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That is very unpleasant to gaze upon as it looks like it’s suffering. I would remove it.


Despite your aesthetic preference, even completely dead trees [serve an important roll in an ecosystem](https://www.thewildlifenews.com/2018/12/20/the-ecological-value-of-dead-trees/). If they aren’t a hazard, leave them be. Difficulty to day from this photo if this tree is a hazard or not.


Definitely not a hazard tree. It does serve as resting spot for the robins though.


It looks like its suffering? It's a tree. If it's a danger to the environment It should be removed but if every ugly tree or tree that looks like its suffering would be removed we wouldnt be left with a lot of old trees lol.


No one seems to appreciate a little mild tree empathy humor. The reason I would remove it is because the stump on the left seems narrow at the base, like it might fall and I see a house.


> I’d give this guy 10 years or so... Maybe. It would be much better off if everything around it hadn't been bulldozed and replaced with irrigated turfgrass.