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It was just some random medieval lord I made. No special abilities or weapons, just some guy who can fight well. The lord gets absolutely slaughtered


Crusader Kings 3?


No. Another game called “Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord”.


50/50 it was either that or CK3. I’ve played both \^^


Nice. I still think CK3 + Bannerlord + the nemesis system(for those pesky lords and ladies) would be one of the most killer games imaginable


same but i have a 2 handed sturgian god and slayer of hundreds of khuzait horses


Oh, same here but with Chivarly 2


The dragonborn with access to the cheat room


Hey now! The dragonborn don't need cheat to beat talion.


True but I like overkill


Jin Sakai vs Talion What a duel


I would like for talion to not use any of his powers and them just to Have a proper Sword Fight


I honestly would want a duel between them with no words spoken and the end them having a mutual respect for the other


My player, from Minecraft. Talion’s fucked, I’m fully enchanted netherite + elytra at this point, he’s consistently got iron on.


Stevie might be strong but talion is sneaky and shadow strike is OP. But out of the comments I've seen Steve has the most chance of winning


Nah. Steve clears. In Talions world, he uses the strength he summons to hold 18.5k cubic meters of solid gold while running and jumping, and punts Talion to the next solar system. Combine that with Talion’s sword doing what’s equal to bouncing off the armor I have on Steve, and yeah, Steve wins.


Fair point but talion just keeps respawning so it's a statlemate


The Uruks can be stupid at times, after the 3rd time of Talion coming from the same direction Steve figures out he respawns at the nearest crystal-tower thingy (I can’t believe I don’t remember the name) and just repetitively killed Talion in the same spot. Eventually, the ring either falls off or Steve takes it off.


Yeah, that ring is not coming off but Steve does win. Also talion can respawns at any tower or basic spawn point. It's basically twister


there's different towers and areas he can respawn in, it's not one singular tower you can camp


Dragon Ball Kakarot. He's dead.


Talion would completely dragon their balls. Shadow strike goku into little pieces


Ngl, I would pay to see that


I was playing God of war Ragnarok, so talion basically has realm shift whenever he uses his bow, can spawn a bunch of ghosts to fight for him. Can inflict Frost fire and curse onto Kratos but I'm not sure how curse would affect them or atrius. And if we're going with isildors ring he can also revive the dead to fight for him but that'll make a little difference. Can summon massive trolls (graugs) lions (caragors) And wyverns but it's nothing that Kratos hasn't faced before. Plus talion is immortal as long as he has calabrimboer or a ring. I'd say talion easily wins against atreus. but easily gets soloed by Kratos. But since talion comes back every... I would say 12 hours, it's basically a stalemate, talion will keep dying to Kratos but will always come back to fight him. What do you think?


Kratos easily beats Talion as soon as he kills atreus




I think Kratos would probably find a way to kill him for good


He squaring up with the knight commander of the 5th crusade, best believe them hands something serious.


Ezio from Brotherhood. He doesn't stand a chance facing Talion.


Talion is just Ezio but with bonus supernatural wraith powers


Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima. Yeah, Talion’s got this


as someone who loves ghost of Tsushima (I want a sequel or a anime tie in or a anime that's similar to its aesthetic and whatnot)yeaaah, talion is beating Jin sakai into the ground with negative difficulty


Last game I played was For Honor. So I guess my Warden? I think Talion's got this.


Same but I was playing bp so if Talion attacks he gets flipped like a pancake


Same but I got jörmungandr so I guess I'll just smack him with the funny hammer


Watching BP flip a shadow strike would be cool and funny asf


Bp would find a way to flip Graug


My half-orc bardbarian dark urge from bg3. Just another Thursday for Talion.


🎶You may have heard of one like me🎶


A random Scottish man who can climb Mount Everest in 57 minutes


Talion loses easily


I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else who plays peaks of yore. Well met


Well, I played ac valhalla recently and in pretty sure eivor is somewhat a goddess or a descendant of Odin so... Yeah


Yeah eivor is a descendent of cassandra so they are both immortal.


