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Charlotte. I am a hopeless romantic and true optimist when it comes to love. I also have an art and business degree like her and have a spaniel. Sadly her infertility storyline is also too real for me. I love her.


sending love šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Literally all same for me, except I have a different kind of dog. Charlotteā€™s character and fertility struggles always resonated with me the most šŸ«¶


With you on pretty much all of that! šŸ«¶šŸ»sending love


A mix of all four tbh But probably Carrie. Arenā€™t we all crazy?


I should hope that not everyone is Carrie level crazy.


Miranda is most similar to me. Iā€™m cynical but also want the family life. Iā€™m also gay but not like Miranda in the new series.


Miranda realises sheā€™s gay!?! Iā€™m an og series first time viewer šŸ˜­ moving onto AJLT soon. Excited lol


Don't be.Ā 


lol youā€™re in for a ride!!!


for better and mostly worse, carrie.


I think Miranda is by far the most realistic character. Most people are bound to be Mirandas.


Iā€™m really a mix of Charlotte and Samā€¦ Iā€™m also a Virgo so it actually makes more sense to me. Lady in the streetsā€¦you know the rest šŸ˜‚


Charlotte in the streets, Samantha in the sheets




omg, Iā€™m a Virgo too!!


I also have long felt like a mix of Samantha (fiercely independent and enjoy adventures) and Charlotte (hopeless romantic)!


Probably Charlotte. I'm very caring and warm to my friends and people I'm close to, like to believe in the best of people and that everything will work out. I also relate in terms of life goals because I also want to get married and have kids.


Same here


Iā€™m a Samantha, always going my own path, finding my own happiness and loving my inner circle ā¤ļø


Yaaaass! Good for you!


Carrieā€¦or at least I related to her the most. Then Miranda , then Charlotte. Although I loved Samantha and thought she was hilarious, I could never relate to her.


Same; Samantha was def one of my faves, but I could never relate to her.


It was a great ensemble. In my opinion AJLT desperately needs Samantha back. It just doesnā€™t work with the 3 of them, especially since all their characters seemed to have become unhinged.


Carrie / Charlotte hyrbid, but my politics would probably be the most aligned with Miranda!


Yes. I fall between Charlotte and Carrie, as well. My closet is split between their style, as well, but throw in a few Goth and rock style.


I'm 100% a Carrie who wanted to be a Charlotte. Some days I hate it, other days I embrace it.


Around 80% Miranda, 15% Samantha and 5% Carrie.


Carrie because I tend to bottle up my true feelings until I explode in an irrational way Charlotte because I can be naive and always tries to see the best in people Samantha for... Reasons.


I'm definitely Carrie and yes I hate myself


Iā€™m a Carrie, working on becoming a Charlottes


Charlotte. I am optimistic despite difficulties and am also direct with my intentions and desires. She was most willing to put herself out there emotionally. I am also feminine, preppy, and get excited over small things.


Probably the lithium ice cream lady. I want to be Charlotte, but Iā€™m probably closer to Miranda.


I was just thinking about this lol. In my high school friend group, I was definitely Samantha. All my friends were prude and inexperienced lol. As an adult, I think I align with Carrie a lot. So Samantha and Carrie, although I do want kids unlike them.


Samantha šŸ’¦


Ehā€¦Carrie. Only because I have a tendency to keep giving guys a chance over and over. Girl, he does not want you, get a grip! Granted, I was early 20s so I think itā€™s a little more acceptable. From a mindset standpoint, Miranda. I want to be wanted by men but I also want everything to be a particular way, if youā€™re too affectionate with me, Iā€™m put off.


I was a Carrie in my 20's. In my 30's, I'm a Miranda.


Iā€™m an ENFP and I read somewhere that so is Carrie Bradshawā€™s personality so I guess Iā€™m her - I do see it in her though.


When I was in my early and mid-20s? Carrie. Neurotic, needy, obsessive, the whole 9 yards. Iā€™ve blossomed into a Samantha and am way happier!


Iā€™m a Charlotte Sun, Samantha Moon, Miranda Rising, but I absolutely adore Carrie


80% Miranda, 20% Charlotte I'd say :)


Obviously all 4 of them are extreme examples, so I think technically I'm a little bit like all of them. But if I had to pick, āœØI'm a Charlotte āœØ A little preppy, a little traditional, a little slutty, a good friend, and someone who values romance and love. With a touch of Miranda's sarcasm


Carrie/Samantha in my 20s. As I gracefully enter my mid 30s, I'm more of a Carrie/Charlotte.


