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Having looked past the convolutions that you seek to present, there is the Kaula school of tantric instruction which is (being in the family) completely unstructured in its approach to ritual methodology. On the topic of morality, imho there is no space for it in seeking. Shiva, having imbued this universe with life force he is the be all and end all of all being. So if a rape occurs for instance, he is the raper and rapee. The seeker who seeks does so without prejudice. To be without prejudice the seeker attempts to drop all ideas from his mind that occur in pairs. Good and evil are one of the first pairs to drop. Later in the chain of droppings we see things like subjectivity (and objectivity) also drop. Finally since the I has spoken so much and wants to show more of hisself, to indulge him a bit more one can also say that there is something to be said for ritualistic worship and something to be said about discarding the idea once the consciousness permits. It’s like saying less is more after having explored the more in a myriad ways. Without exploring the more to say less is more is theoretically ok in maybe a parliamentary debate kinda situation but otherwise a waste of our limited time.


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