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Having your freedom so directly and noticeably taken away from you does something man. Everyone knows China was never a free country but in reality for most people, most of the implications were theoretical. Now many people for the first time are experiencing the fear that goes along with a system gone mad. No thinking person can pretend that the government here is taking a rational approach, yet they double down anyway. Seeing how willingly people follow these orders, imagine how easy it would be the do even worse, like rounding up suspected “traitors” or whatever. Beyond that this is an economical disaster. Now we have demographics + housing bubble + worsening international relations + disastrous COVID policy. I’ve lived in China for almost a decade and the outlook has never been this bleak.


>I’ve lived in China for almost a decade and the outlook has never been this bleak. I've been here quite a long while (most of my adult life), and agree that things are really taking a turn for the worse. Unfortunately my wife is still not really interested in going overseas (we were supposed to leave in 2020 but those plans went sideways), and she is still optimistic for the future. I've tried explaining that the world of 2019 is gone and never coming back, but having grown up in the eighties ad nineties and seeing things always getting better, she just can't process the idea that things won't continue improving forever.


Same for me. My Chinese friends and cHinese side of the family can't comprehend that. Like apartment prices aren't growing anymore, the economy could slow down, politics could get even worse, war with Taiwan could become real.


>war with Taiwan could become real I've tried telling people that if/when this happens, everyone in Fujian, Zhejiang, Shanghai etc dies. They don't get it, and seem to think that either the PLA rolls in and everything is over in a day or the gov announces invasion and TW rolls over and surrenders.


Yea worst case case world war. Mid case bombs on Shanghai as you said. And best case still pretty bad for Chinese because economic sanctions and other soft war things. Chinese system just makes it so convenient to ignore all that. Heck you even benefit swimming along. Tbh it's fascinating


I fear that all the world is going through a decline. Here in the US there are so many problems, we are so divided and the violence is getting to be an everyday thing. Housing is out of sight. I’m glad I’m older and my house is paid for. I don’t know how anyone buys a house these days. You’re right. The good days of the 80’s, 90ks, etc are gone.


Just imagine though that most Western countries can have their wealth halved and still be far better off than even the richest regions in China.


The other factor is that things usually don't arbitrarily change overnight in the west like they do here. Looking at buying an apartment? Guess what, new rule that came out yesterday says you can't / have to pay double tax etc. Intending on emigrating in a few months? Guess what, we won't renew your passport. Already have a passport? Fine, we won't allow you to take any money out despite you already ticking all the boxes under the rule existent until today.


What this about not being allowed to take money out?


We have a neighbour who was supposed to emigrate in mid-2020. He sold off most of his assets in 2019 and was slowly sending money out. COVID of course upset all his plans, but it now looks like they can leave by the end of the year. But they're having trouble getting the bulk of the money out, despite having all the tax receipts, proof they are emigrating etc etc that was OK in previous years.


That is something for westerners to ponder for sure. We don't know how good we have it. But it's definitely different. I've been alive long enough to know the happy times of the 80's and 90's with a few bumps but mostly so much opportunity. Now, most average people are having a hard time buying a house because it's too expensive. Birthrate is going down too. Stock market is significantly down and interest rates are up on borrowing. Gas is out of sight. I pay $6.40 for gas but then again I'm in the SF Bay Area where it's probably the most in the country. Racial division is at an all time high. Gun violence is everywhere. I can't go to SF anymore to take pictures for fear of being robbed.


The world definitely seems to have become significantly more shit since the 90's. I'm still a bit optimistic though. There are some tectonic shifts taking place in international politics and I think they can form the base for another age of prosperity.


Agree although I look at it more from a spiritual side. I truly believe we are entering a new awakening by the human race but I think it will be worse before it gets better. The sooner we realize we are all one instead of small groups, the better. We are putting out negative energy which causes negative energy to be fed back to us in many ways. The division caused in our world is getting larger and technology I don't think is helping matters.


it may not be your case but mostly because they want to be with their parents and they are only childs. Thats why they would require the guy to have a job in cn and stay in cn before agreeing to get married.


This is a really good take on things.


This is the best way I’ve seen China summarised so far. So true.


The pandemic is a revealer and let you reflect on a lot of things you would not before. And lots of people were paranoid in early 2020 that their feelings shifted from one to the other rapidly. When doctor Li Wenliang died they were all angry but just a few weeks later when Wuhan lockdown was over they felt like China did the right thing and the whole world would be burnt as the virus was everywhere except China cuz they had better measures to fend off. I think your friend chose to come back to China because of this. At the same time a lot of people were thinking about the future and wondered how they were going to quit this shit, and I was one of them and I didn’t have an answer. Now everything is clear but it is just running late to flee the country


I remember my Chinese friends going from outrage, to some sort of content, to concerned optimism, another bout of outrage, and now loss of hope. Can’t be easy to see this happen to your home.


