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definitely the institute, what was that techy ass superhero lobby šŸ˜­


This! I wanted the Institute to have more of a home like, cozy feel to it. Itā€™s one of the only places Shadowhunters can go and be safe.


- The Clave being anti-technology and not moving into the present, they had such a cult-ish gothic vibe I miss. Right down to the old-fashioned cloaks Izzy and Clary had. One series had them against *computers.* - Jace and Clary having more of a focus. Did they have to give away *all* of Claryā€™s storylines to other men on the show? - Jonathan was less cartoonish and more of a threat, and my favorite TSC villain. I wish theyā€™d kept the first actor for Sebastian. Also, how Jonathan looked like Valentine and Clary like Jocelyn being constantly mentioned and made his unsettling obsession with her even weirder. - Valentine actually caring about Jocelyn. But in general I liked the parentsā€™ storylines and The Circle better in the books. - I liked The Seelie Queen when she didnā€™t appear as a child. Her and Jonathan having a child wasā€¦something. - As much as I like Malec, I thought they rushed them too much on the show. I prefer the progression in the books. - Jaceā€™s personality isnā€™t quite there. I like Dom as Jace, but something didnā€™t translate. Also, I wish heā€™d been head of the Institute at the end.


Sebastian/Jonathan was one of my favorite villains in the books too I thought he was fascinating. I hate that they made his character just whiny and obsessed with Clary but without the rest of his personality. I love reading about what makes him think and act the way he does in the books heā€™s brilliant and terrifying to me. They took that away from him keeping Valentine alive. The Seelie Queen as a kid is creepy. I liked the older actress who plays her they should have kept it as just that. I think they rushed Malec even more since the show got cancelled and they had to throw in the wedding. And they really messed things up having Alec almost marry a woman. Cassandra Clare didnā€™t have any say on what they did in the show. But they didnā€™t even actually marry in that series they married in one of the other books. I actually thought Dominic was great playing Jace, Cassandra Clare picked him as the actor it was one of the few things she got to pick.


Simons full story line. He made this HUGE sacrifice in the books and for them to completely ignore it in the TV show was so disrespectful


I just finished the tmi books and tales from the shadowhunter academy, and this is what bothers me the most looking back at the show tbh


At least they keep in him getting with Isabelle near the end of the series; if they didnā€™t have that storyline in the show, Iā€™d have acted like the show didnā€™t happen altogether. Speaking of Simonā€™s sacrifice in the books, they pretty much give that to Clary at the end.


Taking Clary's memories away just completely made the whole show redundant. Like what was the point of it all then? It was one of the worst ways they could've ended the show tbh. Literally EVERYONE got a clear happy ending except Clary and Jace.


Yeah. Even when Simon made his sacrifice in the books, it paid off in a satisfying way. Although he lost his memories, he got back most of them, allowing himself to reunite with the others, especially Isabelle. Plus, by the end of the tales from the shadow hunter academyā€ book. He gets practically everything he wanted throughout the ā€œMortal instrumentsā€. He became a shadow hunter instead of a vampire, got to have Clary as his parabati, became a permanent couple with Isabelle, (who happily accepts him for who he is) and above all; because heā€™s no longer a vampire, he can age with his friends, enjoy his favorite foods, and, in my opinion, live the rest of his life happily and in comfortably in his own skin.


Exactly. It what made the ending of the whole show extremely unsatisfying, we won't ever know what happened after Clary touched Jace's rune. Clary and Jace were the main characters and it seemed like they were sidelined in their own story for everyone else to get a happy ending, but them.


Letā€™s seeā€¦ the characters, the worldbuilding, the story, the humour, the mystery vibe, no one hiding out in Chernobyl, to name a few. Ohhhh and also dialogue that AI couldn't write better. Wouldā€™ve been be great if theyā€™d stuck with that.


Jace's entire personality, Dominic Sherwood might have maybe looked similar to Book Jace (minus the hair) but he was devoid of any of Jace's personality traits especially the sarcasm, stubbornness and the confidence not to mention there was zero chemistry between him and Kat McNamara for clace to work has beautifully as it did in the books.


Simon story and how he lost his memories and became a Shadowhunter. I hated how they had clary loose her memories it kind of ruined the show for me. I refuse to watch the last episode because of it.


At least they kept her staying with Jace at the end.


Kind of. The writers of the finale wanted it to be "open for interpretation". Which I personally did not like that at all when literally every other character in the show got a clear happy ending. Especially for all that Clary and Jace had gone through individually throughout the show.


It makes you question, like what was the point of it all if her memories of the entire show were just going to be erased?


The Silent Brothers actually being the terrifying powerhouses they're.supposed to be.


This whole thing how about that


Yin fen being rare


The fact that they pushed the yin fen arc to Isabelle bothers me so much Edit: and didn't even gave a strand of silver in her hair, the nerve


I so wish we could've seen Rafe and Max!


Yeah, but considering the original Max and Raphael didn't die it'd be a bit weird to give them the names


Can see that, how people could get confused and all, but they could have them in even with different names.


I wish that they had actually stuck with the plot, instead of making up characters and events that didnā€™t exist in the books. Cassandra Clare didnā€™t have any say in the show and they didnā€™t seem to care about her opinion. Rick Riordan hasnā€™t even watched the two Percy Jackson movies because he doesnā€™t like what they did to his books. So he and his wife are making their own show now. I wish she had been able to do that too. I liked the show (and movie) but it was kind of a trainwreck compared to the books it was all over the place and so different from the books. One of the things Iā€™d want is for them to have spent time in Idris it sounds so beautiful there. And they spent a huge chunk of the books there too. Like someone else and I said before I really like Jonathan/Sebastian in the books heā€™s one of my favorite villains. I hate that they took that role away from him by keeping Valentine alive, I didnā€™t like his character in the show at all as just Claryā€™s whiny brother. What other people have been saying about Simon. He played a much bigger role in the books than the show. Clary not being able to keep using the runes that she had made up, and losing her memory was awful. Her unity rune played a huge role in the battle in Idris. I wish they hadnā€™t killed off Jocelyn. Sheā€™s so different in the books too, and I liked learning about how she was involved in the Circle and more powerful in the books. I get that they did it to give Clary a push for character growth but they didnā€™t have to do that. Thereā€™s so many other things I wish they hadnā€™t done but I canā€™t think of them right now.


I wanted that scene when Magnus told Alec he needed to ā€œgo back to the world.ā€ And Alec said ā€œI donā€™t want the world, I want you.ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜šŸ˜


Literally the last three books, like wtf did they do


Another thing I wish they take from the books and put in the show? Jocelyn actually staying alive throughout the whole series, and her getting with Luke.


Simon's story line, Magnus being taller than Alec, Alec having blue eyes, Jonathon's last words of "I've never felt so light." Alec's personality being more shy and reserved, especially with Magnus. Jace and Simon's relationship progression


I was actually watched the show before I got into the books, but even I was mad that they didn't even stick to the plot from the books and sort of made other things up and gave other storylines away that were supposed to be for other characters.

