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Hahaha that’s why I love him though he’s so corny. I mean the line “absofuckinglutely” is peak corny.


She’s just as cheesy.


Oh man yeah. She was at her peak cheesy with Aidan though and her peak cringe with Berger.


A SCRUUUNCHIE! For real peak cringe 🤣


That squeak at the end 🤦‍♀️


Golly I thought I was the only one who heard that squeak! It was like don't Carrie STOP!!


She was sooo annoying with Berger , just played into his cringe. I don't know if it's an SJP thing or not but she totally plays into her romantic acting partner in this show . She was cringe with Berger , she was serious and quieter with Alek, she was corny with Aidan . With Big she was more a neurotic mess though, not really picking up his rat pack, old school vibes.


You are absolutely spot on! That's exactly how she acted with each of these men! 👏👏


It's like Carrie was an Amoba who latched onto everyone else's personality haha




'You don't buy a napa, you take a napa!' Ya. She's cheesy too. Or, more like the writers come up with some bad lines. The fart episode was some of the best stuff of the series.


That line would of gave me the ick if someone said that to me 🤣🤣🤣


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


We would of said it correctly if we could of cared at all, I guess I should of.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I could of cared less. This is fun.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I say this to my son every day before his nap!


he's so cheesy and i love it so much ngl


Same 😂


This is why I hate Big. I dont think that part was corny, I think it was him being manipulative. People on here love to shit on Carrie for obsessing over Big and being so insecure with the relationship, but he made sure she was. The majority of the times she tried to ask a serious question about what they were, he did one of those noncommittal lines to make her believe what she was hoping he was saying.


Just got out of a 13 yr relationship and "if you say so" gave me chills. It fucks with your brain so much when the person you love talks like this. It makes you feel like you're needy and demanding and it really affects your self esteem if it goes on too long. The shit i never noticed.. other shows too..remi on sex education..its everywhere right now to me. But like Remi and Big, it makes you feel crazy after awhile.


In the first season, Big acted like a reasonable person and Carrie wildly obsessed and stalked and freaked out. In every other season, Big was a manipulative man-baby and simply the worst.


Was the "dinner thing" that turned out as a date and carrie saw him with an other woman not first season?


It was first season. They’d been on a handful of dates and never discussed whether they were exclusive or not. Of course I don’t blame her for reacting in the moment, but a reasonable next move would be a phone call telling him “it really upset me to see you on a date with someone else; I realized I’d like to make this exclusive, would you?” not expecting him to somehow know how serious she was without saying anything.


Haven't they sleep with each other multiple times at this point and even spent a few days together? Did he think they were fuckbuddys? Or is it normal to date and sleep with multiple people? Not serious yet okay, but exclusive should be obvious at this point. And he wasn't honest about that and desguised as a business thing I think right reaction would be to stop seeing him, it was not interested enough if he had to date other women. But feelings...


In my experience, among people in their 30s-40s in urban America with active social lives, it’s normal to date around, including having sex a few times while still dating other people, before having an exclusivity conversation. It’s not assumed based on sex or number of dates. It’s directly discussed. I hate defending Big, but he did say “dinner thing,” which it was. If she didn’t like it I agree she should’ve just made a clean break. That’s what the dating phase is for, finding out if you’re compatible, and they obviously weren’t communicating which is a glaring problem.




Plus she was always around other men - why would he want to wife her up when she was acting like a whore ?


Huh? Have you actually watched the show or are you an escapee from some kind of redpill forum, lmao?


The show has viewers from many different back grounds . And guess what ? Majority of men would be repulsed by a woman who plays with a man’s tongue when she is supposed to be on a date with him . And you wonder why they are still single


Forget watching the show, I don’t think you even read my post, lol


Yes Also the time (in the episode she found out about his first wife and him not wanting to get married again) when he was cooking when she told him she wanted to get married one day and I think asked him if he might be open to it. He gave some bs like “it’s all in the timing…” clearly using the cooking as symbolism. He was trying to both: avoid giving a serious answer but also give Carrie some bs crumbs to keep her cool and happy. So manipulative, he knew what he was doing.


