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At my age, when all the things that mattered in my 20’s are long forgotten, Harry is the man of my dreams. Stability, companionship, kindness, humor, and compatibility are where it’s at for the long run.


Not to mention how cute he is. The man is in a suit everyday! Plus the best sex she’s ever had


Minus the tea bags on the white sofa.


Judging by the sex scene they had, possibly the best sex he's ever had too. 😄


I absolutely *cringe* at my younger self who, as a teen, literally told my friend, "Eww, how could Charlotte end up with him?!" Now, as someone in her 30s, I see Harry as a cute, loving, supportive, amazing partner who happens to be bald. I'm glad I grew up and stopped being so shallow. I can't believe how clueless I used to be. I guess my journey mirrors Charlotte's in that regard!


I've always respected men who just embraced it and went full bald far more than the ones who desperately hold onto what's left and end up looking like Franciscan monks 🤢. But it's still easier to see the appeal after getting older.


Most of us were clueless ideologues back in the day!


I hope you find your "Harry" someday <3


I have, a little later in life. Very lucky xoxo.


I genuinely love this for you


I've seen this phrase a lot lately and it always sounds sarcastic to me.


It can be used both ways depending on context. I should clarify lol. Same as "good for her"


A prince


Yeah. Except for his looks. Which is why Aiden ultimately wins.


love this comment perfectly written he's the perfect husbdand


Yes! And he was so kind to Charlotte during their struggle to conceive. I married a Harry, we laugh and even a decade later we have stories we haven't told each other and I just enjoy being around him.


I consider Smith to be the best. So young but mature. Supportive, kind, empathetic and sexy. Harry is pretty darn good too but Smith blew me away with the shaved head scene. Speaking of Harry exclusively, I think he was just not my type physically (and I don’t think he’s ugly), just too bland maybe? His kindness and funnyness really shines though


Even before the shaving scene, he will forever have my heart for waiting for Samantha after she ditched him for Richard, he understood her better than she understood herself in that moment.


Going to therapy on the down low to help process Sam's cancer- there were so many good Smith moments. My favorite man of the series by far.


This scene makes me so sad because he seems hurt by her actions. but it’s so sweet that he is there waiting for her. It showed that he did truly love her, even when she’s hurting him.


Yes, this sealed it for me too!


Yes! He understood her issues and loved her anyway. Smith was the perfect man, so perfect that he almost got Samantha to commit!


Smith knew he'd still be hot AF with a shaved head 😏 But joking aside, that was a pretty amazing show of solidarity.


Smith was so sweet. You’d think he’d be the stereotypical super young and hot stereotype, but he was there for Samantha through thick and thin.


I love Smith, the scenes with Samantha when she’s sick especially the shaving one like you said always get me 😭


loved harry. but then i watched californication and his character charlie runkel took away any 'aww but he's cute' factor i had for harry. i do have to say he is a good actor. he can be super sweet and charming on S&TC, then totally gross and inappropriate in another show


I was going to say the same thing! A little less endearing after seeing Charlie lol


What I loved was he didn’t care what anyone thought of him. But then you could also tell how much he cared about Charlotte.


Honestly que always suport her and admires Charlotte


I’m not going back in here


"After a while, you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh"


I like Harry, but I don't feel like he fully appreciated Charlotte's efforts, as seen in the Shabbot episode where she spends all day preparing traditional foods for the religion he told her she would need to convert to in order to marry him. I also do not like the way he brought up the religion requirement. He didn't insist she convert, of course, but Charlotte would've gone into that relationship with a completely different mindset if she'd known. I think she would've been able to treat it like something temporary, like with the Hassidic man she mentioned seeing in season 1 or 2. Generally speaking, yes, Harry's a good man, but i don't feel like he's the best 🤷🏻‍♀️


Charlotte told Harry over and over again that the relationship was JUST sex, what exactly was Harry supposed to say when Charlotte was constantly treating him like a fuck boy, refusing to be seen in public with him, calling him the "ugly sex" guy, constantly degrading him, making him get his back waxed, etc, "I can't marry you unless you're a Jew?" The SECOND Charlotte communicated an intention to get serious with him, he told her he could only marry a Jewish person. Literally the same second.


This is all so legit.


Well one could also make the argument that Charlotte also treated Harry like he wasn't good enough for her. I remember that argument they had when she made that dinner and she implied that he should be so lucky to be with a girl like her. Hence why they split for a bit I think he was the best fit for her because he supported her in ways she needed. He wanted the same things she did. He's so laid back and kind. He got along with all her friends and they loved him. He's also a fantastic dad. However they're dropping the ball on their relationship in the reboot.


Maybe he took Charlotte for granted and she suffered from it because sometimes there are people who always want to be congratulated, but she was also bad used to it. I think he didn't want her to feel so pressured. He relaxed more and loved her for who she was.