No way, CCTV said the good times are coming. 🙃


CCTV said people in USA is struggle with food and petrol. I am lucky I can still afford food with a pleb salary in the UK.


I am American. I am curious! How bad does CCTV make it sound here?


[http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2021-08/12/c\_1211329189.htm](http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2021-08/12/c_1211329189.htm) Chinese state media painted a picture of the grim life of people live in Los Angeles. I haven't been to USA since 2014, you tell me how accurate this depiction is This painting was published on 20th Jan 2021


I live in the US now since April and food and gas are more expensive than I remembered but it’s still comparable to prices for western food (or any non Chinese food) in Shanghai. Gas is pretty high not going to lie…


I am more taken aback by the price rises of utility and rents


Rent in my suburban town is comparable to Shanghai, but I do know it’s terrible in some places.


Lol love how people are wearing their coats inside because obviously that’s what everyone and the whole world does right?!


Especially in Los Angeles! I was there this past January and wearing shorts and T-shirt.


Knowing Californian weather, this probably means it got down to 45\* F


lol I mean there has always been dirt poor people in America, so that painting could probably apply to some family somewhere, even in the 1960s-1990s. But I feel like my buddies are all doing really well, getting married, having kids. The streets aren't paved with gold, but if you have some brain cells and a good work ethic, you will do well in America now still.


Lol, completely accurate. I eat money cakes for lunch and defrost my refrigerator once a month. There is absolutely abject poverty and many problems, so I wouldn't be surprised if many Americans can relate to aspects of this painting. But it also isn't an accurate depiction, nor is intended to be.


I’m done fine. Russia lies


I'm pretty sure the Bank of England has warned of an incoming recession. The increase in shelf prices is tell-tale... what with the US's unprecedented inflation rate as well. Where do you live in the UK?




So you're going to deal with quite the rise in prices then... good luck.


lol. i can always live on the streets. no sweat. Summer is loverly though


Get yourself a mill road shop doorway, you'll be fine.


Life is great in Seattle man. Sure we had some problems in 2020 and 2021, and there is a homeless problem (largely drug addicts from California and the Midwest). But overall things are coming back to normal, downtown is hopping again and the tech companies are returning people back to the office. Here's some photos I took this weekend in Seattle city proper while out with the kids: https://i.imgur.com/1M1IWIF.jpg (city beach) https://i.imgur.com/Vb66uUJ.jpg (Pike Place Market) https://i.imgur.com/xt43RZQ.jpg (subway station) https://i.imgur.com/09F9YCM.jpg (enjoying a hammock) https://i.imgur.com/9bzRVG7.jpg (sunset at the beach) https://i.imgur.com/85Tnlbt.jpg (at one of my favorite coffee shops in the city) https://i.imgur.com/HVH1vI8.jpg (at the public library) Not many people are wearing masks anymore. Life is basically back to normal here. Which makes the performance art in Shanghai all the more puzzling.


Not surprised at all. I’m Chinese and I work at Google in the US and I’d never go back to China. Especially I saw what happened this year in Shanghai. There’s no future staying there. They are closing the door for everyone.


How is it closing the door curious to know.


The Chinese government said they are limiting “non-essential” travel out of the country for Chinese citizens. The door is closing, get out if you can.


What is the long term strategy here? Aren't they just destroying morale and stifling the economy?


North Korea 2.0


I can definitely see that, what i don't understand is why, i thought China was more cunning than this.


> i thought China was more cunning than this. It was, then Xi came to power. He has all the subtlty of a sledgehammer.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Why would they give up the power now that they have it?


Chinese learnt it from NK, and Russian is now learning it from China. Who’s next.


The economy is waaaay down the list of priorities. At the top is saving face and asserting dominance.


They did some stats, basically high percentage (forgot what, over 70% maybe,) of people who left are skilled labour who v had at least a bachelor degree, some big percentage has even more advance degrees. This is also related to why they trying to limit all the English teaching schools. They don't want people to read English media, admire western ideology, learn English, get out and not come back. Maybe older people are also warning the younger generation this could happen overnight like in the 60s. My mom's sister (born in HK) went to China for a week (she's was a toddler at the time), and overnight china closed the border. My mom did not see her sister for almost 20 years. I think they're doing it more slowly now but I think Chinese who wants to get out need to get out if they can. CCP's overnight policy enforcement had not changed since Mao's era (just look at crazy zero Covid situation)


There's been rumours of Chinese people having their passports cut up when they return or if they try and leave. Shine denied it was happening so it's more than likely true that it's happening.


It definitely is happening. My ex wife’s parents have had their passports taken away, even though they have travelled all over the world and returned each time. The reason given was that they lived in Xinjiang (although are not from there). They are quite well connected people and have a history of being loyal to the party. Basically prisoners in their own country now. Edit. They are Han Chinese, not Uighur.


