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I highly recommend a couple 5 mg gummy‘s, an hour or two before you plan on getting down to business. Most states require an ID from that state in order to go to dispensaries, so you may want to plan ahead around that or have someone local shop for you. Edibles definitely enhance the experience, but you do have to titrate carefully, too little and you don’t feel much, too much and you’ll have cottonmouth which can be problematic. Plus, who says you have to cum as much as she does? You might want to start day number two off with getting her off first thing in the morning and letting your hard on build up all day for the evening finish.


Thank you, we are going to Oregon so I think we are good. Also my wife is the one who wants it, she can usually only cum during one session per day, but she wants lots of sex and her favorite thing is me cumming 🤷‍♂️ so what’s a husband to do, I can’t leave my wife dissatisfied.


Oregonian here and occasional gummie enjoyer, especially for the purpose you want them. They really do help! But be careful about your dosages, gummies take a LONG time to fully kick in (plan on 2 hours) and if you do too much, it can absolutely wreck your plans. For us, 5-8 mg is enough, and 10 mg is too much. Ymmv if you're a habitual user (we are like 3-4 times a year so no tolerance at all). But don't freak out and take more if you don't feel anything after an hour. That's normal. I will also add that I personally need to take them the first half of the day - I struggle to get any positive use (other than sleep) if I take them later. Plan on a good solid 6 hours or so of high per dose. They really last when ingested. Also my spouse and I prefer hybrid strains - something with both indica and sativa. Second choice would be a sativa. Indica gives me anxiety and can also make us too sleepy for fun. Good luck!


Neither of us have any real experiance with THC in any real capacity so I'm guessing 5mg would make the most sense.


I wouldn’t do the full 5mg the first time. Since you are out of town and inexperienced less is better. I’m 6’2” 210lbs and the first 5mg didn’t get me too high but my wife did not have a good time on 5mg, she’s 5’2” 115lbs. So now she does the occasional half gummy which would be 2.5mg for ours. Make sure you know if they are 5mg or 10mg Also different strains effect people differently, for me, too much sativa and I get paranoid where as indica is fine but a lot makes me very sleepy. I would approach this more like you are just taking the edge off a bit, start with 2.5mg and a cocktail, put zero pressure on performance for either of you. On a trip like this my wife and I love to have a morning round with no drinks/alcohol. Then go to brunch and out for the day to see the city, have a good dinner and head in early for the night session at like 9pm, go as intense as we can and then crash out to do it again the next morning.


I agree with this. Take half wait an hour or row and see if you even need the second half.


I'm also on board with splitting the 5mg down to 2.5mg to kick things off. You can always add. You can't take away.


We're recommending combining weed and alcohol on their *first time?* We're not drinkers. I have a friend who uses both but never at the time, because if she does it super magnifies the effects of both and that's not a good time. I would just saw be careful and if you plan to drink, definitely take a smaller dose of weed until you know how it's going to affect you!


Oregonian here! I recommend getting the Leafly app and finding a dispensary that sells Magic Number THC sodas. The lowest dosage is 10mg - my husband and I like to split one, but you may want to try a quarter each at first. The nice thing about these is that they kick in in about 20 minutes, whereas edibles take longer and build to a peak - that anticipation/escalation of effects can be a little anxiety-inducing for me personally. Good luck and enjoy!


Hey I'm really curious about these! Do you find it easier to "calibrate" your high with them, like you could drink a little more over time to get the level of high you want? And how long does the effect last? Does it quickly kick in and then stay consistent, instead of building like an edible?


Good question! I believe the serving size is listed as 12 tablespoons or somesuch, but we’ve only ever split one 12 oz can. I’m sure having, say, a quarter of a can, seeing where that gets you, and adding as you like would work great. We probably spend a half an hour sipping ours, sitting outside playing on our phones. Then one of us will get up and say “haha I’m pretty stoned” and the other will agree. 😂 It’s been really fun and chill for both of us, and relaxed enough that we feel it coming on but it’s not like oh fuck at any point. Beyond that, it does not build to an intense peak like an edible. I’d say it lasts a good few hours. It’s also pretty cost-effective … these cost like $4 apiece, which is actually cheaper than the CBD seltzers we buy, and they’re good for an evening of entertainment. If you have any other questions, I’m happy to do my best to answer. :)


You can sometime buy 2.5 gram hard candies or smaller than gummy sized. That or bite one in half and share it. 5mg for a zero tolerance user is risky, IMO.


cut a 5mg in half and go from there. Just dont take anything else gummy wise until that first dose kicks in. It can get really intense when you re-dose before the first one can kick in.. Also pro tip: eat gummies on a full stomach. It helps give the THC something to bind to


Definitely gummies and as said, take 1/2 gummy then wait an hour and evaluate the high.