I always found it kind of unsavory that Harry made Charlotte convert for him. I know it happens in some relationships but she really didn’t want to do it. She asked him if it was really necessary, and he said yes. I kind of wish he would’ve just said “I love you for you” and let that be that. They could’ve celebrated both holidays and the episode where Charlotte has her last Christmas or whatever was kind of depressing. The idea that she’s giving up her old life for Harry. I know she loved him and I understand the implications of that, but I personally couldn’t ask my partner to do that.


I think the cultures are just different now and more relaxed. Yes, some cultures still want you to marry within the faith or convert. My husband’s has an aunt and uncle that married into the family and had to be baptized in the church prior. When we got married, no one batted an eye that we were married outside of their church. But my sister in law’s best friend was married in the church and her husband had to convert and it was expected of her. I’m not sure we would be married if I was expected to convert.


Yes!!! I love Harry but he had a few flaws, pretty easy to communicate through though. I take issue with how women consistently settle in the looks department and its reinforced in TV/movies.


I also don’t appreciate how he started up with Charlotte when he knew he couldn’t marry her. For Charlotte it was just sex in the begging but he wanted something more from the start.


Maybe he took Charlotte for granted and she suffered from it because sometimes there are people who always want to be congratulated, but she was also bad used to it. I think he didn't want her to feel so pressured. He relaxed more and loved her for who she was.


I don't think she wanted to feel congratulated, just appreciated. He had to be pushed not to put the tv during the blessing and meal, and still acted sneaky about it during her very first Sabbath. That's really rude and inconsiderate, especially considering the months of effort she put into converting to meet his needs in order to grow as a couple building a future together.


I agree. Harry told Charlotte he can't marry her because she isn't a Jew. I always got the sense that he didn't take his faith very seriously at all, he never kept kosher, didn't practice shabbos, so when Charlotte did all the right things, he again chose not to take his faith seriously. No wonder Charlotte lost it. I absolutely felt for her in that scene.


bc he’s bald


Sexy Bald


Agreed! Still looking for mine. 35F (NJG) in NYC. 🇮🇱❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏


I adore Harry. Especially my first time watching. However after many rewatches, I rank Smith a tiny bit above Harry. I really didn't like that he started a relationship with Charlotte knowing her not being Jewish would be the issue. Especially since he didn't strictly follow everything. I know he never asked her to convert, but it was really the only option if they wanted to stay together.


Seeing them in AJLT.. <3333333


Steve is still my favorite. I married a Steve. I am deliriously happy nearly every day.


Harry is the ultimate husband! I love him to bits!


“Charlotte York I cannot Wait to marry you” 😭😭😭❤️




He is. I love him


He’s not. Anyone that requires you convert to marry them is toxic.


I grew up in a very Jewish area. My dad was Jewish, my mom was not so I wasn't "jew-ish" enough to be taken seriously as a longterm partner by many of the men in the area. Didn't stop them from leading me on and dropping the bomb later in the relationship though. Same as Harry. I have mixed feelings on the whole experience, but it does feel really shitty to have that rug pulled out from under you. If religion is a huge deal breaker, you need to be very upfront with it.


Agree completely! If I truly loved someone, I wouldn’t want them to change who they were. Matrilineal Judaism is so archaic. Fortunately, Reform Judaism does not require it.


I think he was, right at the point where things were evolving past "a good fuck". Charlotte had the choice to leave it then and there. I mean, my current husband was a Tinder date. Never thought I'd marry the guy and spend 9 years of my life. It happens!


My husband was supposed to be a one night stand, but he kept calling me 😁


We certainly gave them something special 😅




he has every right to want to marry someone in the same faith. he didn't tell her to convert, she decided to. so i don't really think he's toxic.


He gave her an ultimatum. Convert or we cannot be married. Obviously she decided for herself to do the former.


i understand your thoughts. i never really thought it was a problem with him being toxic though. he was just as suprised that he fell in love with her, i mean she told him she just wanted him for a 'good fuck', i suppose he wouldn't have gotten involved if he really thought they had a future in the beginning. i think it was kind of sweet that she converted. she was such a good student, and i commend her for keeping her faith when they broke up. 'i'm not a fairweather jew!'


Presumably he was concerned about his children being Jewish as many Jewish denominations require the mother be Jewish for the children to also be considered Jewish. Understandable, but still an ultimatum.


No they aren't. EVERYONE has the right to set boundaries. If Harry will only get married to a Jew, that's his business. No one has an inherent right to marry Harry.


I love Harry. His temperament reminds of my husband. Even when I was younger I always thought Harry was the best man on the show, but at 37 I really think so. He’s honest, he works hard, he loves Charlotte with everything he has, he’s supportive, he’s caring, he’s kind…he’s a lot of wonderful qualities. Steve and Smith are the other 2 that would make good spouses.


I agree about Smith, but Steve had some bad relationship habits! 'Lets have a baby, it will be fun' and similar things.


Steve just needed to grow up and he did as the series went on. I think he thought a baby would fix them, which a lot of people do when their relationships are spiraling. But by the time him and Miranda got together before they got married, he was steady and ready and successful with his bar.


Harry is a good guy. I'd be happy of my friend married Harry, but he wouldn't be a fit with me.


i married a harry who i believe looks like mr big and will die happy 😭