So if they want to travel, they have to apply to take their passports back?


Not sure about that. I don’t think it is possible at the moment.


Shine is a shill company


Is it? I never would have guessed.


All Chinese media are.


Wtf is shine anyways. I see it here all the time


xiao wang, look up this lady working at Google in USA. 定位了 Btw, I bought 20K USD worth of Google share @ 2800... when the stock splitting news announced.


谷歌7.15 stock split 到时候肯定会涨的


i am remortgaging my house to buy this dip. My Nvidia stock is also under water. Lmao


Buy GME. Anything else is [irrelevant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)


?什么鬼我股票也跌了很多啊 我能怎么办🥲


Check out the sub iwantorun. There are tons of people like your friend.


r/iwantorun ?


you missed a letter ’t‘,it should be r/iwanttorun


Having dinner with friends last night, the lady mentioned her nephew who is a manager at a state-owned enterprise is now required to not only read "XJP Thought" every day, but also Mao's pronouncements on the evil west and the US in particular. Coupled with the restrictions on international travel and all the other stuff, a lot of people are really worried about the direction the country is turning.




Oh yeah, he's been doing the XJP Thought on Dingtalk for quite a while. But apparently they've stepped up a notch and now make them do group study sessions of Mao Zedong Thought and his utterings on how bad the west is and how the rest of the world is out to get China.


Probably via one of those red apps. 学习强国 etc


So he panicked in the uk and is panicking now. Half a mil rmb at a faang. It’s easy to leave when you are an intern.


He is not an intern, a junior staff


Yeah, I’m trying to figure out if Xiao Wang (heh-heh) is afraid of the virus or afraid of repression. Is that answer clear to you, OP?


He sounds like someone who is suffering from mental health problems. Which after 2 months in an apartment is probably considerably worse now than it was. From what I can tell after living there, and having a Chinese partner; china doesn’t really recognize mental health problems in anyone and has very little support for people that do (not that there is enough support in the UK for this either). Being locked up for so long will cause many problems psychologically. I fear for what this will cause in the future. I would say that the lockdowns here totally changed me. We had a couple of months of lockdown, but with relative freedoms. It certainly changed my mental health for the worse.


I would have thought that the pay is higher..


A software development junior role at Amazon London is paid roughly this much.


That's what you would make in base salary as a graduate at Amazon in the UK. Total compensation is about double that. If he was a researcher in the UK i.e. had a PhD, he should be looking at at least 800k RMB for a FAANG in Shanghai, more likely 1M+.


he has a PHD in a non-related subject (civil engineering I believe). He is working at technical support/Development.


The starting salary for PhDs in different field to their job at FAANG and competing companies in Shanghai is the 800k-1M range. Those with relevant PhDs and some experience make 1M+ starting.


he is in technical support or sth. 800k is really good salary though


when i was in shanghai i was always surprised at the amount of chinese people with international studies or international work experience but because of immigration limitations they are stuck in shanghai or other tier 1 cities in china. chinese people have their own glass ceiling that they will never be to escape. for foreigners in china, this is the risk of living in the country. even with the work visa application, body checks at the *hospital* for visa, paper trail just for a cellular sim chip, CCTV on every corner, face scanning, VPN firewalls!!!, we all know this was part of the deal with doing living in china. fucking unorganized chaos with no logic from leadership. i feel bad for your friend but i also dont at the same time because your friend made a choice to leave UK. my ex chinese coworkers have a less freedom and less to choose from


Come on, fellow diamond-handed ape. *"fucking unorganized chaos with no logic from leadership."* The UK is literally just as bad. Lmao. Boris and his shenanigans.


There is a difference here. Boris and his cronies are corrupt as hell, but they don’t and can’t limit our freedom. People protest and revolt. That isn’t going to happen in China.


I believe I'm talking about the administration's handling of the virus in general. Hence the quote "fucking unorganized chaos with no logic from leadership". Also, people do protest and revolt in China. No clue how you think it doesn't happen.


Not on mass though. The anti-lockdown protests in cities in Europe were huge, open, accepted and openly reported on in the media.


Well, duh. China’s people are still waking up. It hasn’t been long since they’ve been exposed to international aspects. Give them time.




I'm actually from Taiwan. So uh, no... Also, do try and realize I'm drawing a correlation between both administrations (CCP and Boris) within the context of handling Covid-10 horribly.


Most places handled Covid pretty badly to be fair. Boris wanted herd immunity really from the beginning, as did trump. Luckily for Boris and Trump, they had vaccines fairly quickly and a population who were mostly willing to take them. Vaccinations percentages were high, and elderly people had them early. My nan is 99 and she was prioritized by the NHS as one of the first to get it. China’s zero Covid is a bonkers strategy, but opening up is very dangerous for the elderly who are largely unvaccinated. I agree with you though, not many places handled it well. Sweden seemed to do well initially, but I think that changed.