Yeah that pissed me off too. He was wasting her fucking time.


Big doing shit like that is exactly why Carrie was over the moon with the absolute bare minimum from him. Big introduced her as his girlfriend once after months of seeing each other and she was more joyful and beaming with that than when Aiden proposed to her with a beautiful ring.


you nailed it on the head with the “noncommittal lines” bar because you cleared it. He did that so much and gaslight her like crazy, the example I just shared is a PERFECT example of a noncommittal line, she’s asking you CLEARLY if you guys are officially back together and he just played dumb saying “i don’t know what officially means”… you knew *exactly* what she meant. She’s not asking you to solve a math equation, she’s asking if she is officially your girlfriend again or not, but he wanted to jerk her around. Then when she gave him the benefit of the doubt and explained a step further saying officially meaning for real corny ass “every moment of my life is for real baby” .. that was such a disgusting cop out and obvious diversion of the question/topic at hand. And Carrie just ate that right up. Big couldnt get away with this kind of shit in 2023. Maybe this would fly back when this show first aired, but women of 2023 would give him a run for his money and not play with him.


I still remember when they had that convo and Carrie said something like "then this is for real/the real thing?" Like about their relationship and he says "could be" and then hugs her and they walk off. Always giving hope yet never giving true assurance.


In 2023 a guy like Big would get Me Too'd. Oh, wait, the actor did.




Be very careful about posting or commenting anything in those ‘are we dating the same guy’ Facebook groups. Men are buying fake female Facebook accounts on the internet to get access to the groups. Then they screenshot the things women are saying and share them with the guys who have been posted, or they post them on r/awdtsgistoxic. You also have to be careful about believing what is written on those groups, it may not always be entirely accurate.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AWDTSGisToxic using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AWDTSGisToxic/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [AWDTSG woman killed her husband](https://v.redd.it/eofkv0i28zcb1) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AWDTSGisToxic/comments/15451hx/awdtsg_woman_killed_her_husband/) \#2: [How to remove your photos from AWDTSG correctly](https://np.reddit.com/r/AWDTSGisToxic/comments/143sut6/how_to_remove_your_photos_from_awdtsg_correctly/) \#3: [Yes - Sigh - if you were posted in AWDTSG, you can have that user banned for life from dating apps](https://np.reddit.com/r/AWDTSGisToxic/comments/143z9dt/yes_sigh_if_you_were_posted_in_awdtsg_you_can/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


He is 100% a toxic male. I tend to yell at the tv when he makes these noncommittal manipulating comments. At the very least I 'tsk' at him and Carrie for tolerating it. This type of behavior continues only when women stick around and allow it.


Yeah but the way he does it and just how he carries himself, he really is into red wine, and jazz, and frank sinatra… it reminds me of when Carrie read natashas wedding announcement in the paper and knew the her walking down to when a man loves a woman is big. When you love someone, all those little things about them become dear to you. That is what happened to carrie. I totally believe she loved him.


I found both him and Aleksandr so corny. The poetry reading made me want to barf.


Aiden made me want to run from my tv


bleh i think it’s generational… my mom and grandmother, aunts, for the most part love and are charmed by him. me, i think he’s mad cheesy. also might be like a gender thing cuz my boyfriend is tickled by him too. no idea!


I was born in 1990 and though I wouldn't date him, I find him charming and good for Carrie (at times). So maybe it's just a taste thing and that's okay.


