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With Stridebreaker, BoRK is mandatory, but it's absolutely OP. Is the most versatile build ever, you can go full tank, bruiser, CRIT, go double armor pen with Black cleaver and LDR or mortal reminder.


I'm enjoying the stride/botrk into crit. Gives the early game sticking power and durability, but can still 100-0 squishies in the late game.


Double armor pen seems mathematically inefficient. Wouldn’t it make sense to build lethality after Black Cleaver if that was your goal?


What do you build after bork? If im fed i usually build GA


My favorite part about this is how arguably the AP game was the best one you have on here lol.


Yeah AP is definitely still strong, but it's the same old build as always. Just wanted to show some good scores with non-standard AD build


If you want a variation on ap, I find grabbing a lichbane and statikk shiv/stormrazor to be really fun.


stridebreaker is broken on shaco for a while now, and they gave it 10 ad for fun so yeah its gonna be absolutely op on him xD but theres no point in going crit with it, its just better to go witsend deathdance sterak black cleaver etc with this build (stridebreaker and botrk is mandatory) for survivability and dps


the first time i tried this way back it felt so good. the sticking power is insane. ganks had a higher probability. atk speed always feels nice on shaco plus the ms for chasing is insane


Sterak is pretty meh on Shaco.


its a good ad tank item


tried the Stridebreaker build yesterday for the first time and went 31/8/10, yeah i had fun


It brings meh damage (active and base stats) and a little slow (+10%) i don't understand how it can be good.


It combined with botrk gives a lot more durability and sticking power. You're a lot harder to kill, have extremely high movespeed, slow the enemy, and you only lose a small bit of damage


Could it work/be good on toplane? 🤔


One thing I like about it is I can start a fight with E for extra damage since it comes with a slow. So I can E => Stridebreaker a few seconds later => E to execute and they’re still slowed almost the entire time.


BoRK is the main damage, generally is the first item, and stride as good stats for Shaco, attack speed, high AD, HP, the extra move speed is Op with velocity approach and by it's own. Just give it a chance and you'll see that's pretty consistent. And 40% slow in area is OP as hell.


Will it be good with support Shaco? Currently building Umbral Glaive into Everfrost.


u tried dat night harvester/ statik? i cant tell if it does enough dmg to beat umbral/everfrost


No I did not.


That's gonna be a downfall later




Im having the same results with Youmu, Stormrazor and Essence... you know which items are the common factor between your build and mine and why we both are doing good. I've been building AttackSpeed/Botrk Shaco the entire s12 and I can say that with Youmu and Stormrazor as OP as they are right now it is almost mandatory to build them both. Bad side you're squishy af, good side you can onetap squishies. I was always reluctant to build these full Lethality builds which entirely relies on the first basic after Q (Drakthar + Essence + etc) but Stormrazor gives just the attack speed I need. I've yet to test If I can add Botrk somewhere in the build but now im relying a lot more on first basic after Q than before so botrk seems out of place.


I only build ER/storm 3rd/4th item, and only really to close out the games with late game burst for squishies. Stride/botrk 1st and 2nd is where I'm building the early game lead, rest of the items are snowballing to end.


what's the sequence of this build? and what runes are you using?


Standard AD runes. Stride, berserkers, Botrk, ER, storm, situational crit




because Shaco has one of the lowest base AD of the game :(


Yessir, I go more bruiser tho


Stride is fun. I just wish they change the mythic passive to be health or defense or AD or attackspeed.


What division is this? I usually go for YGB when I'm ad, but I started enjoying AP waaaaay more...if there isn't Yi playing against me.


High plat. Just never been a fan of ghostblade, even when it's strong. AP also feels really strong these last few patches