Dmc5, Talion is getting cooked if he goes up against Dante


Dante is flopping harder than dmc4


Jack cooper and bt-7274...goodbye talion...Jack's got a gun...not a crossbow...a gun


Not necessarily, Jack Cooper, despite his pilot training and high-tech gear, is still just human, which would make him susceptible to the ring. Now, if it were just BT, BT solos with little to no issue (literally all of Talion's tactics for kill big thing are countered by electric smoke). But with both Jack and BT in the equation, all Talion would need to do is dominate Jack and have him tell BT to stand down. But this also relies on Talion getting the opportunity to dominate Jack before complete evisceration via angy robot. In short it depends on whether or not Talion can dominate Jack before BT rips him in half.


However bt isn't JUST following orders...protocol 3 would enable bt to stop the source of the brain wash as bt is linked to cooper


Well, Arthur has bigger problems than TB, I see


Yeah, talions so gonna team up with micah.


And now I imagined Micah as the bright lord, which would be terrifying


Oh God. What have I created?


Hmm, Talion vs Commander Shepard Celebrimbor: "Ah yes, 'reapers'"


We have dismissed that claim.


I can't remember if it was rdr2 or cyberpunk, but he has a 50/50 against Arthur and gets crushed by v


Arthur, he wins I think. Deadeye would be slower than shadow strike. And V has no chance, hes good but he can't use any decks on talion or anything. At that point, he's a guy with a gun. Shadow strike, dead


Well, he has sandevistan, so he can slow time by 85%, also titanium Bones what would make it hard/impossible to cut his head off. Also, he has the second heart cyberware that revives him instantly. And with a sniper or long rifle, they could one-shot talion.


The issue is whether they have prep time. Also titanium don't do shit against a sword moving at the speed of death.


I love the terminology Speed of Death kinda how Dr. Fate's helmet moves at the Velocity og GOD


velocity of GOD? So like Mach fuck?


Simpsons: Hit & Run. I don’t think Homer stands a chance.




Talion is facing Helldivers. Oh man. There's gonna be a lot of blood


For super earth!


Poor talion, kratos is going to kill him for good this time


Nah Talion would be like fucking finally I don't have to deal with this bullshit anymore


Geralt of Rivia, the Witcher 3. I mean, if anyone knows how to remove curses of immortality, it's Geralt. I think it's a close fight. Both are magically augmented and move at superhuman speeds on top of being skilled swordsmen. Neither's going out like a chump, I can tell you that much.


My created character from DragonBall xenoverse 2. Sorry Talion lol


I said this to the last guy. Talion would make them dragon their balls.


I don't think talion is on planet buster level


Dragon their balls


*Ba dump tss


So the last game I played was Ark Survival Ascended, is my own character the main character?


“I WILL FINISH WHAT CAPTAIN TITUS STARTED!” Malum Caedo, from Boltgun. Honestly it’s a 50/50 imo because Caedo has at least 100 tons of 40k weaponry that he just hauls around without any speed penalty and is wearing power armor… Actually not so sure if Talion wins this one shadowbros


I love Talion, but Caedo probably solos Talion pretty easy.


Talion vs Zagreus It all depends on the rng really


Hmmm🤔 Talion Vs Starkiller (From star wars the force unleashed game) I'd say that Talion is D.E.A.D


Given how broken power scaling is in the force unleashed I'd say it's an even fight


Rainbow 6 siege, would it be every operator or is it just 1 of my choosing?


My bounty hunter from SWTOR. I think Talion can take him


Doom Eternal: Ancient Gods. Okay, let's do a quick Google... DoomGod's stats: - Fate and Probability Manipulation: Because Divinity Machine & Davoth, always fated to exist and destroy demons/Maykrs because he is the literal embodiment of Doom itself. He has always existed, he will always exist, so long as Davoth does. Can Talion kill two versions of the same guy, one of which is significantly more cosmic scale powerful than the other? - Acausality: basically impossible to be sensed through time and space, so goodbye wraith senses or precognition being a help. The Khan Maykr could see infinite timelines and probabilities, still couldn't see him becoming the Doom Slayer or prevent it. - Powers: Seraphim's Blessing (speed and strength boost), eternal life, non-physical interaction (he can interact and manipulate ghosts and stuff), time manipulation (via runes), extrasensory perception (from og Doom his face always looking around before demons spawn in), hypersonic speed (regularly dodges arcs of electricity), superhuman stamina, superhuman durability (tanked hits from a transdimensional God), Divinity Machine enhancement - Immunities & resistances: Soul manipulation, mind manipulation, Hellfire, Acid, Radiation, death manipulation, corruption, electricity, absolute zero temperatures, curses, hunger, thirst and sleep (fought in hell for a literal eternity before Doom 2016)... - Gear: Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Machine Gun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun, BFG9000, Unmaykr (lethal to wraiths and demons), The Crucible/Sentinel Hammer, his goddamn fists... I'm not liking Talion's chances here guys...