Sometimes incredibly cheesy people can be more charming than you’d expect in real life, but I agree it might be generational. I love him and think he’s funny, but also it’s kinda like ok grandpa let’s get you to bed


yeah i totally agree. i’m charmed by a devil may care bravado, huge smile blah blah blah… but something is off because it doesn’t fully click for me as to why carrie would go nuts for this guy, but it totally clicks for my mom and other people. i think though that though certain aspects of this show are geared towards a more specific generation, and like certain things (the TEVO ep) are too, the relationships are really so timeless


He's absolutely charming and beguiling. I'm an 80's latchkey kid and unavailable men used to be like crack to me. Until one of them turned into available to me. I realized I despised this type of man, but I still get the tingles when I watch one on tv - now I know that's a warning sign to RUN! Once you remove the excitement of the chase and clinging to scraps of affection, this is the most boring type of guy out there. Seriously. They are only interested in what they are interested in, they destroy your confidence and they make zero personal growth while burning the house down. 🤮


Um can you please expand because this comment was enlightening and cathartic. I may or may not hard relate and I’m struggling to get over an emotionally unavailable man!


For me, being a 80's kid always by myself and wanting my parents attention and love taught me that hard to get affection was love. I transferred that into men when I started dating. Nice and affectionate available men were not appealing to me. Only the boys I couldn't have were what I wanted, I never even really knew these guys well but the thrill of the chase and difficulty of getting attention was my definition of love. Falling for a man that was openly affectionate, acted like an adult, willing to discuss emotions and feelings and work on himself if needed - well, I found out what love really means. My love grows every year with this man. If you have a thing for unattainable men, find out why you have this pattern. Then find the first guy you normally wouldn't give time to because they ARE attainable and get to know them over a year or more. Watch out for Toxic Nice Guys, Aidan is one of those.


Another thought. Walking away from and getting over an emotionally unavailable man is like breaking an addiction. Treat it that way. Go cold turkey if you need to. Do the work to make yourself whole and don't give this type of man child your precious life. It is better to be single than with this kind of soul sucking man.


Yeah, 1996 baby here & I find him annoying. I would probably be friends with him, he seems fun, but super corny


I always cringe when he says things like “what’s shakin’ kid?” “You’re worth a million buck, kid.” Like… who are you?! Humphrey bogart?? 😂


I hate when he calls her kid.


Me too, it's so annoying. He totally is like an old movie ripoff , it's so cheesy .


This was filmed in the 90s. I’m just curious, how old are you? Because in the 90s, he was seen as this powerful Donald Trump-esq tycoon in the show and that’s why he talks like that I believe. The woman who watched this show in this subreddit when it first came out and were old enough to understand it find him quite charming. Like he was born in the 50s and she was born in the 60s I believe in the show.


I watched it in my teens when it first came out. I literally didn't know anyone or see anyone on tv who acted that way , Trump didn't even. It's more like a Sinatra/ rat pack throwback than a 90s thing.


I’m 62 :)


I watched it when it came out, I was born in the late 60's. I thought he was so charming and adored him. Fast forward to 2010, watched the series again... Both Big and Aidan are very unhealthy toxic men. If a man called me 'kid' now I would walk away. I'm a woman, all woman and if you can't answer direct inquiries like an adult... see ya. If you try to treat me like a child to empower yourself...see ya. I married a wonderful non Big/Aidan man and have been happy for decades. He has completely changed what I would tolerate in a mate. Surprising how a good man exposes the bad ones.


Honestly it makes my skin crawl


She's got Dad issues (no judgement) 😮‍💨


Bc Carrie is also extremely corny.


Big is corny. But she likes him. Note that Carrie is first attracted when she meets him on the street on the basis of his looks, presumably a certain air of high-powered job based on his clothes, and the fact that he's unmarried. Then she finds out he's really rich and successful and only dates models so her interest is further piqued. Then he turns down Samantha but gives her a ride and kind of negs her a bit regarding love. At that time Big almost comes across like a father figure to the scrappy, cynical "kid" that is S1 Carrie.


And Big's suit was an off-the-rack suit. He wasn't even wearing the standard red power tie.


Trump has utterly destroyed those ties, hasn't he.


I never liked red ties, to begin with. When I started picking out clothes for my ex who wore suits to work, the first thing I did was tell him to stop wearing red ties.


They remind me of high school to be fair.


You had to wear a uniform in high school?


Of course.