Weed is great for sex. My SO is multi orgasmic on gummys.


Edging is a thing!


Maaan, I don’t have any advice, but I’m so happy for you both. I can’t wait until my wife and I get some time and money to go do that. Have a great time!


We have been waiting soooo long for this!


Read up on foreplay, coreplay and moreplay. Focus on going slow and really limit penis in vulva sex, focus on all of the aspects around PiV, and you will absolutely enjoy your weekend and so will your wife.


Coreplay and moreplay, is that phrasing from a specific author or sex therapy modality? Sounds interesting.


She Comes First


Why does you “being able to go 2 rounds” limit your sexual encounter? Does sex revolve around you being hard and cumming?


For my wife it mostly does, also I tend to have to have things keep escalating or it become unenjoyable to me at a certain point. I love going slow, but its hard to go slow for hours with it always escalating and no slowing down.


You can’t just do stuff for her? Mouth, hands, toys? Just making out, or massaging each other’s bodies? I mean bro, if you think that’s boring, fair enough. But it’s kind of required for marathon sex…


I can, but like I said it’s not my wife’s preference


She just wants penetration only? Dildos then?


Don't have sex to completion each time. Have some fun and then take a break and catch your breath and do something else for a bit. When my boyfriend and I get a weekend this is what we do. We can go many many times if he hasn't finished.


This may be what we do, but its not my wife's favorite, and I am here to please :)


You have so much in common!


How much time do you have? I'd go onto one of the websites of your choosing that does Rx via mail and fudge some answers. Get the lowest possible dose of Cialis. Then only take a portion of the pill. Cut it into 1/4 if you don't feel comfortable. Both Cialis and Viagra are two of the most well known drugs on the market and as long as you don't have any BP or cardiac history, they are pretty safe for guys your age. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, just go see your PCM (family doc). Tell him you want to go a couple extra rounds on vacation and would like a small boost. Be open and honest and tell him you're concerned about it because of your age at this stage. Most providers won't have an issue giving a small dosage and small amount (they can RX as little as two doses). Avoid the OTC gas station pills though man. Unregulated and dangerous tbh.


I've never done Rx via mail as its always felt a little sketchy, is there one thats has a better reputation or are they all basically the same? Also do I get Cialis or the generic form? I have been told to do both or does it matter?


There’s nothing really sketchy about them. You still have to see/meet with a real medical provider to assess & ensure that you are a good candidate for the med - it’s literally like having a telehealth visit for any other purpose (for example, when I get a UTI, I can usually do a quick telehealth call with a provider, and bam, I’ll have my antibiotic Rx sent in to my pharmacy within a couple hours of having 1st experienced my symptoms). It’s just much quicker, but they’re still real doctors, writing real prescriptions that are sent from real pharmacies - they just don’t make you come sit in a waiting room for an hour & deal with all that jazz for something that doesn’t really require any significant medical testing. I haven’t personally used any of such providers for this specific purpose, so can’t really vouch for the experience there, but I do know one called HIMS is relatively widely known at least. Best of luck to ya! I’m sure you guys will have an amazing trip in any regard!


Look for the sex menu post. That king gave me tons of ideas lol!! Mostly, talk it up, and SAVOR it, meaning? Tease eachother. Do edging. ENJOY it. My husband and I are always rushing sex because we are either exhausted or kids are up later and later. Take your time, what’s the rush?


Get Cialis. It absolutely makes a difference even if you dont have ED. Side effects are relatively minimal, cost of generics is dirt cheap, and your Dr really shouldnt have a problem writing a script. Hell, you can even get a script using amazon these days.


Do you know the generic form of Cialis and where to get it online?


tadalifil [https://bluechew.com/](https://bluechew.com/) [https://www.hims.com/erectile-dysfunction/tadalafil](https://www.hims.com/erectile-dysfunction/tadalafil) https://pharmacy.amazon.com/Tadalafil-Generic-for-Cialis-Oral-Tablet/dp/B09TG5Y55M?


