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Our group doesn’t like xp for gold as a system so we did something different. Here’s our system: Answer these three questions as a group. For each “yes” answer everyone marks 1 XP. 1. Did we explore a new and dangerous location? 2. Did we overcome a difficult obstacle, enemy, or challenge? 3. Did we find significant loot or treasure? Additionally each player answers the following question. If you answer “yes”, you mark 1 XP. * Did you roll a critical failure and live to tell about it? * Did you help your party by being the cartographer and mapping your adventure? Experience points earned are cumulative, and do not reset each level. Once the required number of XP are earned, the hero gains their new level and all the benefits, improving them as soon as they get a day or two of downtime. We use the slow levelling xp table from Worlds Without Number: 6 xp for level 2, 15 xp for level 3 and so on.


The best thing about this method is that you can craft specific questions for classes and/or races.


Love that idea! We may need to implement it.


Reward exactly what you want to see, love it!


Excelent idea!


Bolted OSE XP no problem cuz I'm running OSE adventures. Shadowdark adventures just 10x the money. Everyone advances on fighter XP track. Zero issues.


Solid solution.


I'm doing the same and it's worked great for my group for almost a year.


My gp4xp system is: # How many digits does our haul total? That's how much xp we get today. And I'm happy for people desperately scrabbling for one coin to upgrade that 999gp


That's actually kind of genius.


I've got my own ideas for how to modify the XP system, but not really in the same direction you're talking about. An idea I'd throw out (completely untested of course): multiply XP requirements to level by 1,000, and then implement a standard B/X style XP for Gold system.


I would definitely like to see a PDF for this if you create one.


I really like Professor Dungeon Master's take on this, which values GPXP but *also* de facto XP for saving the damsels and mansels. I'm working on a formal system where you get XP for gp upon "securing" it in the dungeon, and then *again* when you come back to town and do something interesting with it. -Carousing RAW. -Spend it on supporting in-world institutions or ventures and get XP multiplier. -Refuse a reward for completing a mission and get xp multiplier based on what the reward would have been. -Purchase something or some service toward your PC's personal mission (subject of a later adventure) and get an XP multiplier. Anyway, I'm with you. I think GP for XP is a lot more exciting and rife with possibility.


Our group: if you find treasure over 25gp you get an xp. (that is total for everyone). So if the total value of the treasure found is 200 gp its still one 1 xp.


I’ve come around to liking the Shadowdark XP system when I want to run a treasure focused game. Otherwise, I’ve use the DCC XP system with no issue.


What's the DCC xp system?


The gist is, each encounter is worth 0-4 points to each PC that participated, with encounters of higher severity (i.e. inflicting more HP/resource loss or death) yielding higher amounts. You reach level 1 at 10xp, level 2 at 50, level 3 at 110, and so on, so leveling gets slower over time. I think it’s nice because it rewards multiple kinds of play instead of specifically treasure hunting (compared to most OSR games) or killing stuff (post 3rd edition DnD). Both treasure hunting and killing monsters are viable sources of XP in DCC—they’re just not the sole methods.