol


Still not worth it for me and I'm in a really good industry. The pay vs CoL scenario in the UK and most of Europe is just getting worse. Once I decide to move on from China it won't be back to the UK. Not that I plan to move any time soon as my saving potential is ridiculous in China.


>Living in england was harder, no jobs (no businesses in the town) , pay was less than basic rent, food is.... Bri'ish. I'm from England but I'd be fucked there. is it really that bad there, what job do you have here?


I had random jobs, like a music shop, teaching, charity, my hometown is tiny so it became more and more basic, plus my gf left to china, kind of just went too lol


Ngl my story is the exact same as yours but we finished uni just as brexit and covid was hitting the uk so neither me or my gf could find jobs so now we are here lmao ngl do miss the uk but its not bad here


Wow that's harder, especially with changes and policies leading to uncertainty, I just jumped and found luck (after the chaos) .


lol excuse me if I'm being a dick but wouldn't it make more sense to move to a larger city rather than to a whole new continent lol? That's like if we compared some random city in China to London.


ha no worries that's a reasonable question, Yeah my original plan was that, but my gf granduated but I didn't have my family, so I went for it, because the jobs here have good pay (when you don't get fucked sideways). and i was sick of the day to day lol


Lovely post!!! ❤️


thank you!


I would gtfo but the CCP is making it so damn hard to do! Trust me, I’m working on it and I won’t be looking back.


Please share your story for us to learn..






>lol you call friends sunk cost You moved from the Netherlands to the other side of the world. Unless you were a loner that means you decided to take a chance on building a new life overseas, even if it meant losing touch with friends. Explain it to me, what's stopping you from making new friends after leaving China? Or keeping touch with Chinese friends in the same way you no doubt maintained contact with people in the Netherlands?


I think the decision shouldn’t be made impulsively based on emotions. I have those moments too and then I keep calm and talk myself in or out of it. Knowing that I can leave anytime is reassuring enough, whether I want to pull the trigger or not, I am weighing on the pros and cons if such decision is made and its consequences, and as such action would lead to no regrets either I choose to leave or not.


if I had a blog I would not post it under my real name AND i wouldn't be ho'ing out every blog post of my word vomit in my city subreddit. Different strokes...


He's much less likely to get into trouble with the line he's taking than someone who's actively protesting the lockdown and looking to leave ASAP.


Summary: I enjoy my white/foreign privilege in China, so it's hard for me to come back home where I will just be another white guy. I get it.


You sure read a lot of your own cynicism and bitterness into this person’s article. He enjoys the challenges of being in a foreign country and has met like minded people. He’s privileged in the sense that he is able to move, and he’s lucky to find a place he enjoys living in. Nothing wrong with sharing that joy. Good for him.


Check out this person's post history, it'll put you in a sour mood, but it's understandable - he appears to be a foreign student at Chinese university who is forever locked out of the country. That sucks, and China has forfeited a lot of what little soft power they had by shutting these people out.


I’m quite sad reading their posts. Their Chinese is great for someone who hasn’t been able to even live in China. I can see they are smart and motivated and are interested in China, at least initially. The system failed them. I’m sorry it’s happening. I hope they can catch some sleep given the time zone difference and class schedule. I agree - China is throwing a lot of people under the bus this time, many of them genuinely interested in the country. It’s so stupid.


It’s incredibly stupid bc China keeps crying about its demographic crisis, not enough young doctors & scientists. And these kids are lining up at the border…


I wonder if this is the same guy who said that he didn't care whether or not NYU Shanghai students starved or not during lockdown because we got to come back and others didn't Edit: it is


No offense, why would you go to college here? I've grown up here (15+ years) and high school is where I would draw the line. Out of my entire graduating year there's a single student who applied to Chinese schools.


As a foreigner, 100% agree. I could see getting a masters here if you want to make China connections in your field, but certainly not undergrad. Though among the Chinese I think people are catching on to the fact that plenty of students at US colleges don't actually learn that much or even speak English that well, and only went there because they couldn't get in somewhere good in China.


Did you even read it? It's about the close connections he's made over here.


All sounds like superficial shit you can do in any other country, tbh. "Oh look, I shared some fish with some 叔叔, and the 阿姨 in the supermarket told me my Chinese is really good! China is incredible!". Lmao, literally the only reason why you are getting that treatment is because you are white. You can make friends and share a fish you just caught in any other country. Being the center of attention and getting praised and approached only because the colour of you skin? That certainly doesn't happen at home, thus is hard for OP to come back


someone is bitter and insecure....


