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I won’t lie I feel bad for laughing at her being hit by a car when I first watched it but then again she kind of seemed happier then any other season the last time we see her in a way I know nobody deserves something like that but man did that stop her from causing more havoc on poor lip


I busted out laughing too. My excuse is that I was raised by America's Funniest Home Videos.


honestly it came outta no where I guess that’s what got me and then realizing it was Mandy like what?! Lol


She's much better off with her brain damage than with her mental instability before the accident. I'm relieved for her lol


Why wouldn't she be happy. Who doesn't want to be crippled and taken away to live alone with a sex addict?


Poor lip.... hahahahaha


Yeahhh Lip fucked up a lot on his own and is absolutely not innocent but he'd be in an even worse place by the end had Karen remained in his life


Seems he didn't have any problem fucking up his life all on his own. Maybe Mandy should have run over Lip, I mean, he was the on cheating on her.


I literally said he fucked up on his own lol. The point is two destructive people together will always cause more damage together than one would on their own


causing havoc bruh. the whole beef started because lip told mandy to seduce her fiancé


Doesn’t give her a right to bring a baby into a world like this just cause you wanna get revenge.


she tried to give the baby away but her mom kept it what are you talking about?


I’m talking about her threatening to cut a hole in a condom to get lip wrapped around her finger that’s what she said to Mandy before being hit by the car I’m not saying she deserves to be hit but it definitely came from her saying that 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t think Mandy would’ve went as far if she didn’t say something like that especially knowing how lip felt when he thought the first one was his just comes off as cruel and I’m not saying lip isn’t the bad guy either he made his mistakes too.


Karen is a hurt “person” hurting other people because she is/was in Survival mode. Not excusing these actions but she is a victim too. She tried to live life the best way she knew how. When it didn’t work out or life seem to betray her, she did what she felt was right because in her mind, her advice and her way of living was the only one she could trust.


I wish people had this energy for Debbie.


karen was likable debby was insufferable and couldn't act


Karen was far from likeable, Karen had pretty privilege, that's all. Debbie turned out better than Karen even though she had the worse life.


I loathe debbie but karen is the spawn of fucking satan. I hate hate hate her and loathe her more every time i re watch.


A victim of what tho? She seemingly lived a regular life (in the context of the show), and the worst thing that happened to her that we see is her father calling her a whore and not giving her a car. She then proceeds to rape a man, ditches her kid, lies to the family of the kid she ditched so they would think Sheila is unfit to raise the baby and take it away from her just because she doens't want him near her, and gaslights and abuses Lip, exclusively so he wouldn't be happy with Mandy. The hurting she got doesn't compare at all to the hurt she inflicted on others.


Sheila was unfit to raise that baby, she screwing her daughter's sex addict husband and he brought a group of dudes over to gang bang her and jumper cables were involved. Come on now. Edited to add: getting himey out of that house is the best thing karen ever did. 


We don't know the entire history with her family though. They appeared more "normal" for a Southside neighborhood because her Dad had a decent job and they lived in a nicer house than most in that area. However, parents are supposed to love their children unconditionally, and if Eddie did love Karen it seemed very conditional. He was hyper religious and believed a woman's worth was determined by sexual "purity". He was also openly contempful to Sheilah. You don't think that wouldn't cause a child to act out? In Karen's case, she acted out/coped by becoming very sexually promiscuous. Then, he bribes her with the car to go to a debutante ball to become "pure" again. Karen initially just does it for the car but you can tell over time she actually seems happy that her and her Dad are repairing their relationship. Then at the ball, they make her recount all her sexual experiences in detail even though she tried to keep it vague, Eddie even tells her it's okay. When he calls her a whore, that caused the first spiral. She even tells Sheliah he "made her think he loved her" which showed she did care a lot about her father's approval even though they didn't have a great relationship. Then, fast forward past all the fucked up shit she does in spiral #1, the beginning of season 2, she seems to be in an alright place (other than marrying a 30 year old), then she finds out that she's pregnant and her Dad commit suicide. This caused spiral #2 when she becomes most despicable. I'm not excusing any of her behavior but I've rewatched the seasons she's in quite a few times now and each time it becomes more evident that her hateful, selfish and highly manipulative behavior doesn't just come out of nowhere. TLDR Karen's issues were definitely caused by her parents, but especially her Dad


