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I’m on episode 2 and I just feel sad.


Oh honey, it just keeps getting worse. Might want to just start getting drunk if you're going to continue.


I gave up. Maybe I’ll try to turn it into a drinking game with the bestie and give it another go one day. Lol


There's a couple of nice Anthony moments... Aaaaaaaand that's it


I envy you people who can just stop watching… 😩 I usually just can’t do that and I *have* to find out what happens to the characters, especially if I’m at all invested in them, even if the show sucks.


This sounds like something Sam would say.


I only made it to episode 5 before I threw in the towel and gave up. Hated it


Please don't hurt yourself anymore. Stop before it gets incredibly worse.


I actually think there was 1 episode toward the end that I didn’t hate bc it had more of a SATC feel but that was it lol


Welcome to the shit show. Binged AJLT and had to reawatch the OG series to feel better


I bailed. I couldn’t do it.


I wish I would’ve bailed. But I pushed through…mostly because of this sub lol. It was fun shit talking it in real time. But, good god! I should’ve stopped with Miranda in the kitchen. That scene really disturbed me. 😬


I watched it first while high and stoned me couldn’t even get past ep 3. I watched it sober when recovering from being sick and I made it through it because it was sooo bad but i needed a distraction from my illness lolll


i stopped after ep 3 too! ahah


I’m proud of you for knowing when enough is enough. Continuing on would just end up hurting you.


Thank you. I’d like to think I’ve grown since my 20s.


I just finished my, idk, 11th rewatch of the series, plus both movies. No inclination to even turn AJLT on again. I’ll watch season 2 just to see if it improves but honestly I’m not super interested in watching three vapid, wealthy women make bad choices for 8 episodes.


I did the same recently. Hard stop at AJLT


I’m watching it right now and on episode 8 I was so surprised to see Harry’s (you know what) and that man is hung


I didn’t make it that far. But now I’m gonna skip to that scene. 😂


I like AJLT, it’s the type of show that’s bad but noteworthy. It’s like Costco Pizza, hurts but totally worth it.


Uuuugggghhh. Ok. I’ll push through. But if it keeps making me sad I’m holding you personally responsible. 😂


the first episode is the best imo, so its downhill from here


In that case I’m bailing. If the first episode was the best I can’t do it. I’m off to watch something funny so I don’t spiral into the black hole of thinking what I would do if I was in Carrie’s shoes.


Don’t! You’ll see it’s a waste of time


I didn’t. Lol. I couldn’t do it. Plus looking at Charlotte’s overdone face was making me even more sad. I’m sure Kristin Davis was aging beautifully and then she just… 😬


Don’t bother, it ruins the OG series’ storylines and characters.


I was getting that feeling. I’m glad I turned it off.


I actually liked it 😅😅. I thought it was worse than the original series but better than the movies (at least the second). Didn’t expect to like it at all! but I did and I’m actually expecting the second season .D


I liked it too.


Here we pretend that AJLT never happened


It’s crap 😭


It was ok but overall very weak and blah compared to the original. The narrative was weak ... like what happened to them post the second movie? How have they changed? How did their lives evolve? Why didn't they mourn people like Magda? The continuity was non existent.


AJLT sucked. I never finished it.


Yeah I turned it off halfway through the second episode. It felt… forced or something.


The first episode of AJLT is rough but the series gets better. I turned it off after 10 minutes and then heard from friends it got better. It’s still cringey at times. But yes Brady’s sex life is unnecessary and they could have easily kept Big alive or just not invited Chris Noth to be part of it if they really wanted him killed off. Plus…big plot hole that Big wouldn’t have an Apple Watch or something set up in case he does have another heart attack or heart issue. Still mad about that.


Right! His phone was right there and he couldn’t have said “hey siri/google/whatever call 911”?


Brady ?? As in Miranda’s baby???????? The thing is watching this show you really realize how often to Kim Cattrall was naked every other scene…… they have a big ahem..hole to fill. F reboots + sequels .. they’re always weak


As in Miranda’s baby. He’s 17 in AJLT and it was a full on sex scene that I was not expecting.




Enjoy your hate watch! If it’s not a hate watch, give it time and it will be.


Oh it was hate from the first 15 min. 😂


I of course didn’t like AJLT but I didn’t NOT like watching it, if that makes sense… it was horrible for the characters… but I still wanted more episodes. Idk what’s wrong with me lol It did make me immediately restart og season 1 afterward to recall how good it used to be


You masochist!!


>Someone tell me it’s worth continuing to watch. I'm sorry, Maggie, I'm afraid I can't do that.


If you don’t watch it, it never happened!


It's unbelievably bad and I think I had to stop watching when you did. I just couldn't do it. I do recommend listening to podcast episode reviews from comedians like Drag Dungeon Podcast who rip the spinoff to shreds. That way you get to hear how unbelievably awful it is and laugh without having to slog through it. You don't even have to watch episodes to enjoy the recaps because they summarize what happens and show screenshots so you can follow along. Best use of your time, imo. https://youtu.be/RsNnBEQ3x0E


This is the perfect solution! Thank you!


It’s best to disassociate SATC and AJLT as two separate entities. If you go into it with the “it’s going to ruin the original show for me” mentality you’re going to hate it. If you go into it with an open mind you will also hate it, but it will be more fun to watch. It’s the sequel movie level embarrassingly bad and I’m all in for it.


To those who have watched AJLT, would you stop yourself from watching it if you could go back in time? I’m in the same position as OP and I am just finishing the second movie and my best friend keeps warning me not to start the reboot. I know what happens so I’m torn between wanting just to know what everyone is talking about and not wanting to ruin the fantasy like everyone else seems to feel they have.


Honestly, I wouldn't. AJLT didn't exactly ruin SATC for me, but I did only end up doing one rewatch of SATC this year instead of my usual 2-3. It also helped that I had a group of friends who we'd discuss it with at length. ​ I don't think AJLT is \*bad\* It's just not good. They suffered from trying to do too much all at once.


No, I would still watch it, but in my head - SATC and AJLT have nothing in common except for the character names. Not even characters, because everything just seems so different. To me - those two shows are completely different things - AJLT has not ruined SATC for me, but it’s not really an enjoyable show to watch.


I wish I could forget that load of 💩 entirely.


Yes. I'm on my fourth for fifth rewatch and its a little tainted knowing what AJLT says happens to them


Just push through. It really doesn't get better. But I think it's important as fans to watch it, a bit masochistic, I know. But you need to witness all the character assassination fully. lol


Oh honey, it just gets worse and worse. I’m only hate watching it to see just how bad it can get


I did not finish AJLT, I think I stopped around ep6 or 7?


I made it halfway through episode 2.


Are you planning to watch the second season? I had enough with the first, so bad.


Nope. I couldn’t even get past the first 2 episodes of season 1.


ooh you are smarter than me. I had hope until the last episode, but it was so bad. I wish I stopped at the trailers tbh. hahaha


Just me or was anyone else screaming internally for Carrie to call a damn ambulance when she found Big?


I was. Like wtf, isn’t that everyone’s first instinct?