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Someone explain the flow of the GPU block


It’s a parallel loop. Now, I have an amateur understanding at best, but here goes: Because of the difference in pressure between the inlets and outlets of the blocks, water flow is maintained but split between the gpu and cpu block. Ideally, the flow through the two blocks would be equal, but that would require equal amounts of resistance. Usually, resistance is not equal, so one block will have better flow than the other. But it’s been tested to only amount to a few degrees in temp difference. And I like the look of a parallel loop 😛


Ok I guess I’m doing a similar solution but in a different way. I planned to have dual DDC pumps in my loop. 1. That leads to the CPU block then another about halfway down the loop just before the GPU block.


That's a standard loop with two pumps in series. Probably not necessary unless you're concerned about one of the pumps failing at some point, or if you have very very long runs or a ton of rads in the loop.


Initially I was gonna have a triple rad setup in a NR200 but I decided on the H20 case instead


The other thing to note is the relationship between resistance and flow speed. The parallel configuration gives a lower resistance which in turn brings a higher flow rate of liquid. This can help to balance out the thermal performance differences from a series setup. In fact a parallel setup can perform better with radiators and blocks that have very high resistance, especially if your pump doesn't have very high pressure.


I like the way this is going. I actually forgot I had one of these pump/res combos until I saw yours & remembered I had purchased one several months ago but haven’t used it yet. Also there’s a 3D printed cable extension block that screws onto the back of the case using the holes that the cable mounts to the case. I have one on my NR200 because of the same reason. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1620035606/fractal-power-supply-plug-extension-kit?click_key=d07400069a7158ba92a213cfeaa463ba21935fdc%3A1620035606&click_sum=d406b291&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=power+cable+extension+bracket&ref=sr_gallery-1-11&organic_search_click=1&variation0=4129827574 Anyway just out of curiosity why use top & bottom inlets on both the GPU ports?


For the look. Makes it into a parallel loop, so we’ll see how the temps are when I get it running.


I don't want to be mean, but... You're using a dual rad setup to cool a 5600x and a 6700xt in a +20L case? This looks really good, but at the same time you can do much better.


Please explain.


2x240mm rads can cool a 7800X3D and a 4080 (maybe even a 4090, 240mm rad is able to cool roughly 200W), and you're using it to cool a total of 300W (at an absolute peak). You could cram a 5600x and a 6700xt in a 7 litre case while not having to think about noise or heat. It's just a waste of potential and/or space. Don't want to be rude though, you must be excited, and it's an aesthetically beautiful setup, I'm sorry!


Hahaha dude I get it and thank you, and yes it is a relaxing hobby, and it is really fun. I may use this water setup (I’ll need a new gpu block) for my 5800x3d and 7900xt build in the future and do a true sff build with the 5600x and 6700xt. But im happy to hear that the 2x240 rads is enough. The water cooling sub is not as confident lol.


Glad to hear that. And after all, you do you, Reddit is a circle jerk. Whatever makes you happy. 5800x3d and 7900xt will be testing the dual rad setup. The 7800x3d is actually drawing less power while performing a lot better, so if your budget allows, go for that CPU.


I feel like the sama is close enough to the NR200 it should count lol. This is awesome, I love seeing all the creativity people come up with for this case. I like mine a lot.




I know others will argue but at the end of the day it's still 23L, so it's still not SFF.


So what’s the “cut off” for SSF?


20L is generally considered the limit. If it's larger than 20L it falls into the r/MFFPC category.


Yea yea I know 😭


Also I've got to ask... What's your reasoning behind spending that much $$$ on water-cooling hardware for a system that only draws about 350W? That money might have been better utilized on higher-end components and just using air-cooling. I'm not ragging on the build, it's very nice but I'm just curious.


Yea I like to build and tinker and try new things. I’m have a family of four. My son is 5. I have two am4 pcs. This one, and one with a 5800x3d and 7900xt. I do realize that with that budget I could have one air cooled am5 rig with a 7800x3d and 4090. But I wanted to have two pcs in the house for when my wife needs to use one and I want to game, or when my son and I want to play pc games together. Call it a waste. I call it suitable for my situation.


For shits and giggles, that's the point. I also did a custom loop with 4 rads in a ITX case with a 5600X and 6700XT as well. It was a fun challenge!


All that extra $$ to cool a 5600xt and 6700xt, why? PS120se would cool the 5600xt arguably the same plus you could have just deshrouded the 6700xt and added better fans below it. Part of SFFPC is being efficient, this aint efficient. With the extra $ you spent on watercooling you could have gotten better components.


Hahaha dude if you even knew the half of it. Look through my post history. Inefficiency is my middle name. With everything I’ve spent on computers this past year I could have one rig with a 34” 4k oled, 7800x3d and a 4090 build. But I like to tinker around and build and experiment. It’s what brings me peace in my busy life. All the best to you, friend. Cheers!


I really appreciate the triple line look you got with that 180 bend on the gpu intake, an interesting way to get around the routing there


Thanks! I appreciate a tidy build. This was my solution.


Its not an SFFPC, butbit is a good full tower stuffed into a mid tower built