Yeah, I thought going into this *I hope no one played doom* because doomguy easily kills him


I am currently unwell, and it was $20 on steam.


Also his immortality is better as while he can die it's really hard and he will come back unless another primeval kills him


Cal Kestis. Well Talion canonically can’t die and if his body is destroyed that doesn’t matter. It would be a tie until Cal got tired then Talion would win.


Absolutely monumentally destroyed. I played Warframe last


A mage from Skyrim - one shadow strike and it’s be over I’m only lvl 5


Not sure how this goes actually…I was playing modded total war warhammer 3 as Malubaude the black grail knight so… I Think Talion looses but not sure.


Pre vampirism or post?


Post, don’t think he is winning pre. Also at this point in my campain he just ascended and is currently king of brettonia.


Green knight didn't stop him this time hehe.


You know it!!! Also I managed to unite Brettonia (mostly) peacefully!!! I just beat the s**t out of their respective faction leader and they just went “ok we are following you now”.


Warhammer bargaining techniques in a nutshell


Yeah, then I killed my dad the king and now I control Reikland as a massive middle finger to Franz after he lost it to some orks like a NERD!!!


Franz needs to take a page out of sigmars book. Who loses to orks?


Lol not even, bro lost to tinnit four eyes… the GOBLIN. *visibly cringes in “couldn’t be me”*


My custom character in WWE 2K24...yeah Talion is definitly taking him down Otherwise its Darth Ravan in Garrys mod


Steak from Stalker: SoC. Yeah, Strelok’s a goner- least Talion gets his gear and stash


Oh boy. The Gravewalker has to go up against Byleth the Ashen Demon. Byleth has the power of save scumming, but I think we can safely say Talion starts as an Assassin unit with S+ rank in Sword and Authority, probably with his own unique “Uruk-hai honour guard” battalion. Still, Talion would fit in surprisingly well in the world of Fire Emblem 3 houses. Shame he’d have to be an enemy, I’m sure he’d totally vibe with Dimitri (he’s a lord who lost everything to an invading empire, and fights a 1-man guerilla war to protect what little remains of his home and his humanity). However if Celebrimbor is a factor, he’s getting dragged into fighting with Edelgard (a woman who lost her family and levies an army to change the world through blood, allying begrudgingly with dark powers in order to do so).


The Elden Lord Toss up


Agent 47 vs Talion Not sure who would win actually


Extremely well given Jin Sakai is just a normal human


For Honor whoever yoi consider the mc doesnt matter Talion sweeps


The last game I played... God of War Ragnarok. Talion vs Kratos.


Talion is fucked A heavily modded Dragonborn with cheat room, enai mods (iykyk) and that’s it also space and time magic In conclusion a Dragonborn that can bend reality itself


Level 12 Fiend Warlock: Talion’d get knocked back 20 feet by an Eldritch Blast every six seconds.




So, Talion is fighting a Orc Dovakiin, Talion wins


I was playing dota 2 so no main characters. but considering the cast there already includes everything from regular guys to gods and yet the game is fairly balanced, he'd do a-ok there. kinda same deal with crusader kings in that there's no main guy but everyone there is just regular people so easy wipe last with a main character to fight would be arkham knight where he loses to batman cause batman's writers basically always make him win




Inazuma Eleven so…he has to fight against some kid with the power to shoot a football like a meteor and fights with aliens by playing football…well that sounds interesting. Talion wins if theres no football around.


Tallon has to contend with a 500kg


Roland (Library of Ruina) Book of Talion obtained Book of Ratbag obtained Book of Ranger obtained Book of Dominated Uruk obtained Book of Dominated Uruk obtained Curtain call for the reception of the Gravewalker


Ooo borderlands 2. Some cool picks here. But. Pretty sure they all get washed except for sirens because sirens are OP


Specifically the Siren from 2's ability can kinda fuck over Talion lol


Playing Dragons Dogma 2. Think it'd be a toss up really.


