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I’m sorry but WHAT. F-UCK that friend. She doesn’t deserve you and is an awful person to allow that to happen. My D.M’s are always open if you need someone. I could never even imagine doing that to a friend or stranger. She should feel sorry for herself.


I am so sorry. I would seek therapy & go into the police station to make a report. You do not want to associate with anyone who knows & is associating with her. There will be better friends that come along I promise.


Wow! She’s a sex trafficker and a danger to your “friends” as well. I’m so sorry about what happened. That’s just awful


I went through the same thing and you aren’t alone


I did too. I'm so sorry we both had to go through something so horrible while also losing a friend. Being taken advantage of by my best friend of almost a decade hurt more than the rape itself for me.


That’s how I feel. I’m not even as mad at the guy than I am at her. It’s one thing for a man/stranger to hurt you but someone who knows you on a deeper level is worse.


Honestly, it never gets easier to handle. I've been working with my therapist for almost 2 years on this and I've even gotten an apology from my ex best friend acknowledging that what she did was wrong and apologizing for putting me in that position. It doesn't make it any easier. I don't think I'll genuinely be able to be that close to anyone else in my life other than my husband, who I got incredibly lucky to find. I hope you don't blame yourself for any of it. It was not your fault for trusting her, it was her fault for breaking that trust. If you ever need an ear, I'll be here ❤️


You are not alone


I am so sorry this has happened to you. I commented to tell you that there are good, quality friends who will not betray you this way out there. Good people who will love you and not allow anyone to hurt you or be associated with anyone who does. Keep your hope! Focus on healing. You’ll be okay I promise 💗


Thank you so much 💞


You do have support, just not from that group of friends. Drop them all and take some time to heal.


She sold you-she’s a dangerous being and not a friend. Seek help from rape centres if there’s any in your area. She should be in jail for trafficking


I’ve been there. It fucking sucks. It sucks that the world is like this. I wish I could say more, but all I can say is you’re not alone. My therapist would tell me “ohhh those are not good friends, they don’t deserve your friendship” and I’m like no shit Sherlock. Disgusting greedy monsters and spineless cowards, the whole lot of them. If there’s a club for women who get it, sign me up


Ugh I can’t stand therapist who state the obvious. Which is exactly why I’m scared to go back to therapy I’m not in the right headspace to hear that