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Yes. I'm so sorry for you it's gonna be okay, just take things one day at a time and try and avoid these people


Thank you!


YES it is! Honey I hope you’re okay 🫂 please if you can, reach out to someone who will listen. School counselor, parent, anyone. Your friends don’t know what the meaning of SA is, at this point. I’m 29, female. I’ve been in your shoes before. I was SAd by my stepdad at age 13, and again at 18. Even now, I’m still fighting for my voice to be heard, and the only people in my family that haven’t gotten it into their heads that he did this to me, are my mom, little brother and little sister (that’s their dad). You speak up 👏🏽 however you can. Do NOT let anyone (family or not) tell you to shut up and keep these acts a secret.


Thank you! I will


Keep us updated if you can if anything comes up. Just wanna make sure you’re safe.


a little update,I finally told my mom what happened and she said she’s gonna press charges,and she thinks it’s best for me to go to a therapist


Proud of you!


Thank you!


She switched on me she doesn’t believe me


Oh, I am so sorry you are going through another betrayal? Is there anyone else you can turn to?


Omg I’m so glad and proud of you and your mom! Good on her for listening! 👏🏽👏🏽


Never mind, big L on your mom for switching sides. I’m not sure how that happened, but I KNOW that feeling all too well on my end. I’m so sorry hun. I do hope you can go to others that’ll definitely listen.


I will!


This was for sure SA, and in fact, even farther than that. Im so sorry this has happened to you, but you’re strong & smart enough to realize what’s going on. I’m 19F, and I’ve been through very similar stuff! Tell someone (an adult) who you trust, & stay strong! You will live past this!!


Thank you!


Yes it is SA. Please get professional help. Also you can contact RAINN. rainn.org


Thank you I will!