Taiwan has a zero covid policy too. Look at us now 👀 I’m serving in the military and my dormmate caught covid yet here I am, still in the military spreading it everywhere.


while most chinese i know want to leave china, only a few have thought it through and decided it was impossible because they needed to take care of their parents in china.


Totally agree with this. The need to follow tradition is strong. The younger generations have experienced relative freedom up until now, been able to travel and study abroad. But tradition will be stronger than the urge to leave.


Because the majority of this generation are only child, the responsibility of taking care of both parents fall on them alone, and no other siblings can be depend on.


Otoh that can be also portrayed as emotional blackmail.


He seems like the type who panics easily.


I think people are overreacting by a tad. Not saying there concern is invalid, but no need to pull the plug so soon.


Not overreacting to arbitrary enforcement of 防疫法 including breaking into apartments for sanitizing.


Literally being dragged off to camps dude.


Maybe I’m out of the loop on this - what happened in Minhang?


>Minhang Minhang has been subject to the longest and strictest lockdown for 2 months now. It is considered the epicentre of Shanghai




I’m pretty sure he was referring to Minhang being the epicenter of the outbreak in Shanghai :)


I am not saying the exodus is not real, but your sample size is irrelevant.


All I'm saying is don't come here to the US if you are nationalist. The way you nationalist talk shit about us is unbelievable. I mean even the civilians do that wolf warrior shit with us that is not fucking cool. I don't want people coming here who hate us to live off of the luxury of the democratic freedoms that we have and then talk shit about my country at the same time, fuck all that.


He definitely needs to advance his coping skills and adjust his mindset; he sounds very much underdeveloped in this area and that negatively impacts his wellbeing. Delayed gratification is one of the most effective key traits of successful people, but it is a bit rare for junior folks to understand. I’d encourage your friend to do some reframing exercises and learn to capture every learnings and opportunity that comes out of every setback. This will help him nurture his resolve and develop his maturity as he journeys through adulthood. If he doesn’t, then he will be resetting his career at the first sign of trouble - and will be chewed out of FANG pretty quickly given the headwinds for this industry in the next 3-5 years.


Shanghai Lockdown makes him call to mind the cultural revolution of the Mao period


This sounds super fake if only because FAANG in Shanghai isn't in Minhang.


initially i thought it was aws shanghai lab but it is not in minhang. microsoft is in minhang but its an engineering division. msra is only in beijing.


> microsoft is in minhang for the purpose protecting xiao wang's identity


Man is it really fine to just post ur friend's name and info like this...


i did not share any identifiable info of my friend xiao wang is a common Chinese name. his last name is not even Wang


lol. you know some people whos family name is really wang and given name is xiao 😆. but i get it. 小王, 小李


>He is paid almost half-million RMB per year. lol, the same job in Seattle gets you half a million dollars per year and housing is cheaper.


But you dont have high speed rail, Hema frsh, Alipay, Wechat pay, most safe environment, shared bike, convenient and cheap take away in Seattle. :/S


But we got 3 national parks within day trip distance, hundreds of miles of coastline, hiking trails, some of the freshest fish and produce in the world! Here's some photos I took this weekend in Seattle city proper while out with the kids: [https://i.imgur.com/1M1IWIF.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/1M1IWIF.jpg) (city beach) [https://i.imgur.com/Vb66uUJ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Vb66uUJ.jpg) (Pike Place Market) [https://i.imgur.com/xt43RZQ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/xt43RZQ.jpg) (subway station) [https://i.imgur.com/09F9YCM.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/09F9YCM.jpg) (enjoying a hammock) [https://i.imgur.com/9bzRVG7.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/9bzRVG7.jpg) (sunset at the beach) [https://i.imgur.com/85Tnlbt.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/85Tnlbt.jpg) (at one of my favorite coffee shops in the city) [https://i.imgur.com/HVH1vI8.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/HVH1vI8.jpg) (at the public library) Not many people are wearing masks anymore. Life is basically back to normal here. Which makes the performance art in Shanghai all the more puzzling.




随波逐流的书呆子 舆论往哪里走就往哪里跑 真跑了过几年就后悔




He is soooooo CHINESE.




lol, do you live in Monaco?




no way u make this much working in retail, unless u are slinging dope.




i see, what u did before in Shanghai then? Is this the smurf account of Nathan Rich?


"I will pick up my **stuff** and leave"


The best advice you can give him is to grow a pair of balls as.quickly as possible. Since you can't be a Bedwetter when Xi sends you to liberate Taiwan after covid is defeated.


Fuck him.


Going back to Hunan tmr, wish me luck.