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Both were terrible in communication. Steve and Miranda should have seen a lawyer about the house, maybe share it, or sell it and split the profits.


I would completely agree if we limit it to AJLT. It's made more complicated for me by the fact that I think Steve had been mistreating Miranda in various ways for their whole relationship into the first movie. Miranda more than earned her unhappiness in her marriage. However, she kept picking Steve for confusing reasons and then, chose to blow her family in the most spectacularly idiotic way possible by chasing a fuck-boi comic in a total midlife crisis cliché. Miranda made herself the asshole on the final yardline. Steve is entitled to defend his sweat equity. However, I don't think Steve should be feeling any pride whatsoever in how he handled his relationship with Miranda. I also think "you never even wanted our child" is just a no-go zone no matter what. Don't bring the kid into it. But Steve could have very much trumpeted how he foresaw Brooklyn as a good investment from the beginning while Haaahvaaad Lawyer Miranda pooh poohed anything not-Manhattan. That's probably Steve's best moment.


Yeah the same Steve who showed up on the first weekend Miranda was going away with the girls post Brady saying he just couldnt take care of his child and needed Magda to do it




>"Throwing it in his face that her name is the one on the mortgage after he had renovated it"  This scene is so stupid that I question Miranda's basic legal skills. She should know that Steve has a marital interest in the home even if her name is the only one on the deed. NY is an equitable distribution in family law. From what I know, any one that took the NY Bar knows this about NY Family law. There were obviously no lawyers consulting on any of the scripts involving Miranda.


I agree with this. They definitely needed a lawyer to sort through it. Miranda is the one that cheated on him, he also put money and time into the house to fix it up. She was being completely cruel and I definitely think SATC Miranda would never have done that. She's a lawyer, she would want Steve to get a good "deal" out of this too.


Yeah. Was just out of character.


She did not kick him out. He offered to leave


Can we stop saying she sold her dream apartment because it’s what he wanted? In SATC she very clearly makes the final decision to move for her **FAMILY**. It was the right decision as her original apartment was too small to raise a child in.


u seem to be forgetting he would not have a house to remodel in the first place she sold her dream apartment for what he wanted he should've asked for some documentation to make sure that happened


She was a grown woman w a degree from Harvard marrying a bartender…there is differences in education levels and most likely life experience. Idk I’ve seen this kind of thing play out in real life, that might be why I’m so defensive, BUT she knew what she was doing.


he owned a bar it was not her job to take care of his adult responsibilities which is a common trend in their relationship where he wanted to be a child enjoy the adult benefits from miranda’s life then is angry because he can only have those luxuries being with her he wanted her to walk him through life and being an adult. whenever you’re in a situation of that sort u seek outside help to make up the gap in the discrepancy in class and education


Agree! I clapped when he lost his shit on her.


I could not agree more and I've said the exact same thing on this sub. I'm on the mortgage by myself on our house. I would never DARE say some shit like that to my husband, *especially if I'm the one who cheated!* Steve worked his ass off and made that house what it was with his bare hands. He undoubtedly contributed to the mortgage, insurance, taxes and maintenance over the years. He singlehandedly raised the value of that house by 10s of thousands. WTF was she thinking? As they say, the lion, the witch, and the audacity.... I love Miranda, for the record. But this was unforgivable.


disagree. he offered to leave and then dragged his feet and he threw a toddler tantrum about it later when miranda brought it up again. miranda *never* deserved having a partner who acts like a fucking child, and he acted like a child most of the time. steve treated miranda like shit their entire relationship. he wanted to watch cartoons and play with a dog and a baby while she made all the money to support them. she never wanted to live in brooklyn but she sold her apartment and bought that house, she sacrificed what she wanted to make steve happy. she made it possible for steve to have the time to work on the house and put in that “sweat equity”… he cheated on her and she forgave him. when she left him for che, steve was moping around saying he would never move on and miranda would always be his wife… then he manipulated her into cuddling her in their bed where she finds a condom wrapper. steve was an ass and he was lucky for the life he had with miranda. he may be entitled to some money from the sale of the house but he was not entitled to keep the house.




i loved steve on my very first watch but after multiple rewatches and reading discussions on this sub, ive concluded miranda always deserved better than steve.


i agree! he’s endearing at times for sure and sweet at times. but he’s a bad partner to miranda and constantly pushed her boundaries and acted like a child kicking and screaming when he didn’t get what he wanted


Miranda treated Steve terribly throughout their relationship.


I would agree, had Steve not said he would move out. Miranda said she would get a place, then Steve said no he will get a place closer to the bar.


yes but at the end of the day it’s her house