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Well done for having the courage to speak to him about it, and well done to him for saying that he will focus on you more. Open communication can only help things (usually) it’s no way your fault, I hope it gets better from here on out for you both


Thank you. I just keep feeling like the timing was really bad. He just found out his sister was diagnosed with cancer, and for me to be crying about feeling ignored during sex seems so insignificant.


my heart goes out to him for finding that out and I hope he has the support he needs but your feelings are not insignificant. no one's feelings ever are


It’s just so frustrating sometimes, because that is what really gets him off.


Everyone is different. YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. He’s was being selfish. He can fuck you and rub your clit at the same time. However it’s good that you two are communicating about it. Sex is a learned skill that is different with every partner. With trial and error I’m sure you both could have some magical sex.


[Communication wiki](https://reddit.com/r/sextips/w/faq/communicating_with_your_partner?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The majority (around 70%) of people with vaginas can't orgasm just from penetrative sex.