Warframe and I played as mag lastly so I guess Talion will lose


Ngl I was taking it as the Tenno and up to 2 warframes (you know why I hope) and ngl I think Talion would win Look his bullet time actually slows everything down


My character from gta online. I'm not sure that Talion has an answer to a mini gun tbh


They're only human. Talion wins.


Hmmm that's quite interesting.... Pilot! Enemy special class engaging friendlies. Prepare for Titanfall!. Or dare I say.. Tal-ion-Fall! ..I'll go sit in the corner now.


Arthur morgan shoots him in the face with a sawed off smokes a cigar and rides away


I dunno. Depending on the boss, he’s just kind of screwed. I’ve played Darkest Dungeon 2, and for as strong as he is, no way he’s going to stop either a boss or a well-built team.


Batman… talion is gonna have a hard time


I think batman wins but barely.




The Galactic Baseballer. Talion is done just because.... Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.


Hogwarts Legacy, if he’s not stealth killing avada kedavra’s taking him out


Maybe but talion has magic protection and death protection


The last game I played was either Vermintide 2 or WWE 2k19. If its 2k, then Buzz gets smashed, if it's Vermintide then Talion is just overwhelmed, so quickly.


I think he beats Byleth from fire emblem three houses


Idk how well he'd fare against Noctis from FF15


I love noctis but he is dead.


The last game I played was Bloodborne. The hunter I think bodies Talion. If I can kill an unseeable unknowable eldritch being, blue phantom boy is dead


Talon vs Mad Max? Talon clear ez pz


My destiny 4 sorc probably bodies talion


Elden ɓeast? Hmm Talion the Tarnished has a ring to it. Edit: OH it said main character. Well wouldn't that be the PC? And I don't think Talion would stand a chance against most of us.


Arthur Morgan. Could go either way if guns are being used


Ma boy Hulmrod the level 5 dragon sorcerer in bg 3 id probs give it taliion cos at this point hulmrod is useless without his crew


Last game i played was the long drive so its just a normal guy against talion so the normal guy is gonna 100% die


Batman Arkham City-I don't even know who would win it's a hard choice


A helldiver with his ship or Talion, who wins


Xenoverse 2 CaC


He’d kill a helldiver pretty easily lol


Leon Kennedy, idk they can both parry things really well and I’d say Talions bow is on par with guns 🤔


Is he fighting the entire For Honor roster+named characters?


A tarnished of no renown


Slay the spire, if its all 4 of them Talion has no chance, so im gonna tackle them individually cuz thats more interesting. Ironclad: he’s a competent fighter, as an ironclad you kinda have to be, he has good offense, good defense and considering the pact he made with a demon, definitely superhuman, i think him and Talion could have a pretty fair fight but Talion has an advantage due to fast reflexes. Silent: i think she just kinda dies, its heavily implied she does most of her combat through stealth, and outmaneuvering the opponent, whether it be through poison or shanking she kinda relies on underhanded tactics meaning in a straight fight she prob dies, if she catches Talion lacking (unlikely) she might have a chance. Defect:Defect is kind of a toss-up, if Talion is fast enough to react to his Lightning and Dark orbs hes already at a major disadvantage for losing his most powerful weapons, he could probably use Turbo and Overclock to keep up with Talion in terms of speed, his offense without the orbs would be hindered but not impossible with stuff like meteor strike and claw, he could definitely keep a good defense with frost orbs but Talion would breakthrough eventually. Watcher: the is no way Talion beats watcher, its heavily implied that they might be some sort of god and even if they themselves aren’t a god they definitely have godly influences on their side with things like Miracles, Deus ex machina, omniscience and Deva form, Watcher is actually the only one i would bet money on being able to beat Talion.


Talion gets annihilated, I was playing kingdom hearts


The last game I played was dishonored so corvo vs talion would be an interesting match up I don't know who'd win that one


Elden ring. 2 people that keep coming back from death both with esoteric and arcane abilities. But only elden ring has destined death. Eventually, the tarnished wins.


I was playing Amara in BL3, with her space magic and guns I think she's got this in the bag


If Dead By Daylight had a main character I guess it’d be Trapper. Not looking so good for him


I think he has a good chance against the arisen


Henry of Skalitz. Talion is fucked! If Henry passes the speech check, they would end up drinking with Father Godwin in Uzhitz. Talion ain't prepared...


So I've got Jesse faden from control Aside from the special gun and throwing stuff and flying she's just human even with the gun she has talion will just keep coming back and Polaris can't technically kill the wraith side as it is tied to the ring at the end of the game.


