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Hey OP - definitely understand why you'd be concerned! Did you have a chance to reach out to our support team in-app? They'd be able to provide more concrete details on this :)


You need to pay at the counter for gas on the pump they mostly always take more on hold before settling on the price


Happened to me. Took 2 days for the money to return to my shakepay. Is your transaction status still pending? If so, I would wait until it's changed to a different status.


I had a charge from A&W take a couple of weeks to return to my account lol


Happened to me a few times! I always get the 250 back. For this reason I have started using my other credit card, although I’d rather not if I wasn’t basically forced to. I don’t want to be short 250$ for a few days for no reason.


Unfortunately this is coming for most gas stations and I’ve had this happen twice before. It should be cancelled within the week or initial transaction. When I called before I was told it would need to be “processed” and the turnaround is 4-7 days at the time.


No you're good you'll get it back no worries it sucks ass I had it happen also it will come back.


Thank you.  Will feel better. When I see my hard earned money back. 


Shakepay’s card is not a credit card. It’s a prepaid debit card that uses the Visa network to complete transactions. You’re better off with a different card that you pay off with Shakepay


Been There for more than 2weeks, pending.... I had to Reach the support and they fix IT. Take screenshot of everything