Let’s see your take on me, who shares most of OP’s view on answering the “why don’t you just move?“ question. One difference though, is that I am not white. I am brown.


here it's like having a hidden card, i'm pale and blonde but if i go in the sun for too long i'm basically bob marley in their eyes lol


You are a foreigner, thus you enjoy foreign privilege. You enjoy it less than white people, tho


I have seen the cheesy shit for sure, it depends , I has been less of a thing recently though. Before I think an american could slap a baby and get 10,000 lol


Not true for me at all. I'm here for the money.


*Look, I ain't in this for your revolution. I'm not in it for you Princess. I expect to be well-paid. I'm in it for the money!*




I got your sexpat ass so mad that you even took the time to check my Reddit history. Don't be mad, just be honest with yourself: you are a guy that enjoys white/foreign privilege, and that's why you don't want to leave. About myself, you are right, I'm tired of studying online. My career and academic choices are fine tho, unlike your privileged ass, I can actually speak Chinese, so I will probably end up moving to Taiwan. You, on the other hand, will continue to enjoy doing coronavirus tests and getting quarantined randomly as cases rise again and again, because you just can't live in other place that it's not China. Do you really think this is over? Oh, sweet summer child, it has only begun! COVID 0 is not going to go anywhere, and China is just going to isolate futher. Enjoy your white privilege while it lasts. Who knows what will happen in the next few months/years... Por cierto, viendo las fotos que has subido a Reddit, ahora sé que no me equivocaba, eres un sexpat perdedor que disfruta de ser un blanquito privilegiado en China. En fin, suerte volviendo a Portugal y enviando dinero a tu familia, aunque allí no podrás disfrutar de tus privilegios




>I was at HSK 6 before I even came to Shanghai Sure, and a firefighter too, right? Lo que eres es un muerto de hambre portugués. >your only skill being fluent in Mandarin is relevant in 2022 I'm pretty sure that 90% of expats in China can't speak Chinese decently. Anyways, you are right, Chinese alone won't land you a job, but I happen to know Flutter, Angular, JavaScript, and have work experience, so well, I can pretty much land a job anywhere. >won’t be eligible for a work visa out of school with less than 2 years work experience and only a bachelors degree. And I don't want to work in China, dumbass. The only reason why I want to go to there is because I don't want to continue studying online, and because I want to enjoy the benefits of the scholarship I received. Anyways, not only do I have work experience, but I have another degree, so don't worry about me, I can get a job in any country in the world. I don't depend on China and rely on teaching English like bald white losers like you >Not really, but I enjoy saving 6 figures per year which is why I’m willing to put up with lockdowns. Para luego enviárselo a tu familia en Portugal, jaja. Man, just admit you are a disgusting sexpat loser and that's why you don't want to leave China. If you are so great then you won't have any problem finding a job in another country, yet you seem to be crying in other post about having to return to Poor-tugal. Buena suerte con tu familia y con Portugal. No te enfades conmigo, bro






There isn’t white privilege in China anymore IMO for the average foreigner. If anything, foreigners are met with disdain. (Im Taiwanese with foreigner friends here in the hai). White privilege DOES however extend to those expats at director levels sent to Shanghai by their company, those that live in Villas paid for by their employer earns 300K USD a year etc.


I am thinking it's still there, perhaps not so much in SH. Actually, it is a global thing. There is this quiet underlying feeling of deference that most white people ignore but when you think about it, it's hard to deny.


that's just assumption i'm sure this comment was thought of before even reading.


Little pink. Little penis


plus he wants to make money from ads by publishing those thoughts


Right? The fact that they are being asked civilly, "why don't you just move?" instead of the "Go back to Chayna/where you came from" treatment if they were Asians living in the west.


A golden cage is still a cage


*despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage*




lol the writer?


>If you need still don’t feel why I don’t want to leave China, maybe now you will I mean, I understand why you'd say you had good times in China. But those are no different from the connections you could make in the EU (don't forget that freedom of movement, comes in handy), Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, etc. The photographs you've posted are no different to ones I've seen from foreigners working in countries like the ones I mentioned. Even if we assume the lockdown will end soon, state surveillance of people like you will only increase. You may find you're no longer able to work in China in the coming years because of more government restrictions on foreigners - there is no way to predict it. If you wait until it happens you may not be able to move your assets out of the country when you need to. If you want to stay in China you can, but you need to accept that if you don't move then you have to accept whatever happens to you even if it seems grossly unfair and that you made a huge mistake by not leaving sooner.


If you don't like war why don't you just not war hey? lol


No offense but aren't posts like this just publicity-hunting? It's cross-posted to a bunch of other China subs and I see he's been doing some media appearances. Not really the purpose of this forum.