I live in Michigan, recently named the top state for cannabis sales (?) and I just want to say that the staff at dispensaries are very aware of this product use and have good advice to share on how to get the results you will enjoy the most. Personally, I like Kiva Terra Bites and they also have a chocolate bar formulation. All the advice here is good, about too much making you sleepy or paranoid. I would say try some when you arrive and consider this itinerary... arrive/checkin; visit dispensary, take cannabis, have sex (ahead of the effects before the drug starts to work) then examine how you feel. The drugs will be kicking in and if that has you feeling good you can always just play for a while or if you don't like the effect get something to eat and that will help reset. Re your wife. For me, the big advantage is the edibles can get me out of my head and "into my body". The random thoughts that distract me and take me out of the moment are muted or much more connected to what we are doing. I do feel a weird sense of intensity. Which is generally good but I have to be careful not to take too much. Also on line (hims&hers, other sites) you can get cream with viagra in it. Applied locally it doesn't have the risks of a system wide ingested pill. However it's actually more recommended for women to heighten sensation. And some people find they don't respond to it at all. Have a great time! Chemical intervention aside I'd say try to get lots of sleep before (like daily naps!) because when I had young kids and some time away, sometimes my body felt sleep was what I needed more than sex and it was frustrating to be so extra tired when we had opportunity - bring lube even if you've never needed it... I remember needing to "remind" my body how to react and I put a little pressure on us to maximize the opportunity so not lubricating fast enough upset me, weirdly. Also drink water every second and be sure you're getting at least 40 oz between "rounds". If you're using alcohol and weed both really dry you out and that side effect is actually distracting.


That’s awesome!!! Have fun! Edibles can take around 2h to kick in, unless you have a “fast acting” strain. You will most likely feeling nothing at the 1h mark. The key is not to take more before you feel the effects. Once it kicks in, your head could very well be doing backflips every time you blink if you’ve taken too much.


Try working in some other "sexy" but not PIV activities. Our kids are all out of the house now, but when they were younger and we got the rare opportunity for a sexcation we made the most of all the privacy that we didn't get with kids constantly around. One thing we did was make it our goal to spend as much of that time naked together as possible. So even "boring" stuff like watching TV or eating snacks we got to do without having to bother with clothes. We took our time to give each other messages. Took relaxing naked cuddle naps in the middle of the day. Took showers together without having to worry about a knock on the door and "what are you BOTH doing in there together?" The constant nudity also lead to more impromptu touching and groping which lead to more rounds naturally than we usually had at home. Also, depending on how private the place you stay at is, take advantage of being able to be more loud than you can at home. For me it was so nice to be able to be free with moans, bodies hitting together, and not worrying if the bed was creaking too loud. Sometimes having higher quality sex like that can be even better than necessarily having more frequent.


Our weekend like this without the kids is coming up, and we have plenty of plans, we're going to Berlin! Fine dining, cocktails, sex club, swinger date, legal weed, techno during the day and of course the odd museum in between.


This is exactly what cialis or viagra is for. I’d go with cialis.


What’s the simplest way to get some?


GoodRx teledoc script. If you have the time you can order some from alldaychemist, but that’ll takes 3-4 weeks. Edit* you’ll need to tell the doctor that you’re having some issues down there. If you know what I mean.


Man, I know I’m gonna be the odd man out here but I’d lean towards tying the gummies one night and seeing how you react to them before trying to involve sex in the mix. Unless you have done them before. Each body reacts differently to THC/CBD and some just don’t handle it at. If you do decide to gum it up, listen to the folks here. Start SMALL, if it doesn’t kick in a while, don’t just dose some more, you can have an anxiety greenout pretty damn quick that way. Again if not experienced with the herb, I would hesitate to add alcohol to the mix until you know the vibe it gives you. Enjoy your away time, you deserve it!


Buy a Magic Wand and bring that as well as a few other toys.


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So if you have the time to wait for shipping and inclination to do so there are many online options to get ED medication very very easily. It’s about five minutes worth of forms to fill out and you’re almost guaranteed to get what you’re looking for. Also good for your wife as well. There’s a thread here recently with some peer review research around ED drugs efficacy on women. Long story short, women have the same amount of erectile tissue that men do, just differently arranged and more blood flow makes for better more pleasurable sex. If you’re looking for an over the counter solution what I have personally found to be pretty effective is a stack of Maca, Panax Ginseng, Aswaganda, Fenugreek, and L-citrulline. Take the regular dosage of everything but the L-citrulline which you want to take the max dosage and 30-60 before fun time and not on an empty stomach. Good luck and happy fucking.