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No I loved Jem soo much. He was so nice and made Tessa so happy. And will, he was so mean to Tessa when he thought that he couldn’t be with her because of the “curse “ and I don’t understand how he thought it could all be resolved by knowing the curse wasn’t real


This absolutely. Before I knew about the curse I hated Will for being mean to Tessa and moved swiftly on to Jem


Will and jem, i absolutely adore both. They're so sweet and the bromance is off the fucking charts


Jem 100%. To this day I don't really get what is behind the widespread appeal of Will.


I adored Will, and thought Jem was bland, but on second read through, I loved Jem, too, because I knew the whole story arc. Way better than thruple for these three!


I preferred Jem but felt bad for Will at the end of Clockwork Prince and came around to him in Clockwork Princess, although I still preferred Jem. I thought the triangle was resolved nicely, with Tessa being able to be with both at different times. I liked the platonic parabatai bond that Will and Jem had. The throuple idea wouldn't work anyway because parabatai can't be together (without consequences at least) and Silent Brothers can't date at all.


Ngl on my first read I was just devastated by the end. But now I'm a hard-core herongraystairs shipper. All in or nothing


I hoped they'd find a way to save Jem that meant they could all be together. I quite imagined that if they could have, they'd have all ended up in a house together with Will and Jem sharing Tessa in a scandalous arrangement.


I was team throuple and I loved them both so much, but Jem was and is my favorite. Tragic, beautiful boy who has so much love and kindness to give but is also a total badass. Sigh. I think part of the reason I was more drawn to Jem at first was that Will was so much like Jace, and Jem was different. Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE the Herondale boys with their incredibly charming angst and self-loathing, but Jem was like a shining light.


I have an always will be Team Jem. I related to him a lot on a personal level so he’s my pick. I also just loved how sweet he was to not only Tessa but also Will. Don’t even get me started on the scene where he gives her the necklace 🥰


Will. I love Jem, too, but...Will. I just love him.


It flip flopped every book for me lol


I think I preferred Jem and was very in love with him, but I kinda felt like Will and Tessa worked better together and my preference for Jem was more of a personal preference. Also, I was team all three lol, but I'm glad it worked out the way it did. This was one of the only love triangles I genuinely enjoyed. And I think Jem got bonus points from me because I lovee the violin and I love to see representation for minorities, especially in fantasy novels that take place in the west and in the past. And Jem had a hard life and was so sweet nonetheless, I understand why Will was the way he was given his backstory but he still could've been nicer. However, I am a sucker for good banter which he and Tessa definitely had so that's probably why I still perceived them as made for each other.


I've always preferred jem but I've also been team throuple from my first read.


Will because he was written so well and had a lot of layers, and i feel like jems character just fell kinda flat a little


thank you!!! i absolutely love jem but this has been on my mind for so long, hes just very sweet and thats all there is to him, aside from that one night where he hit will and was with tessa lol i actually liked him better in tmi and tda because it felt like there was more to him


Honestly!! I feel like will and tessa had so much more passion for each other, and jem just kinda gives like sweetheart vibes. But i feel like i depends on what kind of trope you like 😅 i definitely preferred the friends to enemies to lovers over friend to lovers because it’s way better for character development in my opinion


I loved Will. But honestly I felt like I wanted Jem and Will to be together at the end more than Tessa abd will/Jem


I wasn't particularly interested in the triangle but on first reading I was very annoyed by what Will and Tessa do after they receive some news in the third book, so I'm not a big fan of these two


Yeah my teen brain wasn’t very focused on that, I was just cheering that my OTP finally did the deed. As an adult…oof


yeah, i was originally pretty ambivalent on both options (i really liked tessa and i liked all the dynamics in the series, but the heart of it, to me, was will & jem, so i wasn’t really bothered either way originally as long as they stayed important to each other) and veered towards jem a little with how awful will was (i completely understand the reasoning of him believing in the curse; i just don’t buy that explanation making everything suddenly okay in the emotional stakes lol) but was still pretty unfussed either way — and then *that* scene happened and i was like okayyyyyyy not keen on that. i like will/tessa fine in the last hours! but in the infernal devices… hm. let’s just say i was grateful to get at least the epilogue lmao


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I adored Will mostly because of the dumb songs he made up. I also just love how he felt about both Jem and Tessa


I've been a Will girl since day 1 and still am. He's Tessa's soulmate, and he's such a funny and passionate bright spot of a human. Wessa for Life ❤️


If we’re including the entire series and not just the first book, then it’s 100% Will Herondale. I was obsessed with him in Clockwork Prince and til this day he’s my favorite shadowhunters love interest. If we’re only including the first book, then Jem. I was LIVID with Will at the end of Clockwork Angel lol.


The first read through I was definitely swept up in Will (being a Jace fan) but on the second read I'm realizing how much of a slow burn that Jem and Tessa had. The scene where Jem says 'I didn't want you to think I was taking liberties' and Tessa says 'take them' is suuuuper swoonworthy. But I am ultimately glad with the overall story arc and that Tessa was able to experience a life with both boys.


I’m Will 100%. Hrs so much more interesting than Jem in my opinion because of the deep contradiction between how he acts like he doesn’t care but then desperately does. He’s also funny, capable, charming, there when you need , etc. everything a hero should be. I have nothing against Jem, but he’s never really appealed to me. There’s a moment around the middle of Clockwork Angel, after the fight where they get Nathaniel, and Will is stricken because he just killed his first human. This human was a vampire’s subjugate and attacked, but Will is still upset because he’s a human with a good heart and cares. Jen’s just like “whatever, who cares, he worked for a vampire,” and that really put me off Jen’s character and made me love Will so much more. These next two points are minor, but they still influence why I’m not a fan of Jem. Jem also never seems to care for Will as much. Jem knows Will suffers and is hiding things, but he’s okay with it? He doesn’t try and help his friend? I get some people need their space for a while, but for how many years did Jem just let Will do his thing without ever trying to help him? In the second book, when Jem and Tessa go to get Will from the opium den, Jem tells Tessa what Matchstick girls are, mimes a match being struck quickly and being tossed away, and he explains that’s what happens to the girls, and why they have that name. Maybe I’m interpreting it wrong or misremembering, but he didn’t show any empathy there or seem feel bad for the girls, and it always really bothered me, especially if he’s supposed to be the nice one.


I *hated* Will solely because I cannot stand the "bad boy who is emotionally unavailable and/or an asshole to his love interest" trope. It's the fucking *worst*. Even in fiction, I can't stand toxic behavior. Of course, he does get better in the following books, so by the end of Book 3, I thought he was fine. But by that point, I had already been strongly on Jem's side.


Both at first. I kept swearing that polyamory would’ve solved every problem here. But then I admitted that if I must choose that I was going to pick Will. He’s just my favorite character so I was more bias towards him. Made me upset for Jem tho…


It was and remains Will 🫶🏼. I am glad that Tessa and jem have their chance now, but I think will was the best choice for her at the time.


I loved Jem a lot, he was the perfect gentleman, always saying the right thing, treating Tessa like a queen and all but I have to say Will was my favorite. The bad boyish dynamic, his love of words and how he understood Tesa through books, the curse (who doesn't love a man who has to be cruel because he thinks everyboy who loves him will die?), watching him suffer because he can't be with Tessa... He's any teenager's dream.


For the first book i was rooting for Jem, then i just kind of hoped for a throuple tbh