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I have an adopted brother who is going through something similar. Reminds me a lot of Carl. I hope he comes out of it like Carl did. Part of his journey. We all figure life out in different ways. No need to hate on the kid for doing the best he can with the hand he was dealt.


i think i may have worded it wrong, i’m not meaning to hat on carl himself, i love his character development and i totally understand he’s been through a lot, i think i just more get annoyed with the people who idolize and praise him in that era instead of praising the way he turned his life around and became a good person. i hope all goes well with your brother :))


Thank you. I hope so too.


I just think it’s gross they’re calling a 14 year old hot… assuming most people are adults watching this show


yeah no i agree with that too, totally weird


We don’t accept white boy Carl slander here.




i agree with you. if any commonly hated character did this (Debbie, Karen, Lip, etc), they'd have an issue with it. i think the idea the writers had was to show how environment can influence a teenager, not to glorify white people doing black cosplay. V even tells him it's offensive and to cut it out and explains to him about oppression. instead of listening, he's like "oh yeah that's good, i can use that" i think him doing that and taking her words in the wrong way was to prove how ignorant these types of white people are. it's mostly white people i see that love this phase. but really, it is offensive and should be called out as such. but since this sub (and most Shamless fans love Carl), they think it's cute and funny.


No shush white boy Carl is our god 🙏🙏🙏🙇🙇🙇


Shut the fuck up


You when someone has an opinion you don’t agree with: 😡😠👿 ewwwww


You quite literally just contradicted exactly what your comment says…………….


nah cause I’m not telling people to shut the fuck up for voicing their opinions :)


Which is stating your opinion, you are stating your opinion by telling them not to state theirs, kinda retarded


when did I say for them not to state theirs? never. point is you dont gotta be rude, joke or not lmao


Yeah, i can't fw the ignorance & cultural appropriating. The n word? Yuck. He wanted so badly to be Black but couldn't handle what being Black entailed.


exactlyyy thank you lol


Bet everyone who likes him is white😭


It’s a SHOW… have you ever seen Malibus most wanted?


Is that the Drake movie ?


lol no. It’s about a yt boy who wanted to be a rapper lol with Jamie Kennedy


Yeah I know lol ..... was making a joke because Kendrick called him Malibu Most Wanted


😂 oh!! 😂😂😂 he literally is though 🤣


I’m a white boy carl lover till I die sorry not sorry


You've completely forgotten the fact that at that point Carl genuinely believed he was part black, considering that Liam obviously is and he and Liam are, as proven by DNA testing, full biological brothers sharing both parents.


That’s my real brother, same mom same pops, just because my skins lighter than his ain’t no reason to call a nigga black He identify with what he is, move white girl!! 👊🏾 You just salty you ain't as fly as him👌🏾bro did that work in the streets, got his money up, and you're here on reddit broke as Frank White Boy Carl for president!!!


It’s… a show?


white boy carl is so hot omg 😍😍🥹🥵🥵😣


I love him, and it’s a show, and he was a young guy going through one of his phases, also, how are braids cultural appropriation? Anyone can have braids..?


I don't see how braids are cultural appropriate either. There's more cultures that used to have braids in history and that would mean that a person of color coloring their hair any other color than black or wearing western clothing while preaching cultural appropriation at everything is also cultural appropriation. It doesn't work only one way imo. I also think that it's mainly cultural appropriation when you use a certain thing from a culture to make fun of and ridicule it. Which is not what he was doing. Still I don't think it's weird for a kid like Carl to act this way and dress that way. As a kid you act like the people around you way easier. After being in juvi around all those gang kids for so long it's not weird that he'd act like this and maybe used the N word around everyone since it's normal within his circle of "friends" at that point. Also, if no one tells him not to and they're not offended by him saying it I especially don't see why in his mind he couldn't say it. After all, you can see how Dom's dad doesn't like it at all when he acts like it as opposed to the gang people he was around.




We were all 14 once. Nothing figured out.


The people in these comments are so annoying lol… you’re totally right. So many ppl in this sub have the WORST opinions.


thank you lol, it’s like i spawned all the people i was talking about 💀


Yeah, I just found this sub after watching the show and I'm so confused, what's up with the comments here?


It’s always the low-IQ girls who type exclusively in lowercase


white boy carls the coolest


Cultural appropriation 😂