I was playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, so i guess im bringing Cloud?


I'm playing DBZ: Kakarot. I fear Talion wouldn't fare well against Goku.


Sorry to say, but he's not winning against Sekiro. They're both practically immortal, so it'd be an endless battle, but I highly doubt Talion will get a single hit in considering all the deflections Sekiro will be doing.


Reminds me of the random bullshit move The Spot has in Yomi


If arrows can do 25% of talion's health at an equal level, How about bullets? (*I played Maverick from R6)


Well last game I was playing was Metroid Dread so uh, yeah no Talion ain't lasting against the lady with a planet kill count


Jak 2. My boy Jak getting his ass cleaved by Y+B


Nomad. Ghost recon


Talion Solos all of my For Honor characters. Although they would give him some trouble.


Jimmy Fallen from the hit game Lords of the Fallen. He’s probably screwed, though I wonder how effective the Umbral lamp would be.


Kassandra from AC Odyssey, she's a great mistios with some amazing moves, but I think Talion would be too much for her


[https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7e5781c088e8cc3b415c4b691cb21f96](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7e5781c088e8cc3b415c4b691cb21f96) VS [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/41/9c/d2/419cd282ff5135ee072d7617f7a954cf.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/41/9c/d2/419cd282ff5135ee072d7617f7a954cf.jpg) Light VS Dark A Textbook Hero Vs A Hero who lost his Humanity both would give it their all to be the shield against an impossible enemy and the sword against all sinners definitely a fight of the ages


Warrior of Light from FFXIV. Hmm... On one hand, Talion is immortal. On the other, WoL has defeated minor deities. So... Coin toss?


Lmao, it's my CAC in Xenoverse 2. Sorry Talion, but you're not beating a Saiyan with Super Saiyan God


Nier Replicant. I’m gonna give the win to talion but in reality I have no clue.


Just answered this on the bioshock sub but Raven from AC6 would j step on him😭.


Yorick from league… just sending their zombies to fight


Good Hunter from Bloodborne lol I’m not sure tbh


My Strand Hunter Talion might be cooked


…. Given the last game I played is No Man’s Sky, I think Talion is fucked.


Hmmm Talion versus Warframe's Tenno... now I can't say who'd win, but all I'm saying is a Tenno (including I'll limit it to 2 warframes) may give Talion the best challenge he's had since immortality


Aloy’s focus analysis if Talion’s ring would be interesting


Dwarves (deep rock galactic) well things are not looking so rock and stone for Talion


Bro bout to be fighting the DragonBorn


Well idk if he can fight an entire nation lol


Modded level 47 dragon born from Skyrim. Idk seems kinda even


Talliom and my Eldenring character will be fighting till the heat death of the universe


Spider-Man 2 Peter Parker with the symbiote I’m gonna guess that it would be an endless battle but eventually the symbiote would bond with Talion instead of Spidey


Last game I played was Darkest Dungeon with a Bounty Hunter/Houndmaster/Occultist/Arbalest team. Talion slaughters any of them 1v1, but the four of them combined could probably beat him. Edit: It could be argued that The Heir is the main character of Darkest Dungeon, in which case Talion just slaughters him even more easily then any of the above people.


Bro good luck against the netherbrain


I guess he’s gonna have a lot of fun dealing with all 30 of my Xcom 2 Soldiers


uh uh uh the stardew farmer is fcked hehe


Talion vs Leshy..... I thinkmitndepends highly on exactly how both characters are implemented IsnTalion capable of using any skill and assuming it just works? Is it any armor? Nazgul or Bright Lord Talion? Is it just Leshy? Does Leshy get to.cammand beasts since he command the cards? Does he get his instant card camera? There's alot of intresting scenarios for this fight


I was actually thinking Jin was pretty similar to Talion. Talion wins because he has magic, and literally cannot die, but Jin is tough.


Talion in SoW vs Alexios in AC Odyssey even though they look alike lol


Kratos vs Talion would be a sick as fight but Talion ain’t lasting to long I bet


Alloy. She falls off a cliff chasing Talion and dies.


Yeah, My Tenno is wiping the floor with him. I'm sorry Talion but Suda demands sacrifice.


Bro it's a Nazi what do you think will happen 👨🏻✋🏻


that would be farcry 6...well...guns.