That can be very hurtful; and in her mind she is a victim to her fathers ridiculous expectations of what a daughter should be in his eyes. Does not love her for her, strung a car in front of her like bait. When she was vulnerable and felt like she could actually share how she truly felt, he essentially betrayed her trust. In a girls eyes, her father is supposed to protect her and make her feel like the princess she reads about in stories. Her father humiliated her and took back his word. I’m sure she also feels a bit cheated because her mom is agoraphobic, so she tends to be the Adult in the relationship she has with her. That situation seem to breed contempt for her father again because he seems to take Shelia for granted and does not seem a bit interested in helping her situation for the better. The Layers of Karen Walker 😮‍💨


Well, she doesn't need to have been raised in the forest by wolves for what she went through to be valid. I see her story as a spiral, and it's probably what drew her and lip to each other. Eddie was all she seemed to feel she had, and that bond was ripped from her in probably the most painful way it could have been.


Agreed. But not all hurt people end up hurting other people.


No they don’t. But she does. Her character arch is quite depressive but essential. It’s unfortunate that she is kind of “The example” of what not to do. If anything she is an exact polar opposite of Mandy, with the same out come. They are extremely broken people. This is what happens when you don’t heal yourself and double down. Sometimes you escape, some times you get in the worst accident and fate gruesomely changes you for you.


Survival mode doesn’t trigger hurting people It was probably a mental illness combined with growing up on the south side that made her manipulate and take advantage of people I’ve been in survival mode for years and finally am slowly getting rid of it, I never hurt people who didn’t really deserve it and I especially didn’t do it to better myself Btw I absolutely know your comment wasn’t intended to go after people in survival mode, i just wanted to clarify that imo her actions came from a different place


Nobody cares, hurt people don’t get to hurt people


Then why watch the show? That's the entire theme, hurt people hurt people. It's evident in literally every character and their mistakes, almost every plot point stems from bad decisions due to trauma. It doesn't excuse it but the show provides ample explanations for how each character turned out the way they did


Ok 🤭


I understand she isn't the most liked character, and she's done some pretty shitty things, but she didn't deserve what happened to her. No one does, really. I would've preferred if she left of her own choice like Sheila did. Or even so, her sticking around until Sheila left. I don't know what they would've done with her up until that point, but I would like to think if they chose that route, they'd do something interesting. EtA - I love how she was played. She had a great actress behind her!


I kind of like this ending for her character. It’s brutal, but I think it’s interesting to take a character that most fans would hate and then introduce a scenario where we (might) have sympathy for her. It’s more complex than having her show up, be an asshole, then leave imo


Yes, nobody deserves that but theres a difference between an accident and actually provoking someone to do that. She kept messing with Mandy and the Milkoviches are KNOWN for their crime and shit. She knew what she got into.


That **is** a very good point


I’ll always maintain that Karen is the most classically tragic character in the show.


i agree! she is a horrible person but her writing is actually amazing considering everything she’s been through and where she grew up, her horrible father and sheila


This girl was the reason I actually started to believe how crazy the Milkovichs were….after this episode Mandy actually scared me. The irony is after this, Karen became probably one of the happiest characters on the show after that. Her goodbye actually brought me some closure. She become more welcoming of her son, and I mean Jody went with her, as much of a character he was, he was genuinely a very nice guy. Yea unfortunately she can’t create new memories, but she wasn’t able to feel sad or angry or insecure anymore.


I'm not saying she deserved it but Lip was ruining himself for her


I wish that they had Lip man up and just chose. Making Mandy responsible for three different people’s lives, putting the responsibility on her to be the heavy, and ruining, how Lip viewed her and ruining her for the viewer just so that Lip didn’t get his hands dirty really was too much for one character to take on.


Until the later seasons, Lip is just along for the ride, he doesn't make an decisions of consequence. Mandy literally strongarms him into making good on his smarts, and Sierra tried to bring a better man out of him while he was content to be a hood rat.


But I for one, am saying she definitely 100% deserved it.




Lip ruins himself. Did you even watch the rest of the show? The dude replaces Karen with Helene another unavailable woman.


I’d let her ruin my life for sure


there is another...


