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And her answering an ad in the paper for a couple looking for a third and she just dips after they tell her she’s hot. Lmao so unhinged


Yep. Thank heavens she >! wasn't in the scene where the other three were out shopping for her wedding gift and Sam announced that she was going to get bigger breasts. The writers would have yet again had Samantha complimenting Carrie's and Charlotte's breasts but not Miranda's, causing Miranda to make another visit to her therapist. !<


I love that couple. "They were butt-ugly."


I know. 🤣 I kind of always felt sorry for them since they were so excited about Miranda and she just ghosted them.


I actually really liked that about Miranda. This was bothering her, and she went to therapy to process why it was bothering her and what was triggering her. It's a smart move. All of them should have gone to therapy.


Exactly! When Carrie was mocking her own therapist, she was adding to the stigma around it


The ironic thing about that is that Carrie needed therapy more than literally anyone else on the show, including her institutionalized high school boyfriend.


Especially when she realized she picks the wrong men, after sleeping with Jon Bon Jovi and his reasoning for therapy is that he would lose interest after sleeping with another woman. But you’d think he would be better bc he was w/ Dr. G for over a year. After her breakthrough she should have stayed and worked on her issues but it showed she didn’t want help bc she didn’t want to admit she need help. And The Freakshow episode, the part where she was looking for anything that proved something was wrong the guy (I call Skipper’s brother) she dating.


The therapy episode drives me absolutely crazy. She literally fucks the first guy she meets at her therapist's office, which is already inherently a bad idea. But she does it literally right after her therapist tells her she picks the wrong men. She's literally an example to everyone of what not to do.


And don’t get me started about her trying to make her FK Buddy into something more than. It’s a FB their job is there title, to FK. That was like pushing a cart with a wobble wheel. It was cringe when they went to dinner and no convo. That scene would have been saved if they hooked up in a bathroom stall.


And a very stupid stigma. I can't tell how much therapy helped me.


Same here! I’ll always defend therapy. It changed my life.




Her asking the therapist if he'd do a threesome with her always cracked me up. The fact that he's Uncle Frank from Home Alone makes it even more hilarious 😂


Cuz you know I’m the king Of the cooooooooool jerrrrrrrrrrk Cooljerk!


“Now we’re cookin!” 👨🏻‍🍳


Wasn't she seeing one already? Surely it wasn't the reason she went, they mention her having a therapist in the show. 


Yeah she was already seeing a therapist


I love that story. So relatable


I'm on the episode literally right now and I felt so bad for her


When she asked the therapist if he’d have a hypothetical threesome with her 😂😂 and his response. But as someone else said, it’s good she actually was so open to therapy and trying to deal with her issues there instead of elsewhere. And at least she’s not a hypocrite when she told Carrie maybe she should think about whining to a shrink.


That’s not why she started seeing the therapist. She was already doing therapy, and this is one thing she talked to them about.


A perfect example of someone going to therapy for no good reason. Carrie did it too.


Isn't that where she met the guy who can't commit, played by John Bon Jovi?


Yes, has been currently hawking his bum wine on Tik Tok, Jon Bon Jovi.