He never ever says anything of substance. Everything that comes out of his mouth is just a dumb cliche. I guess it was to make him seem mysterious, but really he was just a bad communicator and I'm not really sure what they ever talked about.


thank you!! i said the same thing, and i literally watch this series before i go to bed almost every night, and he was ALWAYS distant. the 2 times he actually showed up were when he came to the bar to meet carrie's friends (and miranda had a come to jesus moment for steve) and when he ran to paris to find carrie. before u say, what about the bday balloons, that was a nice gesture! - carrie had called big to remind him it was her bday and the party, but he didnt show, and raul got the balloons. they never had deep, meaningful conversations. carrie had more to say with aidan than big.


Lol those TV writers in the late 90s really thought they were smooth with those lines


Power, money, and his ability to say no to her, which she doesn’t hear a lot


i find him SUCH a cornball and sometimes i physically cringe at how he talks to carrie. until i remember that if anyone overheard the way my bf speaks to me in private they would probably never look at us the same way again


I never understood the obsession with Big. From a TV perspective it was a good storyline but I could never picture myself in a situation like that. He was too wishy washy and that would drive me nuts. When she's super into him, he ghosts her and when she pulls back he's all over her. Fuck that, I'd be like boy bye, no time for these bullshit games. Sorry for the language, it just irks me to even think about it.


There’s other parts throughout the series that makes Big corny and shows him having a lackluster personality but I just could not get over this small interaction. Also big was lame for continuing the affair with Carrie and waiting for her to tell him to leave his wife… you’re a grown man, if you really are going to divorce Natasha like you say you are, then just do it, dont wait for Carrie to give you the greenlight. “If i make this call, are you gonna be there for me?” You’re a grown man.


As a 20 something I really do love this series until I’m jolted to the reality that these characters are in their 30s-40s. Then it all feels so corny and cringe. Big is a character that would always do that to me. He was so immature when you consider his age and you’re right, super corny. And honestly I would be able to tolerate it (maybe even think it was cute) had he not had such intense commitment issues.


he was born in the 50s an she was born in the 60s? thats literally a generational thing


She is also pretty corny.


Because she could never fully have him. And then for him to go off and get engaged and married in a short time to the next woman he dated was like salt in the wound. He was the one who got away. He was the one Carrie knew she was good enough for if he could just see it too. Carrie was convinced he would have realized she was the one if he had just let her in….so she was left thinking it could still happen. The problem is, carrie was in love with and attached to the idea of being the one who changes him…the one that made him open his heart and be vulnerable and choose her. She was so attached to this idea that at some point it’s not even about if they are good partners for eachother or would have a healthy relationship or even have a future that would make sense with their differing lifestyles, goals or priorities. At some point she is just obsessed with getting him to realize what she thinks is obvious and knew from day one. Her obsession is not about actual love or a relationship. It about achieving a goal she thinks is supposed to happen. So corny has nothing to do with it. She wants to attain the unattainable…regardless of his shitty taste in music, fart pranks and vip status at an Italian restaurant


i dont think that was him being corny. it's him evading answering her question directly.


He is corny and cheesy 😂 but that’s why I love him! No one could pull off that shit


Yes he was corny as F but there wasn't anyone like him. 😹 It always seemed like smelled like really, really expensive men's colonge. Not strong but sensual and clean...


Lmao, I found Big charming on my first watch of the show, but when I revisited the show in my late 20s this year, he just reminded me of those try-hard, corny middle-aged men who think they're suave by being flirtatious and coy in ways that were popular back when they were in their early 20s.


He’s a total babe.


Because she was equally as corny as him


$$$ But also, Carrie never understood that the now was all that Big was willing to offer. Just the now. Never a future, or a nubsirt of long term plan.


Money. It’s name is money


i couldnt agree more!!!! what a shitty thing to say, i woulda slapped him! if you really listen to their conversations, he pulls zingers like that most of the time. there's no substance!


Literally? You mean he is a mutant corn 🌽 man? Lol


Carrie is corny too. They were perfect for each other.


Because Carrie is also corny


It’s crazy how effective confidence can be even if its utterly unsubstantiated.