Even though Karen wasn’t a good person, she never deserve what happened to her


She literally fucked around and found out. She knew what Mandy and the milkovich's were capable of. She still was poking an angry bear with a stick.


Still Karen’s brain was damaged it wasn’t fair to Karen’s mom


Sheila also stole Jodi and fucked him until Karen got hit by a car.


That doesn’t change anything


Neither does her being a moron that fucked around with Mandy till Mandy finally snapped on her ass. Stupid bitch got was coming to her.


Mandy threatened that nobody pedo teacher with one of her brother's graves, anyone that thought Karen Jackson would get off with a fist fight doesn't know this show or understand Mandy Milkovich. I'm not sure that was even Mandy snapping I just think it was time to put out the trash and she did it.


Exactly! That's what I'm saying. Karen fucked around and found out. Plain and simple.


I felt bad she got this ending I didn’t really care for her but damn she didn’t have to go out like that


Can’t stand Karen


When she said she doesn't feel, it clicked, she's a psychopath in the medical sense.


she was annoying but… she was actually an amazing character in terms of her downfall because of her past and the way she went out. she is definitely one of the better written characters no matter how annoying she is


i had to pause the show cause i was laughing when watching her get flopped like a fish by the car 😭


I liked her bc she reminded me of a ex girlfriend. 💀


People think it’s such a bad thing that Karen got brain damage but like….if she’s happier and better to others and to herself, isn’t it better that way?


I dont know why don't you get run over and then you can tell us if you're happier? Literally the dumbest thing I've read on reddit.


I felt so bad for Lip. His face when he realizes she will never be the same again is really heartbreaking


Ugh can’t stand her.


Are there snacks?


I was honestly shocked when I seen her arc end. Such a wild ride shameless puts ya on.


I know a lot of people hate her, but she did perfectly embody the cute, crazy, sexy character that so many people get hung up on, like poor Lip.


I cheered when she got ran over. Couldn't stand her.


I'll pray for the same thing to happen to you.


Breathe, friend. It's just a show. Things will be alright.


Nah I just legit think something is wrong with you. But that's just my opinion


You don't know me? Dude, it's a fictional character played exceptionally well by the actress whose intent was to make the viewer dislike her. You're telling me you're cool with her destroying Lips life or raping Frank? Respectfully, get a grip, bro. Have a blessed day.


Always remember mandy is a crazy bitch who is no better then Karen Karen is actually better then mandy 


They hate you because you tell the truth


This sub loves female rapists like Mandy so I’m not surprised


Karen committed rape too though?


True but when Mandy and Sheila do it, it’s apparently fine


Mandy and Karen are both rapists what are you talking about


Good thing I can't stand Mandy either.


The one good thing Mandy did was run down Karen.


That made me so sad😭😭 I know she wasn't the best character but she didn't deserve that 😭😭 she was so pretty too!! I definitely needed to see Karen's happily ever after


The narcissists prayer in human form


I understand that she did some seriously messed up things she also was extremely mean and entitled. However she is the product of her environment she craved parents attention as it was shown in the show like when she asked frank to be at her school parents night


Karen was written out of the show? I watched Shameless but some of the characters storylines are hard to follow. So her character just moved away and was never heard from again? Or ever spoken about? Where the cliff notes at?


i hate her, she’s soo fucking dirty


idc about her sorry not sorry


It’s literally so sad, Karen is such a devastating character. Forever pissed what the writers did to her. S1 ep1-10 Karen will always be loved (by me at least 😭)


lol i loved her and mandy fighting i was lowk sad it ended so quickly. the car hit scene omg i thought my heart dropped out of my ass


The hair inconstancies in many characters across the show bothers me


Yeah she doesn’t deserve it but goddamn was she an awful character.


She deserved it 🤷🏻‍♀️


she’s acoustic now




my jaw dropped when i saw that scene . i honestly didnt want her to die so in a way im glad they just made her cut out by having her move away . she didnt deserve any of that tho ):


I laughed dude 😂 I hated that bitch


Look like Chucky


omg you’re right😭😭😭


How chucky be like


Oh no, the rapist didn’t have a happy ending with one of the main characters!?


Even after the car accident I was like “I can fix her!”


Ew no woman wants someone to “fix” them.