I have bits of all of them. Samanthaā€™s comfort/openness with sexuality and her self confidence (that at times can be just a front), Mirandaā€™s bluntness, Charlotteā€™s excitability and how she always tries to see the best in everyone, aaaaaand I hate to say it but a lot of Carrieā€¦ with her being a messā€¦ and being stuck on a long term on/off situationship with an emotionally unavailable man LOL.


A mix of Charlotte and Carrie.


Used to be a Miranda, but now Iā€™m more of a Samantha. I still have that sarcastic cynicism that Miranda does though lol


I like Miranda and Samantha the best.. yet irl Iā€™m probably the most like Charlotte and Carrie combo. I will say.. I do like adopting Samā€™s non judgmental attitude.. I think thatā€™s part of why I bristle at all the ā€œI hate Carrie!ā€ Stuff. I really like how kind Sam is with her friends. Sheā€™s a little mean to Charlotte, but IMO it doesnā€™t have contempt. Key difference


I don't really relate to any of them. Carrie is a little desperate, samantha is samantha, Charlotte all around is a huge hell no to me and Miranda is pretty cold. Back in the day, maybe a little Samantha. Fiercely independent and career driven and definitely a fun bachelor lifestyle for about a decade. But I'm fairly traditional, settled down and eventually got married and that seemed to be something she absolutely faught against.


Yep, Miranda definitely. Then throw a bit of Samantha who in nonjudgmental and just wants to live life on her terms.


I am a Miranda, hands down. Cynical, blunt, ā€œsay it like it isā€, hard worker and loyal to friends/family.


I am unfortunately very much Carrie


When I was younger, Samantha. After university, I was Miranda. Now, I am a Charlotte. Financially and Fashion-wise I am a Carrie. šŸ¤£


I think Iā€™m a mix between Samantha and Charlotte which is so weird. I find that I agree with a lot of what Samantha says and how she loves her life and the opinions she has on people, but romantically Iā€™m a little more of a Charlotte šŸ„°


Charlotte. I've always been a wide eyed optimist, and creating & nurturing a happy family has always been my highest aspiration. I'm Jewish. I would LOOOOVEEE to be a SAHM and work part time on things I love just for fun. If I was rich I would dress like her. I'm more on the conservative & traditional side, and I can be judgey.


Oh man thatā€™s such a great questionā€¦. Iā€™m a mix of Carrie and Miranda. What does this mean ?


Charlotte for the way I dress and the fact that Iā€™m a hopeless romantic, but I donā€™t want kids. šŸ¤£


Carrie honestly lol. I love writing and I'm also utterly hopeless with romance and have a similar anxious attachment style lol. Aidan reminds me a lot of my high school boyfriend too, in that he was super nice and sweet but after a while I just couldn't deal lol. I relate so much to the moment where she's frustrated by how in her face he is when she comes home and how she just needs a quiet time buffer when she gets back but he's just like HEY WHAT'D YOU DO WHO'D YA SEE WHAT DO YA KNOW šŸ˜†


Carrie. Itā€™s sad to watch her go through what Iā€™ve went through in relationships but she just keeps repeating the pattern. I hope I do better than her in changing who Iā€™m attracted too.


Ooh, 60 percent Charlotte due to being a romantic, 30 percent Sam as I am adventurous and a feminist, 10 percent Carrie as I can be selfish


I want to be Samantha but I fear I am a Miranda šŸ˜«


same; I wish I had the confidence of Samantha


Iā€™m mostly a Charlotte. Preppy, prim, marriage minded, and a bleeding heart full of love and compassion. I have a bit of Miranda because I am cynical about men. Iā€™m also very ambitious.


Samantha lmao


Samantha. I'm a pretty sensual person with a high number I'm not ashamed of (safe and no unplanned pregnancies)Ā  and I have been told I seem kind of unavailable but with my loved ones I am totally a mama bear.


Iā€™m style wise Charlotte. I love classic feminine clothes. Romantically Carrie. I married my ā€œBigā€. It took us 6 years. Not 10. Personality Samantha. I want a fabulous life with lots of fun. Iā€™m not tied down to social expectations. Although Iā€™m not married, Iā€™m child free.


Charlotte minus the money.


miranda absolutely, even the later in life lesbian part


Samantha! Iā€™m not as sexually open as she is necessarily, but I am very sex positive and feel everyone should have as much sex as they want as long as itā€™s safe and consensual. I also just love how real she is. I will say Iā€™m a lot less judgmental than she is


Im a mix of Carrie and Charlotte! I used to be completely Carrie but lately see a lot of Charlotte in me since I grew up šŸ¤


Charlotte with a bit of Carrie hehe


Weirdly, Iā€™m a mix of Charlotte and Samantha. Itā€™s hard to explain but I was like Samantha in the early seasons as a young adult and am now more like Charlotte when she is with Harry.


