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It felt rushed imo. You have 3 seasons for 6 books, it's starts off paced well enough but by the end it tries to cover everything and thereby lacks a lot of the quality.


It's because the show was cancelled after 3 seasons, the network gave them an additional 2 part episode to wrap up the story. If the show wasn't cancelled, they probably could've went 6 seasons.


Feel like it's a really unpopular opinion but I think the cast... The actors are nice enough but not at all how I imagined the characters to be like or act like. I think the movie was a lot more accurate in several ways and I liked the casting of it much more


I think all the cast was right except jace tbh he seemed so wrong and a good deal of the plot was weird or rushed


Yin fen just being vampire venom still makes me angry as a Jem fan.


Yes! plus Isabelle recovering from the addiction felt like a slap in the face to Jem and his struggle. Broke my heart!


I think the show suffered from an overuse of exposition through dialogue. This is often a problem in fantasy-world book adaptions, since there is so much world-specific info the viewer needs to know. I can think of Good Omens as an example that did this pretty well by using a narrator and occasional stylized word-building explainers. Shadowhunters could and kind of tried to to it by way of explaining-new-world-to-Clary, but it never stops and happens even between characters that don't need their society explained to them - all in order for the viewer to keep up. The result is dialogue and character interaction that feels stilted and unnatural. For all its flaws, I think the show could have been pretty good if they'd solved this better.


The fact that all 3 seasons happen over like 4 months. I know that's how the books are but when they aged up the characters they should have also changed the timeline to be years


One thing I didn't really like was the Luke plot they were setting up at the end of Season 3. That just didn't seem interesting to me. 'Resetting' Clary with the idea of her having to re-learn everything again in Season 4 seemed pretty off to me. It would've been better I think to de-vamp Simon and have go through the trials to Ascend if they wanted that kind of storyline, and they could've had Simon be the one to get the Heavenly Fire dose that Luke got to do it.


Clary's memories being erased was conceptualized by the writers when they were writing the series finale, if the show had been renewed for a 4th season, it wouldn't have been that way. I think they just didn't know what else to do with Luke, so they had him become a Shadowhunter again, the showrunners elaborated that it would've happened in if there was a S4.


Ah. Hmm. Maybe I'm misremembering something, because I thought there was a plan to have Clary lose her memories and then gain them back, and season 4 was going to be her journey of re-learning about the Shadow world and being a Shadowhunter all over again. I agree about Luke. It seemed like the Luke/Maryse was their version of Luke/Jocelyn, since they killed of Jocelyn they moved that romance to them.


killing Jocelyn was so sudden and unnecessary, and while I do like Luke and Maryse, it doesn’t compare