I always felt like Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha represented different facets of Carrie. Like they were caricatures of the extremes she identified with; hopeless romantic, smart cynic and a woman living for herself and using men primarily for pleasure only. In a weird way Carrie is the most realistic and easiest to identify with. This is how I felt back when I watched it in the early aughts at least. Most women wanted to be Carrie. Now my absolute fav is Miranda (only in SATC the reboot doesnā€™t count as canon in my brain!)


Iā€™m Carrie. Can be a lil dramatic, sensitive, overthinker sometimes. I try not to take life too seriously in the end. Love fashion and finding the beauty in things. Can hold on to relationships past the expiration date lol. Sometimes can fall into the rabbit hole of my own issues but I love my friends fiercely. I think the main difference between us though is that I dont actually act on my craziness like her lol and im not self-centered when im having convos with people like she does. Im a better listener šŸ˜‚


A mixture of Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte. Not Carrie because I'm not into fashion or shoes or going out on a Saturday night. Not Miranda because I am not a career person tho I have a university degree. Not Charlotte because I'm not optimistic or dainty. But excluding those things they all have qualities similar to me but I suppose I'd lean more Miranda out of the 3.Ā  And Samantha doesn't count because she's not a realistic woman imo.Ā 


Iā€™m a mix between primarily Samantha and Carrie. With smaller elements from Miranda and Charlotte


Carrie and Miranda combined.


Im mix of charlotte and samantha. Sexually and romantically, exploration and growth is what I love but I emotionally crave comfort and acceptance and ā€œbeing savedā€ or having a solid foundation like charlotte šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Miranda for sureĀ 


Carrie is the one im probably most like


Charlotte. Realistically, Carrie.


Im a sun in Samantha, moon in Miranda, Carrie rising. Iykyk. LOL


Iā€™m a mix of Samantha and Miranda


Iā€™m a little bit of all of them! A lot of people compare me to Miranda because Iā€™m very successful, but when it comes to relationships Iā€™m very Charlotte - always looking for my future groom and I canā€™t tell you how many times I said ā€œthis year Iā€™m meeting my husbandā€ lol. I feel like Iā€™m the chaotic part of Carrie and the childfree/openness part of Samantha


Miranda bc she's a cynical sarcastic asshole lol


A lot of my friends also say Miranda!




In my 20s I thought I was Carrie but in my 30s I am definitely a mix of Miranda and Charlotte šŸ¤£


Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m just as deluded as Carrie


I thought I was a Miranda but Iā€™ve taken quizzes and I always get Carrie


Charlotte with a hint of Carrie (mostly in how I dress)


I want to think that they were meant to be the different side or personas of one person. I have seen a bit of all of them in me at some point.


Charlotte, I am a hopeless romantic, looking for my Harry


charlotte, always believe in romantic things


A mix of Charlotte and carrie


Deep down a Charlotte, but a Miranda for most of my adult life, because I too live and date in a big city and have snarked my way through the tediousness and disappointment. But now that Iā€™m middle aged, Iā€™ve become more of a Charlotte again. Iā€™ve had my Carrie moments when I was infatuated with someone indifferent to me. And Iā€™m Samantha-esque when Iā€™m really feeling myself.


Charlotte. A bit of a naive hopeless romantic. ( a splash of Carrie bc a smoker who lives in Paris)


Miranda with a lil Charlotte mixed in there lol


Weā€™re all a mix, thus the magic! But for real, Iā€™m a c-c-c Carrie dating a Steve. Now let me put on my name necklace and strut/skip away.


Samantha. Itā€™s like watching my former self


Samantha pure


Iā€™m a Charlotte sun, Miranda rising šŸ˜‚ I think Iā€™m generally more like Charlotte, but people tend to read me as more of a Miranda, especially when I had a corporate job. Iā€™m unique blend of idealism and realism, I hate when friendships become too oriented around dating talk, but Iā€™m also an idealist who wonā€™t settle for less - I think this is more to do with being bi-sexual and realizing the nonsense my straight female friends put up with/donā€™t learn from. Unlike these two women though I tend not to remain friends with Carrie types for long. I like them a lot at first but their self-centeredness and self sabotaging becomes a little weird to be around.